Which cities will be under water in 100 years?

As I wrote above, responsible people and responsible elected officials plan for the worst case scenario:

Lucky for the urban dwellers elected officials from both sides of the aisle (but not the fringe) are planning for the future.

SFBCDC - San Francisco Bay Scenarios for Sea Level Rise Index Map


Responsible elected officials and eyes wide open citizens are planning for the next generations needs. The "I got mine, fuck the rest of you (alive today or in the future) crowd, care not.

Luckily, its the poor, middle and working classes who will lose their homes and their livelihoods. The 1% will be fine.
As I wrote above, responsible people and responsible elected officials plan for the worst case scenario:

Lucky for the urban dwellers elected officials from both sides of the aisle (but not the fringe) are planning for the future.

SFBCDC - San Francisco Bay Scenarios for Sea Level Rise Index Map


Responsible elected officials and eyes wide open citizens are planning for the next generations needs. The "I got mine, fuck the rest of you (alive today or in the future) crowd, care not.

Luckily, its the poor, middle and working classes who will lose their homes and their livelihoods. The 1% will be fine.

Yeah because sea levels won't affect you if you are rich right? Plus it's the poor and middle class that owns property on the beaches and dunes right?

You are truly a dumbass.
As I wrote above, responsible people and responsible elected officials plan for the worst case scenario:

Lucky for the urban dwellers elected officials from both sides of the aisle (but not the fringe) are planning for the future.

SFBCDC - San Francisco Bay Scenarios for Sea Level Rise Index Map


Responsible elected officials and eyes wide open citizens are planning for the next generations needs. The "I got mine, fuck the rest of you (alive today or in the future) crowd, care not.

Luckily, its the poor, middle and working classes who will lose their homes and their livelihoods. The 1% will be fine.

And yet, there are loads of the 1% who have beachfront property. Al Gore himself...the main PROPHET OF DOOM, bought beachfront property in Montecito. Yet another inconvenient truth....
Maybe we could compromise. Just burn enough coal to take out LA and San Francisco.

Its not just coal and your SUV.

Our meat and palm oil diet is what will take us down.

So you watched that crappy "shockumentary" eh??? I only lasted thru the 1st 20 minutes.
Planting Palm Trees is not the WORST thing you can do for the planet.. But hiring 4 big-time actors to PLAY at science and look dramatic ---- IS ....................................
As I wrote above, responsible people and responsible elected officials plan for the worst case scenario:

Lucky for the urban dwellers elected officials from both sides of the aisle (but not the fringe) are planning for the future.

SFBCDC - San Francisco Bay Scenarios for Sea Level Rise Index Map


Responsible elected officials and eyes wide open citizens are planning for the next generations needs. The "I got mine, fuck the rest of you (alive today or in the future) crowd, care not.

Luckily, its the poor, middle and working classes who will lose their homes and their livelihoods. The 1% will be fine.
And yet, there are loads of the 1% who have beachfront property. Al Gore himself...the main PROPHET OF DOOM, bought beachfront property in Montecito. Yet another inconvenient truth....


Former VP Gore's house is in the foothills above Montecito, about 1200 feet above sea level. It's an 'ocean view house', nitwit, not "beachfront property". Yet another example of how gullible and brainwashed you denier cult retards really are.
We must stop government flood insurance before it bankrupts us all.

Insurance broker (in my extended family) in Eastern Massachusetts reports he has a client with a house valued at $250,000 for tax purposes who last year paid $2,000 for flood insurance but this year lowest price he could get was $95,000. He can't afford to pay both the mortgage and insurance to keep the mortgage so he's coming to grips with the need to just stop paying both and live in the house until he's evicted. That could take some time because the lender will quickly find out that the house is unsaleable. It's due to an evil combination of rate increases and a redrawn flood plain map.
What city goes under? That's easy. Miami. Not deep under water, but regular tidal flooding of a meter over street level is all it takes to make it uninhabitable. Either Miami transforms into Venice, or large portions of it have to be abandoned.

No, floodwalls won't help. It sits on porous limestone. The water will be coming up from below as well.
We must stop government flood insurance before it bankrupts us all.

Insurance broker (in my extended family) in Eastern Massachusetts reports he has a client with a house valued at $250,000 for tax purposes who last year paid $2,000 for flood insurance but this year lowest price he could get was $95,000. He can't afford to pay both the mortgage and insurance to keep the mortgage so he's coming to grips with the need to just stop paying both and live in the house until he's evicted. That could take some time because the lender will quickly find out that the house is unsaleable. It's due to an evil combination of rate increases and a redrawn flood plain map.

Nothing evil about everyone paying fair market price for flood insurance or mortgages. What is evil was government taking my tax dollars to rebuild coastal homes every 5 years. Why should he get a free new home every 5 years while I live in a shack to pay his insurance bill? If you want to live in a flood zone, build on a barge, stilts or save money & pay for your own house. Don't barrow from government backed lenders or make tax payers pay your insurance bill.
Luckily, its the poor, middle and working classes who will lose their homes and their livelihoods. The 1% will be fine.
And yet, there are loads of the 1% who have beachfront property. Al Gore himself...the main PROPHET OF DOOM, bought beachfront property in Montecito. Yet another inconvenient truth....


Former VP Gore's house is in the foothills above Montecito, about 1200 feet above sea level. It's an 'ocean view house', nitwit, not "beachfront property". Yet another example of how gullible and brainwashed you denier cult retards really are.

1200 feet huh. Might want to check that, it is indeed in the foothills but it's a long way from 1200 feet up. Looking at a topo map of the area he is between 350 and 450 in elevation. Guess you never bothered to learn how to read a map eh dullard?:lol:
And yet, there are loads of the 1% who have beachfront property. Al Gore himself...the main PROPHET OF DOOM, bought beachfront property in Montecito. Yet another inconvenient truth....


Former VP Gore's house is in the foothills above Montecito, about 1200 feet above sea level. It's an 'ocean view house', nitwit, not "beachfront property". Yet another example of how gullible and brainwashed you denier cult retards really are.
1200 feet huh. Might want to check that, it is indeed in the foothills but it's a long way from 1200 feet up. Looking at a topo map of the area he is between 350 and 450 in elevation. Guess you never bothered to learn how to read a map eh dullard?
LOLOLOLOLOL......hilarious how you change your story, walleyed, and destroy your own cultic myth......first it was you parroting the denier cult myth that VP Gore must be a hypocrite for buying "beachfront property",
"Al Gore himself bought beachfront property in Montecito."
now you admit that his house is at least 350 to 450 feet in elevation
"Looking at a topo map of the area he is between 350 and 450 in elevation."
.......LOLOLOLOLOLOL.......you are such a hypocrite.....

Former VP Gore's house is in the foothills above Montecito, about 1200 feet above sea level. It's an 'ocean view house', nitwit, not "beachfront property". Yet another example of how gullible and brainwashed you denier cult retards really are.
1200 feet huh. Might want to check that, it is indeed in the foothills but it's a long way from 1200 feet up. Looking at a topo map of the area he is between 350 and 450 in elevation. Guess you never bothered to learn how to read a map eh dullard?
LOLOLOLOLOL......hilarious how you change your story, walleyed, and destroy your own cultic myth......first it was you parroting the denier cult myth that VP Gore must be a hypocrite for buying "beachfront property",
"Al Gore himself bought beachfront property in Montecito."
now you admit that his house is at least 350 to 450 feet in elevation
"Looking at a topo map of the area he is between 350 and 450 in elevation."
.......LOLOLOLOLOLOL.......you are such a hypocrite.....

Moonbat returns
Let's prioritize this stuff.

I aint going to stop eating meat
I aint going to stop driving a car around
I aint going to stop turning on the lights and playing on my computer

I believe 95% of our society will agree with me.

You left out
I ain't going to turn off my heat.
I ain't going to turn off my air conditioning.
I ain't going to turn off my refrigerator.
I ain't going to turn off my freezer.
I ain't going to drink warm drinks without ice.

Former VP Gore's house is in the foothills above Montecito, about 1200 feet above sea level. It's an 'ocean view house', nitwit, not "beachfront property". Yet another example of how gullible and brainwashed you denier cult retards really are.
1200 feet huh. Might want to check that, it is indeed in the foothills but it's a long way from 1200 feet up. Looking at a topo map of the area he is between 350 and 450 in elevation. Guess you never bothered to learn how to read a map eh dullard?
LOLOLOLOLOL......hilarious how you change your story, walleyed, and destroy your own cultic myth......first it was you parroting the denier cult myth that VP Gore must be a hypocrite for buying "beachfront property",
"Al Gore himself bought beachfront property in Montecito."
now you admit that his house is at least 350 to 450 feet in elevation
"Looking at a topo map of the area he is between 350 and 450 in elevation."
.......LOLOLOLOLOLOL.......you are such a hypocrite.....

Hey, I was relying on the accuracy of the Huffpo article!:lol::lol: It's not my fault they suck at reporting! I didn't "change" my story either. You said I was wrong so I checked it and discovered that you were indeed correct that it wasn't beachfront property, so I ACKNOWLEDGED that you were correct about it being in the foothills, but that you were totally wrong as to its elevation.

It's not my fault you're too stupid to read a topo map correctly.

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