Where is Obama?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Now that everyone with an IQ above 75 knows Russia did not hack DNC emails which showed democrats attacking our democracy, why isn't that Kenyan asked about why he was butthurt about Russians?
Sir, If you knew how ignorant you sounded, you'd stop posting things here.

1. President Obama was born in Hawaii, not Kenya

2. Multiple American intelligence agencies identified Russia as the one that hacked the DNC. I know you think you know more than the FBI, CIA and NSA, but you don't

3. The only entity that "attacked our Democracy" was Russia, not anyone else.

4. President Obama was informed about Russian interference in the 2016 election, and retaliated by ejecting diplomats, and closing Russian diplomatic compounds in Washington DC, New York, and San Francisco.

I don't know what you mean by "butthurt" but you might want to read the links below before posting lies :bye1:

Obama issues new sanctions against Russia, ejects 35 Russian diplomats over election-related hacking

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking
Him and his cronies just got done their Huggies campaign and now they are busy auditioning for Gerber Baby Food commercials.
Now that everyone with an IQ above 75 knows Russia did not hack DNC emails which showed democrats attacking our democracy, why isn't that Kenyan asked about why he was butthurt about Russians?
I got a better question, why in the fuck are you and the other nazi nuts still stressing over Obama....you do know he's a straight guy and he's married, yes?????? I know you white fags love you some black mens, but its time to move on, sugar and find yo self another black guy...or perhaps orange....
Yo women got all the black ones'!!
Now that everyone with an IQ above 75 knows Russia did not hack DNC emails which showed democrats attacking our democracy, why isn't that Kenyan asked about why he was butthurt about Russians?
I got a better question, why in the fuck are you and the other nazi nuts still stressing over Obama....you do know he's a straight guy and he's married, yes?????? I know you white fags love you some black mens, but its time to move on, sugar and find yo self another black guy...or perhaps orange....View attachment 144399Yo women got all the black ones'!!

Ummm if someone from the right says something about Obamas color then of course that's wrong and you lump that with far right fringe you blasted in VA, yet your party is always bringing up color which you admit is wrong and your leftist socialist fringe is very violent and intolerant therefore they are the lefts version of The radical fringe elements that exist in both Parties and thus
BOTH ARE TO BLAME ON BOTH SIDES. Condemning one fringe and not the other is intellectually dishonest and displacement behavior.

Your post inadvertantly proved Trumps point and exposed your party for bashing him over his unpopular truth that your party is not willing to self reflect on.
The maturity level to do that is just not there yet, nor will it ever be at this rate.
Now that everyone with an IQ above 75 knows Russia did not hack DNC emails which showed democrats attacking our democracy, why isn't that Kenyan asked about why he was butthurt about Russians?
I got a better question, why in the fuck are you and the other nazi nuts still stressing over Obama....you do know he's a straight guy and he's married, yes?????? I know you white fags love you some black mens, but its time to move on, sugar and find yo self another black guy...or perhaps orange....View attachment 144399Yo women got all the black ones'!!

Ummm if someone from the right says something about Obamas color then of course that's wrong and you lump that with far right fringe you blasted in VA, yet your party is always bringing up color which you admit is wrong and your leftist socialist fringe is very violent and intolerant therefore they are the lefts version of The radical fringe elements that exist in both Parties and thus
BOTH ARE TO BLAME ON BOTH SIDES. Condemning one fringe and not the other is intellectually dishonest and displacement behavior.

Your post inadvertantly proved Trumps point and exposed your party for bashing him over his unpopular truth that your party is not willing to self reflect on.
The maturity level to do that is just not there yet, nor will it ever be at this rate.
Lets get something clear, someone from the right for the last 8 years said something about Obama, his color, his kids, his wife, his birth place, the color suit he wore once, you name the fuckin crime, you white mf's had an issue with it...so miss me on this cum ba ya, bullshit. Don't you dare compare the shit Trump is doing with anything Obama did, don't you fuckin dare!!!
Now that everyone with an IQ above 75 knows Russia did not hack DNC emails which showed democrats attacking our democracy, why isn't that Kenyan asked about why he was butthurt about Russians?

Everyone knows huh?

Sir, If you knew how ignorant you sounded, you'd stop posting things here.

1. President Obama was born in Hawaii, not Kenya

2. Multiple American intelligence agencies identified Russia as the one that hacked the DNC. I know you think you know more than the FBI, CIA and NSA, but you don't

3. The only entity that "attacked our Democracy" was Russia, not anyone else.

4. President Obama was informed about Russian interference in the 2016 election, and retaliated by ejecting diplomats, and closing Russian diplomatic compounds in Washington DC, New York, and San Francisco.

I don't know what you mean by "butthurt" but you might want to read the links below before posting lies :bye1:

Obama issues new sanctions against Russia, ejects 35 Russian diplomats over election-related hacking

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking
Haven't you figured it out by now, facts to these neo nuts is like Kryptonite....they can't handle it. Ya see if they actually went with facts, they'd know that clown in the white house is a joke, their white pride is stained with shit and reality is a bitch....so they stick with thier alternative facts...it took the germans 1000 days before they figured their shit out, lets give em time!!
Now that everyone with an IQ above 75 knows Russia did not hack DNC emails which showed democrats attacking our democracy, why isn't that Kenyan asked about why he was butthurt about Russians?
Do we know that? No. Have you no shame?
Him and his cronies just got done their Huggies campaign and now they are busy auditioning for Gerber Baby Food commercials.
View attachment 144398
Still can't get over the black guy, I guess it a fact, once you go black, its hard to go back!!View attachment 144402
Or, once you go white, you know it be right..
Once you go white????? Nobody wants to go white home boy, look around....single white men, online trying to import they pussy...meanwhile you got white ho bag Barbie out fuckin anything but you white mf's....nobody wants you mf's but the Nazi gays of america!!

Him and his cronies just got done their Huggies campaign and now they are busy auditioning for Gerber Baby Food commercials.
View attachment 144398
Still can't get over the black guy, I guess it a fact, once you go black, its hard to go back!!View attachment 144402
Or, once you go white, you know it be right..
Once you go white????? Nobody wants to go white home boy, look around....single white men, online trying to import they pussy...meanwhile you got white ho bag Barbie out fuckin anything but you white mf's....nobody wants you mf's but the Nazi gays of america!!

I tried black women, but they be too much of a bitch..So black is not always where it is at..
Now that everyone with an IQ above 75 knows Russia did not hack DNC emails which showed democrats attacking our democracy, why isn't that Kenyan asked about why he was butthurt about Russians?

Never mind that, did you hear a Trump supporter just ran over and killed a person?
Now that everyone with an IQ above 75 knows Russia did not hack DNC emails which showed democrats attacking our democracy, why isn't that Kenyan asked about why he was butthurt about Russians?
I got a better question, why in the fuck are you and the other nazi nuts still stressing over Obama....you do know he's a straight guy and he's married, yes?????? I know you white fags love you some black mens, but its time to move on, sugar and find yo self another black guy...or perhaps orange....View attachment 144399Yo women got all the black ones'!!

Ummm if someone from the right says something about Obamas color then of course that's wrong and you lump that with far right fringe you blasted in VA, yet your party is always bringing up color which you admit is wrong and your leftist socialist fringe is very violent and intolerant therefore they are the lefts version of The radical fringe elements that exist in both Parties and thus
BOTH ARE TO BLAME ON BOTH SIDES. Condemning one fringe and not the other is intellectually dishonest and displacement behavior.

Your post inadvertantly proved Trumps point and exposed your party for bashing him over his unpopular truth that your party is not willing to self reflect on.
The maturity level to do that is just not there yet, nor will it ever be at this rate.
Lets get something clear, someone from the right for the last 8 years said something about Obama, his color, his kids, his wife, his birth place, the color suit he wore once, you name the fuckin crime, you white mf's had an issue with it...so miss me on this cum ba ya, bullshit. Don't you dare compare the shit Trump is doing with anything Obama did, don't you fuckin dare!!!

Marcus Aurelius is to Trump what Caligula is to Obama. Trump has accomplished more that is useful in six months than Obama did in eight years.

There, I dared. Whatcha gonna do? Huh? HUH?

Now that everyone with an IQ above 75 knows Russia did not hack DNC emails which showed democrats attacking our democracy, why isn't that Kenyan asked about why he was butthurt about Russians?
He was never interested in the Russians' colluding story. Because he knows that it weren't true at all. He just want to go back to what he likes doing in private.

Still can't get over the black guy, I guess it a fact, once you go black, its hard to go back!!View attachment 144402
I don't know why you keep bringing up someone's race, that makes you the racist and showing the world the left is predjudiced intolerant and violent.
If you don't believe me then why do you deny his honky half, that is a clear sign of racism?
Him and his cronies just got done their Huggies campaign and now they are busy auditioning for Gerber Baby Food commercials.
View attachment 144398
Snouter lied. Should we not call him on it?

In this case he did not, your news source fails to tell you that wiki leaks keeps saying that the leaker of the emails was not Russian or connected to a Gov't.
Now they might reveal who it is in bargaining.
Perhaps because it's the Pakistani or
Seth Rich where there is no reason to protect his identity anymore?

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