Where Is The Common Ground?


Active Member
Sep 1, 2005
Murrayville, Ga
I think we have all became selfish in the sense that we have become very close minded politically. Reading through the items today the bickering jumps out! True indeed is the fact that there will always be differences of opinion however I see the problems in DC reflective here on our pages of debate as well. Where is our common ground? Should we not begin there from time to time so thst we can reaffirm the fact that we are on the same team?

What if we were attacked by an alien nation from another universe? How long would it take for us to put down our greivances and defend our earth, TOGETHER? Would we be prepared?

In the early years of our nation and before it's inception a small few visionaries also held regular arguments of debate about how to accomplish the same objective. Ironically after independence from England our unity was soon split into "parties". The Fedarlists (today's Dem's) led by John Adams were at odds with Thomas Jefferson (formerly JA's best friend) and the Jeffersonians (Republicans). John Adams against even his own party members refused to go to war against france as TJ would have preferred. As we all know it cost JA his re-election and therefore led to TJ becoming the third Pres. They had once been the best of friends, they served together in France as diplomats and were partners in the early years willing to defy the Brits together with other early year heros and risk the gallos to accomplish their objective. They had common ground and common goals. It was not until the disagreement over foriegn policy that seperated them later that the relationship began to falter. What if they could have remained united?

It is true irony indeed that both men died on the very same day years later. Even more ironic was the fact that they died on July 4 exactly 50 years after the date of the Declaration of Independance signing. A few days earlier TJ had penned the document at the instruction of JA who deferred to him because of TJ's superior skills which JA admitted to him as he instruted him to write it.

As we all remember TJ was victorious over JA preventing him from a second term. He also lived to apologize to JA and admit to him he was wrong in his philosophy about France and the war. JA suffered political demise in holding steadfast to his non war beliefs and even failed to gain support from within his own party. Like that group of men who shaped your life in that little room in Philidelphia he held his guns even when it meant unpopularity.

In their later years JA and TJ wrote to one another and became friends again through correspondance. JA's last words as he died that afternoon was TJ still lives. You see JA had become fond of many of the items on TJ's platform by which he initially thopught were wrong and TJ admittedly had done the same.

What if they somehow could have tried a little harder while they were both able and influencial to find Common Ground in their beliefs?

Both sides certainly cannot be right all the time! How do we find the strength to compromise when it is required and the fortitude to know it is the right thing to do at the time.

You may note that in my small contribution to this thing I do at times act a horses ass. I make fun of Teddy, I cuss too much and I do tend to lean right but I NEVER namecall my fellow visitors to the site. I do not argue, I debate!
It would be nice to see some of you folks do the same? :usa:
Emmett said:
I think we have all became selfish in the sense that we have become very close minded politically. Reading through the items today the bickering jumps out! True indeed is the fact that there will always be differences of opinion however I see the problems in DC reflective here on our pages of debate as well. Where is our common ground? Should we not begin there from time to time so thst we can reaffirm the fact that we are on the same team?

What if we were attacked by an alien nation from another universe? How long would it take for us to put down our greivances and defend our earth, TOGETHER? Would we be prepared?

In the early years of our nation and before it's inception a small few visionaries also held regular arguments of debate about how to accomplish the same objective. Ironically after independence from England our unity was soon split into "parties". The Fedarlists (today's Dem's) led by John Adams were at odds with Thomas Jefferson (formerly JA's best friend) and the Jeffersonians (Republicans). John Adams against even his own party members refused to go to war against france as TJ would have preferred. As we all know it cost JA his re-election and therefore led to TJ becoming the third Pres. They had once been the best of friends, they served together in France as diplomats and were partners in the early years willing to defy the Brits together with other early year heros and risk the gallos to accomplish their objective. They had common ground and common goals. It was not until the disagreement over foriegn policy that seperated them later that the relationship began to falter. What if they could have remained united?

It is true irony indeed that both men died on the very same day years later. Even more ironic was the fact that they died on July 4 exactly 50 years after the date of the Declaration of Independance signing. A few days earlier TJ had penned the document at the instruction of JA who deferred to him because of TJ's superior skills which JA admitted to him as he instruted him to write it.

As we all remember TJ was victorious over JA preventing him from a second term. He also lived to apologize to JA and admit to him he was wrong in his philosophy about France and the war. JA suffered political demise in holding steadfast to his non war beliefs and even failed to gain support from within his own party. Like that group of men who shaped your life in that little room in Philidelphia he held his guns even when it meant unpopularity.

In their later years JA and TJ wrote to one another and became friends again through correspondance. JA's last words as he died that afternoon was TJ still lives. You see JA had become fond of many of the items on TJ's platform by which he initially thopught were wrong and TJ admittedly had done the same.

What if they somehow could have tried a little harder while they were both able and influencial to find Common Ground in their beliefs?

Both sides certainly cannot be right all the time! How do we find the strength to compromise when it is required and the fortitude to know it is the right thing to do at the time.

You may note that in my small contribution to this thing I do at times act a horses ass. I make fun of Teddy, I cuss too much and I do tend to lean right but I NEVER namecall my fellow visitors to the site. I do not argue, I debate!
It would be nice to see some of you folks do the same? :usa:

Hey, we agree! I think in some ways it's like my *shudder* 7th grade class. These kids do not seem awful, one-on-one, but as a group? :wtf: :shocked: So it seems here, I've had some great pm's and late night posting back and forth with liberals, but for some reason, perhaps the numbers of conservative? It becomes nasty at times. This seems one of those days.
Todays climate is alittle different then that of the old. The media is the #1 problem with politics today. Not just the bias but the amount of scrutiny placed on every microcasm of every politician leads to so much second guessing and policitcal games of one upsmanship over the most retarded things. Like how often have we heard about president Bush's inability to speak well? He makes about 200 to 300 televised speeches a year and probably double that are only reported in the papers the next day. Every single word he says is maganified 1000 fold. So instead of hearing the substance, we hear how he screwed up on a word's pronunciation and then thats emphasized by the media as the substance. So a watching public bases a political opinion upon style and not on whether or not a person is a good leader.

To these politicians of today its all a means to an ends and the ends is money, so all means are justified. Thats why you have such vile between parties and ideals. The one in power gets to sway the train of thought. The ones out of power lose out on the molding of the minds and therefore lose out on more money.
Emmett said:
I think we have all became selfish in the sense that we have become very close minded politically. Reading through the items today the bickering jumps out! True indeed is the fact that there will always be differences of opinion however I see the problems in DC reflective here on our pages of debate as well. Where is our common ground? Should we not begin there from time to time so thst we can reaffirm the fact that we are on the same team?

What if we were attacked by an alien nation from another universe? How long would it take for us to put down our greivances and defend our earth, TOGETHER? Would we be prepared?

In the early years of our nation and before it's inception a small few visionaries also held regular arguments of debate about how to accomplish the same objective. Ironically after independence from England our unity was soon split into "parties". The Fedarlists (today's Dem's) led by John Adams were at odds with Thomas Jefferson (formerly JA's best friend) and the Jeffersonians (Republicans). John Adams against even his own party members refused to go to war against france as TJ would have preferred. As we all know it cost JA his re-election and therefore led to TJ becoming the third Pres. They had once been the best of friends, they served together in France as diplomats and were partners in the early years willing to defy the Brits together with other early year heros and risk the gallos to accomplish their objective. They had common ground and common goals. It was not until the disagreement over foriegn policy that seperated them later that the relationship began to falter. What if they could have remained united?

It is true irony indeed that both men died on the very same day years later. Even more ironic was the fact that they died on July 4 exactly 50 years after the date of the Declaration of Independance signing. A few days earlier TJ had penned the document at the instruction of JA who deferred to him because of TJ's superior skills which JA admitted to him as he instruted him to write it.

As we all remember TJ was victorious over JA preventing him from a second term. He also lived to apologize to JA and admit to him he was wrong in his philosophy about France and the war. JA suffered political demise in holding steadfast to his non war beliefs and even failed to gain support from within his own party. Like that group of men who shaped your life in that little room in Philidelphia he held his guns even when it meant unpopularity.

In their later years JA and TJ wrote to one another and became friends again through correspondance. JA's last words as he died that afternoon was TJ still lives. You see JA had become fond of many of the items on TJ's platform by which he initially thopught were wrong and TJ admittedly had done the same.

What if they somehow could have tried a little harder while they were both able and influencial to find Common Ground in their beliefs?

Both sides certainly cannot be right all the time! How do we find the strength to compromise when it is required and the fortitude to know it is the right thing to do at the time.

You may note that in my small contribution to this thing I do at times act a horses ass. I make fun of Teddy, I cuss too much and I do tend to lean right but I NEVER namecall my fellow visitors to the site. I do not argue, I debate!
It would be nice to see some of you folks do the same? :usa:

You are absolutely correct in what you are saying. I agree...if we are invaded by aliens tomorrow, how do we face them? As Conservatives and Liberals? Or as Americans?

I am not saying this to put anyone down or make myself feel better, but what I've noticed is that many people here (cough, cough the conservatives cough cough) seem to be very narrow-minded in their approach. Also, many liberals tend to be overbearing. Now I don't know everything and I don't claim to be better than anyone else, but I just wish some people would listen and think before they prematurely jump the gun.
I would agree that I think the media has a lot to do with it. I also believe that the politicians have been playing us for many years...and are very, very skilled at what they do.

They know that if they keep us focused on divisive issues that really aren't crucial to the nation they can abuse their power and stay in power.
Noone likes to admit that they are wrong. I don't know if that is a RP-DP thing but it seems to be so with both. I can't remember where it was last night I was reading some attacks on Gunny that seemed a bit disrespectful and before long Gunny's temper got up and he was right in there with it!

Today Powerman and rightwng and someone else were getting iton pretty good and accomplished nothing really except to insult one another.

I realize that no great masses are being influenced here and that our writings won't end up in the Smithsonian however I feel stairs are climbed one step at a time. When we resort to namecalling and rhetoric we devalue our argument. In doing so a casual r4eader may not return. This WILL affect our causes in small increments.

I have throughal;ly enjoyed visiting, it is a good vehicle for me out here on the road where isolation can be prevelant at times. There are a few of you good folks whom I look forward to seeing what you have written. I obviously am no great writer and most of my political education comes from media, tsalk shows, news and studying history on my own. When you drive a truck you hear alot of talk. I find most to be Prop work and biased. I don't subscribe to much of it. I do however get alot from this site do to the fact that we are just reg folks chatting about the items of the day.

I am frustrated with the politics of today. We seem so bitter and the agenda items so different from yesteryear. My grandpa would roll in his grave to think we actually debate in the US Senate .................gay rights. Right to what? I don't want to hurt anyones feelings but what is it they want rights to. Now while I feel passionate about this I try my best to think how I can relay my message and still be respectful of my fellow man. I cannot imagine what it is that gays want that they don't already have. They have the right to free speech, the right to assemble and march down the street in front of my grandchildren bringing a message I personally don't wanr them to see, they have the right to be considered a special group if a crime is committed against them and every other right I have and a couple more I don't have. I don't agree with this but I will not stoop to a tactic other than expressing my opinion as strongly as my dignity will allow and hope that the message is picked up by persons who will care enough to reverb that stance to others so they are kept in check. To me, that is all I can do! I say this for the example that since this is the issue that bothers me most about todays society I can debate it without passion taking me to a level of disrespect. Now a Gay will refer to me as Homophobic simply because I don't approve of their lifestyle and rant and rave about one thing then another but I still don't get mad enough to name call because I want to upper hand in my own mind feeling that I am right and don;t have to do that in order to think so.

I will continue to make fun of that murdering bastard from Mass.

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