Where Is Obama's Thesis Anyways?


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
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Today's satire thesis story that broke and then unbroke has simply reignited the musings of why this president - who was elected on, among other things, the promise of more open and honest government, conceals his own college record as some great secret.

It would seem if his college records were helpful to shaping his image, they would be shared. Even if they did nothing to further said image, they would be shared.

So why all the intentional secrecy?

The media is not quite so in lock step with Mr. Obama anymore - today's events might lead a few, and then a few more, to start asking questions regarding Obama's actual past.

In a vault along with his Kenyan Birth Certificate.
In a vault along with his Kenyan Birth Certificate.

I'm not gonna go down the birther path right now - but having a president disclose his academic record during his adult academic years seems pretty basic.

Outside of his own versions - what do we really know about Obama's past?

What was his political philosophy in college? His actual academic performance?

Why hide those things from the American people?
He has had his college transcripts sealed and there's not a scrap of editorial writing to be found, from when he was allegedly the editor of the vaunted Harvard Law Review.

McLoser had it right: For someone who has two "autobiographies", his life sure isn't an open book.
Buried under the millions hes spending to keep it that way.
He has had his college transcripts sealed and there's not a scrap of editorial writing to be found, from when he was allegedly the editor of the vaunted Harvard Law Review.

McLoser had it right: For someone who has two "autobiographies", his life sure isn't an open book.

he was the editor, the law review expressly said so....there is no way the harvard law review editor for that year would allow his or her name to be stricten just so obama could be named editor....

he hides his writings and transcripts for the same reason bush did....they are not relevent to being elected, bush however, caved in.....
I want to know what he had taped inside his locker in junior high.

It's pretty amusing that you dupes have nothing so you go on a witch hunt about something written almost three decades ago.
He has had his college transcripts sealed and there's not a scrap of editorial writing to be found, from when he was allegedly the editor of the vaunted Harvard Law Review.

McLoser had it right: For someone who has two "autobiographies", his life sure isn't an open book.

he was the editor, the law review expressly said so....there is no way the harvard law review editor for that year would allow his or her name to be stricten just so obama could be named editor....

he hides his writings and transcripts for the same reason bush did....they are not relevent to being elected, bush however, caved in.....
When you run your campaign with your prowess as a legal and constitutional scholar as your centerpiece, your law school transcripts certainly are fair game.

Shrubbie ran on his political record in Texas, not as a great scholar at Harvard and Yale.
I do believe the Obama Thesis is stored right next to the Bush and Reagan Thesis

Didn't you see it?
Why exactly would Obama have written a thesis? You dont have to for law school...
In a vault along with his Kenyan Birth Certificate.

I'm not gonna go down the birther path right now - but having a president disclose his academic record during his adult academic years seems pretty basic.

Outside of his own versions - what do we really know about Obama's past?

What was his political philosophy in college? His actual academic performance?

Why hide those things from the American people?

Because Obama knows that he will be unmasked. But then again Obama is doing a good job of showing just whom he is without releasing those records and people are seeing it daily.

It's just this way is a bit slower than the actual release of his actual College musings. And then one can see alot of whom he is by his Illinois Senate Record votes, and of course his U.S. Senate Record (or LACK thereof) since he spent most of it lyin...er campaigning for POTUS.
I'll show you mine if you show me yours!
He has had his college transcripts sealed and there's not a scrap of editorial writing to be found, from when he was allegedly the editor of the vaunted Harvard Law Review.

McLoser had it right: For someone who has two "autobiographies", his life sure isn't an open book.

he was the editor, the law review expressly said so....there is no way the harvard law review editor for that year would allow his or her name to be stricten just so obama could be named editor....

he hides his writings and transcripts for the same reason bush did....they are not relevent to being elected, bush however, caved in.....
When you run your campaign with your prowess as a legal and constitutional scholar as your centerpiece, your law school transcripts certainly are fair game.

Shrubbie ran on his political record in Texas, not as a great scholar at Harvard and Yale.

True. And if you will recall in '04? The question of Test scores, and acedemic record of both 'Shrubbie' [as you call him], and John F'ing Kerry Became an issue.

We know whom lost that battle. ;)
He has had his college transcripts sealed and there's not a scrap of editorial writing to be found, from when he was allegedly the editor of the vaunted Harvard Law Review.

McLoser had it right: For someone who has two "autobiographies", his life sure isn't an open book.

he was the editor, the law review expressly said so....there is no way the harvard law review editor for that year would allow his or her name to be stricten just so obama could be named editor....

he hides his writings and transcripts for the same reason bush did....they are not relevent to being elected, bush however, caved in.....
When you run your campaign with your prowess as a legal and constitutional scholar as your centerpiece, your law school transcripts certainly are fair game.

Shrubbie ran on his political record in Texas, not as a great scholar at Harvard and Yale.

i don't believe he ran on the platform that he was the editor of harvard law review, and if he did, that fact is undisputed....he didn't run on his articles or his thesis.....he ran on an empty tank of hope and change...e.g., i'm not george w. bush......
I want to know what he had taped inside his locker in junior high.

It's pretty amusing that you dupes have nothing so you go on a witch hunt about something written almost three decades ago.

Ravioli? You just don't get it, do you? And lest you forget that your ilk went after Bush for similiar things. So you may cease your crap anytime now. [That is unless you still want to show us how politically inept you truly are]?
he was the editor, the law review expressly said so....there is no way the harvard law review editor for that year would allow his or her name to be stricten just so obama could be named editor....

he hides his writings and transcripts for the same reason bush did....they are not relevent to being elected, bush however, caved in.....
When you run your campaign with your prowess as a legal and constitutional scholar as your centerpiece, your law school transcripts certainly are fair game.

Shrubbie ran on his political record in Texas, not as a great scholar at Harvard and Yale.

i don't believe he ran on the platform that he was the editor of harvard law review, and if he did, that fact is undisputed....he didn't run on his articles or his thesis.....he ran on an empty tank of hope and change...e.g., i'm not george w. bush......

Well stated.
I want to know what he had taped inside his locker in junior high.

It's pretty amusing that you dupes have nothing so you go on a witch hunt about something written almost three decades ago.

Ravioli? You just don't get it, do you? And lest you forget that your ilk went after Bush for similiar things. So you may cease your crap anytime now. [That is unless you still want to show us how politically inept you truly are]?
Actually, my ilk went after bush for being an idiot that invaded a country that had no power to harm us. But thanks for playing.
In a vault along with his Kenyan Birth Certificate.

Right to the point! LOL

Good form, CF!
I want to know what he had taped inside his locker in junior high.

It's pretty amusing that you dupes have nothing so you go on a witch hunt about something written almost three decades ago.

Ravioli? You just don't get it, do you? And lest you forget that your ilk went after Bush for similiar things. So you may cease your crap anytime now. [That is unless you still want to show us how politically inept you truly are]?
Actually, my ilk went after bush for being an idiot that invaded a country that had no power to harm us. But thanks for playing.

One of MANY things your ilk went after Bush on. Try again.
I want to know what he had taped inside his locker in junior high.

It's pretty amusing that you dupes have nothing so you go on a witch hunt about something written almost three decades ago.

Ravioli? You just don't get it, do you? And lest you forget that your ilk went after Bush for similiar things. So you may cease your crap anytime now. [That is unless you still want to show us how politically inept you truly are]?
Actually, my ilk went after bush for being an idiot that invaded a country that had no power to harm us. But thanks for playing.

why is obama still in afghanistan and iraq?

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