Where's Palin outrage on radio talk show?


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
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Palin's responses on radio talk show very unbecoming: Comment | adn.com

You know, after all the fuzz the McCain campaign brought up about the "Pig with Lipstick" comment, this seems to be irony at it's best.

I wonder what would of happened if one Barack Obama or Joe Biden had stayed on such a radio talk show when these comments were made?

I don't buy it. Early on in the conversation before Palin started to crack up, Lester referred to Sen. Green as a jealous woman and a cancer. Palin, who knows full well Lyda Green is a cancer survivor, didn't do what any decent person would do, say, "Bob, that's going too far."

But as the conversation moved on, Lester intensified his attack on Green.

Lester questioned Green's motherhood, asking Palin if the senator cares about her own kids. Palin laughs.

Then Lester clearly sets the stage for what he is about to say by warning his large audience and Palin. He says, "Governor you can't say this but I will, Lyda Green is a cancer and a b----." Palin laughs for the second time.

There is way too much disgust from Sarah Palin in this appearance on the radio talk show to even post on here, otherwise I might as well post the whole article.

It's a good read, that much I will say.
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Palin's responses on radio talk show very unbecoming: Comment | adn.com

You know, after all the fuzz the McCain campaign brought up about the "Pig with Lipstick" comment, this seems to irony at it's best.

I wonder what would of happened if one Barack Obama or Joe Biden had stayed on such a radio talk show when these comments were made?

There is way too much disgust from Sarah Palin in this appearance on the radio talk show to even post on here, otherwise I might as well post the whole article.

It's a good read, that much I will say.
The best part is the repugs keep trying to say Obama's comment was sexist even though it has been proven not by all the fact checkers!
The best part is the repugs keep trying to say Obama's comment was sexist even though it has been proven not by all the fact checkers!

It's dirty on all sides--if you truly find it disgusting--don't contribute to it.

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