Where would you place me ideologically/politically


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
On the left-right spectrum, or liberal-conservative etc.

Here a bit about my views.

#I believe in racial equality and would call myself anti-racist and anti-fascist, but Im not a anti-white racist, for example some students demanded that there is a day on campus without white people and they call it safe space, I think thats racist, What if whites demandend the same like a day without POC only for whites? So Im for true racial equality but not for hidden anti-white racism.
#I believe in God and would like to see christianity as state religion and the Bible like ten commandments as tenet of the judiciary system and christian morals as tenet of society. Im pro-family, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage.
#I believe in Global Warming and in Nature Protection, so Im a bit "Green", I also believe in animal-rights
#I believe in welfare for the truely socially disadvantaged and benefits like housing benefits or health care benefits for the socially weak who otherwise would be homeless or dead.
#I believe in free market economy but some things should be nationalised like national rail road, water sources, national parks, etc. some important things.
#I believe that gun rights should be allowed but restricted to mentally sane adults who have a clear history of being law abiding citizens and not violent etc.

Ok if you want to know anything else or more in detail before you make up your mind, tell me.
On the left-right spectrum, or liberal-conservative etc.

Here a bit about my views.

#I believe in racial equality and would call myself anti-racist and anti-fascist, but Im not a anti-white racist, for example some students demanded that there is a day on campus without white people and they call it safe space, I think thats racist, What if whites demandend the same like a day without POC only for whites? So Im for true racial equality but not for hidden anti-white racism.
#I believe in God and would like to see christianity as state religion and the Bible like ten commandments as tenet of the judiciary system and christian morals as tenet of society. Im pro-family, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage.
#I believe in Global Warming and in Nature Protection, so Im a bit "Green", I also believe in animal-rights
#I believe in welfare for the truely socially disadvantaged and benefits like housing benefits or health care benefits for the socially weak who otherwise would be homeless or dead.
#I believe in free market economy but some things should be nationalised like national rail road, water sources, national parks, etc. some important things.
#I believe that gun rights should be allowed but restricted to mentally sane adults who have a clear history of being law abiding citizens and not violent etc.

Ok if you want to know anything else or more in detail before you make up your mind, tell me.


Hey, you asked. I provided.
Where would you place me ideologically/politically

I probably wouldn't place you on such a continuum. I wouldn't because more important than the label I or others might assign are the views themselves, label be damned. What's far more important than any such appellation, however, is the intellectual integrity and rigor, completeness and cogency with which you challenge, develop and present your views, both in forming them and when they come under direct and indirect scrutiny.
On the left-right spectrum, or liberal-conservative etc.

Here a bit about my views.

#I believe in racial equality and would call myself anti-racist and anti-fascist, but Im not a anti-white racist, for example some students demanded that there is a day on campus without white people and they call it safe space, I think thats racist, What if whites demandend the same like a day without POC only for whites? So Im for true racial equality but not for hidden anti-white racism.
#I believe in God and would like to see christianity as state religion and the Bible like ten commandments as tenet of the judiciary system and christian morals as tenet of society. Im pro-family, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage.
#I believe in Global Warming and in Nature Protection, so Im a bit "Green", I also believe in animal-rights
#I believe in welfare for the truely socially disadvantaged and benefits like housing benefits or health care benefits for the socially weak who otherwise would be homeless or dead.
#I believe in free market economy but some things should be nationalised like national rail road, water sources, national parks, etc. some important things.
#I believe that gun rights should be allowed but restricted to mentally sane adults who have a clear history of being law abiding citizens and not violent etc.

Ok if you want to know anything else or more in detail before you make up your mind, tell me.

Why do you give a fetid dingo's kidney how strangers identify you, politically or otherwise? It's only important where you place yourself.
On the left-right spectrum, or liberal-conservative etc.

Here a bit about my views.

#I believe in racial equality and would call myself anti-racist and anti-fascist, but Im not a anti-white racist, for example some students demanded that there is a day on campus without white people and they call it safe space, I think thats racist, What if whites demandend the same like a day without POC only for whites? So Im for true racial equality but not for hidden anti-white racism.
#I believe in God and would like to see christianity as state religion and the Bible like ten commandments as tenet of the judiciary system and christian morals as tenet of society. Im pro-family, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage.
#I believe in Global Warming and in Nature Protection, so Im a bit "Green", I also believe in animal-rights
#I believe in welfare for the truely socially disadvantaged and benefits like housing benefits or health care benefits for the socially weak who otherwise would be homeless or dead.
#I believe in free market economy but some things should be nationalised like national rail road, water sources, national parks, etc. some important things.
#I believe that gun rights should be allowed but restricted to mentally sane adults who have a clear history of being law abiding citizens and not violent etc.

Ok if you want to know anything else or more in detail before you make up your mind, tell me.

You are right of center and definitely conservative. Congratulations and welcome! But you are not hard right as you actually let morality and ethics sway you ahead of just pure profit and dollar bills. You are well-poised to see the hypocrisy of liberals while still not entirely not disagreeing with them on certain issues like the environment, so you will relate to many on most issues.

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