CDZ Which does the left wing hate more, the 1st or 2nd Amendment?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
David French makes the point that the left is going after the 1st Amendment and the 2nd Amendment.....

of course, the 1st Amendment is used to defend the 2nd Amendment so it too must go...but which one does the left hate more?

After Charlottesville, the First and Second Amendments Are Under Fire

White supremacists used virtually every form of weapon except guns, yet somehow the Second Amendment is now under fire. Even worse, those who lawfully exercise the right to keep and bear arms now have fewer defenders when they also choose to speak. It started with Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe. In remarks that were oddly enough edited out of a New York Times article, McAuliffe claimed that “80 percent of the people here had semiautomatic weapons.” He further asserted that militia members “had better equipment than our state police.” He also said that white supremacists had weapons “stashed around the city.”


The Virginia state police disputed the governor’s claims, stating that they’d specifically looked for weapons stashes and “no weapons were located.” Further, they assured the public that they were not outgunned by militias. A spokesperson said the police “were equipped with more-than-adequate specialized tactical and protective gear for the purpose of fulfilling their duties” to protect the people present at the protests. No matter. Claims that gun-toting militia members had somehow “chilled” free speech rocketed around the Web. Yet who, exactly, was deterred from speaking last weekend? Not only were people “speaking,” they were shrieking, chanting, yelling, and arguing. Few were deterred even from brawling.


Then, yesterday, a more significant shoe dropped. The Wall Street Journal reported that the American Civil Liberties Union “will no longer defend hate groups seeking to march with firearms.” In other words, the group’s anti-gun stance is now directly influencing its First Amendment advocacy. It’s executive director, Anthony Romero, told the Journal that the decision “was in keeping with a 2015 policy adopted by the ACLU’s national board in support of ‘reasonable’ firearm regulation.”
I dont think they are consistent enough to have a "top"
They just flow with the wind breeze. "lemmings" if you will
David French makes the point that the left is going after the 1st Amendment and the 2nd Amendment.....

of course, the 1st Amendment is used to defend the 2nd Amendment so it too must go...but which one does the left hate more?

After Charlottesville, the First and Second Amendments Are Under Fire

White supremacists used virtually every form of weapon except guns, yet somehow the Second Amendment is now under fire. Even worse, those who lawfully exercise the right to keep and bear arms now have fewer defenders when they also choose to speak. It started with Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe. In remarks that were oddly enough edited out of a New York Times article, McAuliffe claimed that “80 percent of the people here had semiautomatic weapons.” He further asserted that militia members “had better equipment than our state police.” He also said that white supremacists had weapons “stashed around the city.”


The Virginia state police disputed the governor’s claims, stating that they’d specifically looked for weapons stashes and “no weapons were located.” Further, they assured the public that they were not outgunned by militias. A spokesperson said the police “were equipped with more-than-adequate specialized tactical and protective gear for the purpose of fulfilling their duties” to protect the people present at the protests. No matter. Claims that gun-toting militia members had somehow “chilled” free speech rocketed around the Web. Yet who, exactly, was deterred from speaking last weekend? Not only were people “speaking,” they were shrieking, chanting, yelling, and arguing. Few were deterred even from brawling.


Then, yesterday, a more significant shoe dropped. The Wall Street Journal reported that the American Civil Liberties Union “will no longer defend hate groups seeking to march with firearms.” In other words, the group’s anti-gun stance is now directly influencing its First Amendment advocacy. It’s executive director, Anthony Romero, told the Journal that the decision “was in keeping with a 2015 policy adopted by the ACLU’s national board in support of ‘reasonable’ firearm regulation.”

They hate freedom of speech because with that right tjey can not control the conversation.

They hate the right to bear arms because a armed public prevent them from overthrowing the Republic we live in...

So they hate them both equally when it come to the Trotsky type of voter...
David French makes the point that the left is going after the 1st Amendment and the 2nd Amendment.....

of course, the 1st Amendment is used to defend the 2nd Amendment so it too must go...but which one does the left hate more?

After Charlottesville, the First and Second Amendments Are Under Fire

White supremacists used virtually every form of weapon except guns, yet somehow the Second Amendment is now under fire. Even worse, those who lawfully exercise the right to keep and bear arms now have fewer defenders when they also choose to speak. It started with Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe. In remarks that were oddly enough edited out of a New York Times article, McAuliffe claimed that “80 percent of the people here had semiautomatic weapons.” He further asserted that militia members “had better equipment than our state police.” He also said that white supremacists had weapons “stashed around the city.”


The Virginia state police disputed the governor’s claims, stating that they’d specifically looked for weapons stashes and “no weapons were located.” Further, they assured the public that they were not outgunned by militias. A spokesperson said the police “were equipped with more-than-adequate specialized tactical and protective gear for the purpose of fulfilling their duties” to protect the people present at the protests. No matter. Claims that gun-toting militia members had somehow “chilled” free speech rocketed around the Web. Yet who, exactly, was deterred from speaking last weekend? Not only were people “speaking,” they were shrieking, chanting, yelling, and arguing. Few were deterred even from brawling.


Then, yesterday, a more significant shoe dropped. The Wall Street Journal reported that the American Civil Liberties Union “will no longer defend hate groups seeking to march with firearms.” In other words, the group’s anti-gun stance is now directly influencing its First Amendment advocacy. It’s executive director, Anthony Romero, told the Journal that the decision “was in keeping with a 2015 policy adopted by the ACLU’s national board in support of ‘reasonable’ firearm regulation.”

They hate freedom of speech because with that right tjey can not control the conversation.

They hate the right to bear arms because a armed public prevent them from overthrowing the Republic we live in...

So they hate them both equally when it come to the Trotsky type of voter... is hard to commit genocide, ethnic cleansing and mass murder when your victims can shoot back.....
The conservatives may not like the first as it allows us to tell the truth and as for the second they are the ones who live in fear because they can not make friends.
The conservatives may not like the first as it allows us to tell the truth and as for the second they are the ones who live in fear because they can not make friends.

The only ones defending freedom of speech for everyone are the Conservatives ..... the ACLU the left wing group now say they won't.......the last fig leaf of the left lie about defending civil rights has dropped...showing them as vulgar monsters.....
The very conservative Nazis just murdered a woman, and organized a massive attack on peaceful protestors. And most of the conservatives here adore them for both.

The two sides are totally different. The conservatives are fascist Constitution-rapers, while the liberals are defenders of democracy and the Constitution.

The whole nation sees that now. Conservative propaganda has failed wretchedly in the real world. That's why they have to retreat here and cry in their little fascist SafeSpace.
The only ones defending freedom of speech for everyone are the Conservatives .....

Then why are you cheerleading Nazis when they attack peaceful protestors? It's because you want free speech shut down.

the ACLU the left wing group now say they won't.......

No, you're lying about that. The ACLU says they won't defend the right of armed groups to attack people in order to silence them. That is, they're defending free speech by refusing to defend those who attack free speech. If you want the ACLU's help, you have to swear off violence. You won't, because you endorse the violence.
The very conservative Nazis just murdered a woman, and organized a massive attack on peaceful protestors. And most of the conservatives here adore them for both.

The two sides are totally different. The conservatives are fascist Constitution-rapers, while the liberals are defenders of democracy and the Constitution.

The whole nation sees that now. Conservative propaganda has failed wretchedly in the real world. That's why they have to retreat here and cry in their little fascist SafeSpace.
very poor spin on yuor part.

One guy who was definitely a conservative ( which does not mean nazi ) brutally attacked some people and killed a woman. You only stated a partial truth.

The rest of the white nationalists had some nazis and white supremacists mixed in but they were their to peacefully demonstrate it was the left wingers who came to fight and picked the fight and began the violence.

Conservatives are not fascists. Antifa is more akin to fascists and antifa is left wing.

Liberals in the classical sense gave us the constitution but modern liberals disdain it and do not support it. You are out of touch with what the whole world thinks and sees.

yes there was violence on both sides but your pathetic dishonest spin ignores the hatred and violence of your political brethren.
The very conservative Nazis just murdered a woman, and organized a massive attack on peaceful protestors. And most of the conservatives here adore them for both.

The two sides are totally different. The conservatives are fascist Constitution-rapers, while the liberals are defenders of democracy and the Constitution.

The whole nation sees that now. Conservative propaganda has failed wretchedly in the real world. That's why they have to retreat here and cry in their little fascist SafeSpace.

national socialists aren't conservatives....they are left wingers...they are racists.....they want big government, none of those things has anything to do with American Conservatism...they are the enemies of American Conservatism....

The left wing ACLU just stated they will no longer defend the freedom of speech of left wing socialists.....the antifa thugs stop free speech on college campuses......the Democrat party paid scot foval and bob craemer to incite violence at Trump rallies to silence their free speech...

The left hates free speech.
The very conservative Nazis just murdered a woman, and organized a massive attack on peaceful protestors. And most of the conservatives here adore them for both.

The two sides are totally different. The conservatives are fascist Constitution-rapers, while the liberals are defenders of democracy and the Constitution.

The whole nation sees that now. Conservative propaganda has failed wretchedly in the real world. That's why they have to retreat here and cry in their little fascist SafeSpace.
very poor spin on yuor part.

One guy who was definitely a conservative ( which does not mean nazi ) brutally attacked some people and killed a woman. You only stated a partial truth.

The rest of the white nationalists had some nazis and white supremacists mixed in but they were their to peacefully demonstrate it was the left wingers who came to fight and picked the fight and began the violence.

Conservatives are not fascists. Antifa is more akin to fascists and antifa is left wing.

Liberals in the classical sense gave us the constitution but modern liberals disdain it and do not support it. You are out of touch with what the whole world thinks and sees.

yes there was violence on both sides but your pathetic dishonest spin ignores the hatred and violence of your political brethren.

The guy who killed the girl was not a conservative....he was a socialist on the 1930s German model of national socialism...which is as far as you can get from American Conservatism ....the exact opposites.

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