Where does your self-worth come from?

What do you believe makes you valuable?

  • Your intelligence / intellect

  • Your physical beauty / good looks

  • Your skills, talents and abilities

  • Your personal success and achievements

  • Your character (honesty, kindness, etc)

  • The love, attention and adulation from others

  • The knowledge that you were created by God, loved by God, and valued by God

  • Other (explain)

  • Nothing, humans have no inherent value

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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2010
Do you believe you are valuable? If so, what do you believe makes you valuable? I’m not asking what society believes makes you valuable, but what do you personally believe makes you valuable?

I’m going to post a poll, because why not?

(Btw, to the mods, if I posted this in the wrong section, feel free to move it, I wasn't sure if this was the right section)
Your honor!

You know right from wrong. But every day you make choices between what is easy...and what is right.

People who stay true to their honor have a VERY HIGH self worth...even though it can be quite costly and painful some times.
Your honor!

You know right from wrong. But every day you make choices between what is easy...and what is right.

People who stay true to their honor have a VERY HIGH self worth...even though it can be quite costly and painful some times.

That's a good one. And very true. In my earlier years, like a lot of people I used to do a lot of stupid and bad things...and over time that does have an negative effect on one's self-esteem. But like you said, when you do the right thing, even when it's hard to do... it will build one's sense of self-worth. Thanks for your thoughts.
That's a good one. And very true. In my earlier years, like a lot of people I used to do a lot of stupid and bad things...and over time that does have an negative effect on one's self-esteem.

I remember at work they brought in a new head honcho that couldn't find his ass with both hands.

He and I butted heads more than once. My boss said to me "why don't you make it easier on yourself and lie to him...that's what I do".

I responded...Then I'll lose a part of myself that I'm not willing to give up.

Shockingly...my boss understood that.
Do you believe you are valuable? If so, what do you believe makes you valuable? I’m not asking what society believes makes you valuable, but what do you personally believe makes you valuable?

I’m going to post a poll, because why not?

(Btw, to the mods, if I posted this in the wrong section, feel free to move it, I wasn't sure if this was the right section)
I'm inherently valuable. No list needed.

You are too, BTW. It's a human life thing.
I think a person's self worth is established early in life by the love, attention and feedback one receives. If a person had an abusive childhood, they usually have a poor self worth.

That sounds right. But at the same time, I don't think it ends there. It seems to me that everything that happens in our life has an effect on self-esteem. Both the things we do and the things done to us. But i'm definitely not an expert.
I'm inherently valuable. No list needed.

You are too, BTW. It's a human life thing.

Ok, but why. What do you think makes human beings valuable? (which is kind of a different question than the one in the OP, but since you brought up...)

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