Today's satire thesis story that broke and then unbroke has simply reignited the musings of why this president - who was elected on, among other things, the promise of more open and honest government, conceals his own college record as some great secret.
It would seem if his college records were helpful to shaping his image, they would be shared. Even if they did nothing to further said image, they would be shared.
So why all the intentional secrecy?
The media is not quite so in lock step with Mr. Obama anymore - today's events might lead a few, and then a few more, to start asking questions regarding Obama's actual past.
It would seem if his college records were helpful to shaping his image, they would be shared. Even if they did nothing to further said image, they would be shared.
So why all the intentional secrecy?
The media is not quite so in lock step with Mr. Obama anymore - today's events might lead a few, and then a few more, to start asking questions regarding Obama's actual past.