Where Is Palestine?


Maybe the states surrounding Israel should begin to move in and occupy parts of Israel and claim that this is necessary too.

There is buckets of evidence that Israeli nationalists want to expand Israel's "borders" seize more and more territory.
Post #19 says, I quote:

"...the Zionist leadership publicly accepted the UN's 1947 Partition Plan, which established the borders of Israel."

So, yes, you did make such a statement. UNGA Resolutions do not create borders.
Lawrence’s Newsletter

The ‘Palestinian People’ do not exist.
Lawrence Neuman
May 05, 2024
The ‘Palestinian People’ do not exist. read this excellent article .

The ‘Palestinian People’: A Brief History


The “Palestinian people” first came into existence in 1964, at the suggestion of the KGB, and then the phrase really took off after the Arabs’ defeat in the Six-Day War in 1967, when it was deemed necessary to reframe the Arab-Israeli conflict. No longer would that conflict be seen by the world as a gang-up by nearly two dozen Arab countries on a single, small Jewish state, hardly discernible on a world map. Now it was presented as a war of “national liberation” by the “Palestinian people,” who had been, so the Arabs insisted, cruelly dispossessed of their land by Jews. Zuheir Mohsen, the head of the “Palestinian” terror group As Saiqa, and a member of the PLO executive committee, famously told an interviewer for the Dutch newspaper Trouw in 1977 that “The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons.”

David Feinstein recapitulates the history of the term “Palestinian people” here: “I am a Palestinian – opinion,” by David Feinstein, Jerusalem Post, May 2, 2024:

The term “Palestinian” today refers to the Arab population living in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), east Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. By adopting this name, there is an implication that these people have been linked somehow to this land for thousands of years; that is, these Palestinians have deep roots in the land – which is certainly not the case.

The term “Palestinian” is derived from the word ‘Philistine.” The Philistines (of whom Goliath was one) were a sea-faring people who likely originated in Crete and invaded the coastal strip [of what is now southern Israel and Gaza] around 1200 BCE. Their land included the Gaza Strip and extended north to around present-day Caesarea. The Philistines disappeared under the Babylonian conquest in the 6th century BCE and have not been heard of since.

In 63 BCE, the Roman army under Pompey the Great captured Jerusalem. The Roman goal was to destroy any vestige of Jewish attachment to this land, which was then called Judea and from which the term ‘Jew’ arose. The Romans then reinvented and modified the name by calling the land Syria Palestina — “Palestinian Syria” — that then was shortened as “Palestine.”

At the same time, and for the same reasons – to efface the Jewish connection to the land — the Romans renamed “Jerusalem” as “Aelia Capitolina,” a toponym that never gained traction.

Islam was founded in 610 CE, and spread rapidly by conquest and conversion. The Muslims reached and conquered ‘Palestine’ in 632 CE and the name ‘Palestine’ disappeared.

The Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099 CE and drove out or killed thousands of Muslims and Jews. and repurposed al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock as Christian shrines. Jerusalem was later taken back in 1187 by the Muslim military genius Saladin.

In 1291, the Templars were defeated in the siege of Acre (the capital of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the last major stronghold of the Crusaders) by the Mamluks. It was only a matter of time before the Christian presence in The Holy Land was extinguished. The land remained under the control of the Mamluks for 220 years until their surrender to the might of the Ottomans in 1516….

On April 25, 1920, the League of Nations gave Britain a Mandate over Palestine. The name ‘Palestine’ was resurrected by the map makers drawing up all the new country borders in the Middle East….

What the author does not mention is that the League of Nations established several other mandates to create Arab states out of formerly Ottoman territories. These included Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. Jordan was established on land that were originally intended to be included in the Mandate for Palestine. Instead, the land east of the Jordan River out “to the desert,” that constituted 78% of the territory originally meant to be included in Mandatory Palestine, was instead assigned to a newly-created Emirate of Transjordan. This was done by the British in order to provide a country for the Hashemite Emir Abdullah to rule; it was feared that otherwise he would move into Syria to proclaim himself ruler, thus leading to a potential clash between the French forces in Syria and the British-backed Abdullah.

The Mandate for Palestine was meant to bring into being the Jewish National Home, that would in time become the nation-state of the Jews — Israel. The Mandate’s provisions expressly call on the holder of the Mandate — Great Britain — to “facilitate Jewish immigration” and to promote “close settlement by Jews on the land.” (Mandate for Palestine, Article 6) What land was that? It was all the land from the Jordan River in the east to the Mediterranean in the west, and from just beyond Hermon in the north to the Sinai in the south.

Here’s a suggestion for those entering the lists on behalf of Israel. Be prepared to give a brief history of how, and when, and why, the “Palestinian people” came into existence. Note that between 1948 and 1967, when Egypt ruled over Gaza, no mention was ever made by Cairo about the existence of a “Palestinian people.” And during the same period, when Jordan possessed the West Bank, Amman, too, never mentioned the existence of a “Palestinian people.” At the UN, not a single Arab ambassador, in endless debates about the Arab-Israeli conflict, ever referred to a “Palestinian people” until after the Six-Day War. Make sure you mention all that.

Tell the story of how the KGB suggested to the Arabs the transformation of “Arab refugees” into the “Palestinian people.” Have at the ready for every debate on “Palestine” Zuheir Mohsen’s 1977 quote noting that the “Palestinian people do not exist,” but were created “only for political reasons.” That should flutter the dovecotes of those who insist that “from the river to the sea/Palestine will be free.”
Maybe the states surrounding Israel should begin to move in and occupy parts of Israel and claim that this is necessary too.
You mean like they did in 1948? In acts of belligerent armed force?
Post #19 says, I quote:

"...the Zionist leadership publicly accepted the UN's 1947 Partition Plan, which established the borders of Israel."

So, yes, you did make such a statement. UNGA Resolutions do not create borders.
No, that's your personal interpretation of what is written.
You mean like they did in 1948? In acts of belligerent armed force?
Yes. The Arabs never accepted the partition plan so any borders emanating from the interpretation of that plan are irrelevant to the Arabs. The claim "they all attacked Israel" is a lie since "Israel" was a foreign colonial creation. They actually attacked foreign invaders.

The partition plan and the state of Israel itself is the result of external political entities, not the people of Palestine.

The partition plan and Israel and it's extremist nationalist government were all imposed upon the people of Palestine, imposed by externa colonial minded actors.


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Sherlock Holmes said:
Yes. The Arabs never accepted the partition plan ..
Because of anti Jewish Arab-racism.


So radical Arab (sherlock holmes) propagandist: how is your Hamas, your Iran and your Maduro doing?
The claim "they all attacked Israel" is a lie since "Israel" was a foreign colonial creation.
Untrue and irrelevant. Israel came into being in exactly the same way as all other states during the mandate era.
Untrue and irrelevant. Israel came into being in exactly the same way as all other states during the mandate era.
What states do you refer to when you say "all other states during the mandate era"? and which of them involved a UN partitioning plan?
I'd appreciate a Zionist here, those who steadfastly defend Israel, to explain to me why anyone should not condemn any nation based on the kind of fanatical racism we see displayed by these people.

I watched the full documentary, it interview settlers themselves so you can hear IN THEIR OWN WORDS what Palestinians must contend with every day.

For those who want to see the entire documentary and the depravity of these nationalist throwbacks here it is, this is Israel, this is what the United States taxpayer is sending bombs to, this is who Biden and very soon Trump actively and UNCONDITIONALLY support. This is the evil demonic force that the Palestinians have fought for almost one hundred years. This insanity is NOTHING to do with the Holocaust, it is NOTHING to do with antisemitism, it is NOTHING to do with God, it is inherently evil.

It makes radical Islam seem like a picnic. Zionism hates anyone and everyone who is not a Zionist, what used to be a tiny fringe movement is now the dominant force in Israel and Israeli society. This is why the Israelites were kicked out of Palestine in the first place, they are insane and a threat to their neighbors.

Every time I raise this here the Zionists and their apologists skulk away, go silent and try to change the subject, so watch it, this is depravity incarnate and more fanatical than Nazism ever was and it is IN THEIR OWN WORDS they are not ashamed.
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Sherlock Holmes said:



Oh, Hitler wannabe Islamofascist Erdogan's

What's next?

Qatar/Hamas al-shitZeera?,

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No one has stolen anyone’s land

The arabs could have had half of the Holy Land in 1948 but refused to settle for less than all of it
Because of Anti-Jewish Arab-racism, that is why they refused.


Zionism was also seen as “anti-racism,” as the issue of racism was a concern for the American left and liberals in the mid-1940’s. This is why, Herf said, a speech given in London and New York in 1947 by Jamal Husseini, representative of the Arab Higher Committee of the Palestine Arabs of the United Nations, and brother of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, is significant.
Husseini claimed the Arab world’s “territorial continuity” served as a “natural bulwark for peace, homogeneity, and race” that a Jewish state in the region would destroy. Herf stressed that we should “recall the racism” and Jew-hatred that can be traced back to the “founding texts” of Palestinian Arab nationalism. [/Color]
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Because of snti jewish Arab-racism, that is why they refused.
The arabs rejected partition in 1948 because they expected to win the war, drive Jews into the sea, and have all the land to themselves

But they miscalculated
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