Where Does It End?


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Most of us already know about the Federal Judge slapping the administration because of the NSA spying.

I doubt many of you know, especially on the left, about another Federal Judge rebuking a sitting president for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY for "governing in secret'. Which, is really pretty harsh for a Federal Judge to say that.

Federal Judge Slaps Down President Obama for Secret Governing | Fox News Insider

A federal judge slammed the Obama administration today while ordering it to release a secret foreign aid document.

Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, a Bill Clinton appointee, said, “The government appears to adopt the cavalier attitude that the president should be permitted to convey orders throughout the executive branch without public oversight, to engage in what is in effect governance by ‘secret law.’”

Harsh language coming from a federal judge about a sitting president. Very harsh.

Now, the obama administration is changing federal law AGAIN. And, again, without the permission of Congress.

White House Continues To Dismantle Obamacare, “Temporarily” Suspend Individual Mandate For People Who Had Their Plans Cancelled…


Unbelievable, where do they get the authority to unilaterally re-write a law?

Via WaPo:

Today, the Obama administration announced that people whose insurance plans were cancelled this year will “temporarily” be exempted from the individual mandate. Here’s how they’re doing it — and what it means for the law.

1. The individual mandate includes a “hardship exemption.” People who qualify can either ignore the individual mandate altogether or purchase a cheap, bare-bones catastrophic insurance plan that’s typically only available to people under age 30.

2. According to HHS, the exemption covers people who “experienced financial or domestic circumstances, including an unexpected natural or human-caused event, such that he or she had a significant, unexpected increase in essential expenses that prevented him or her from obtaining coverage under a qualified health plan.”

3. Today, the administration agreed with a group of senators, led by Mark Warner of Virginia, who argued that having your insurance plan canceled counted as “an unexpected natural or human-caused event.” For these people, in other words, Obamacare itself is the hardship. You can read Sebelius’s full letter here. HHS’s formal guidance is here.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

People, left, right or in between. If you don't find this troubling, then our Republic is in serious trouble.

This is the worst continuous abuse of executive power in our Nation's history.

"Where Does It End?

"Most of us already know about the Federal Judge slapping the administration because of the NSA spying."

Another example of the obama regime ignoring -- Everybody, and just simply doing what it wants to do...

GOP lawmakers accuse EPA of muzzling scientists on climate regulations | Fox News

“We are concerned about the agency’s apparent disregard for the concerns of its science advisors,” the lawmakers wrote. “Science is a valuable tool to help policymakers navigate complex issues. However, when inconvenient facts are disregarded or when dissenting voices are muzzled, a frank discussion becomes impossible."

If Manchin loses in West Virginia over this, a strong possibility, I think we may be in for a treat in 2015.

A real treat.
Most of us already know about the Federal Judge slapping the administration because of the NSA spying.

I doubt many of you know, especially on the left, about another Federal Judge rebuking a sitting president for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY for "governing in secret'. Which, is really pretty harsh for a Federal Judge to say that.

Oh please. Wait ....... no, it's fun to watch you scramble. Your rightwing nut side shines brighter than the tin foil hat on your pointed head.

Federal Judge Condemns Intervention in Schiavo Case

"...with one of the judges rebuking President Bush and Congress for acting "in a manner demonstrably at odds with our founding fathers' blueprint for the governance of a free people."

Judge Criticizes Warrantless Wiretaps

WASHINGTON -- A federal judge who used to authorize wiretaps in terrorist and espionage cases criticized President Bush's decision to order warrantless surveillance after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Judge Criticizes Warrantless Wiretaps
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Most of us already know about the Federal Judge slapping the administration because of the NSA spying.

I doubt many of you know, especially on the left, about another Federal Judge rebuking a sitting president for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY for "governing in secret'. Which, is really pretty harsh for a Federal Judge to say that.

Oh please. Wait ....... no, it's fun to watch you scramble. Your rightwing nut side shines brighter than the tin foil hat on your pointed head.

Federal Judge Condemns Intervention in Schiavo Case

"...with one of the judges rebuking President Bush and Congress for acting "in a manner demonstrably at odds with our founding fathers' blueprint for the governance of a free people."

Judge Criticizes Warrantless Wiretaps

WASHINGTON -- A federal judge who used to authorize wiretaps in terrorist and espionage cases criticized President Bush's decision to order warrantless surveillance after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Judge Criticizes Warrantless Wiretaps

Nice try but you highlighted the wrong part. On purpose I would bet.
"governing in secret'
This is what the OP was referencing.
Most of us already know about the Federal Judge slapping the administration because of the NSA spying.

I doubt many of you know, especially on the left, about another Federal Judge rebuking a sitting president for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY for "governing in secret'. Which, is really pretty harsh for a Federal Judge to say that.

Oh please. Wait ....... no, it's fun to watch you scramble. Your rightwing nut side shines brighter than the tin foil hat on your pointed head.

Federal Judge Condemns Intervention in Schiavo Case

"...with one of the judges rebuking President Bush and Congress for acting "in a manner demonstrably at odds with our founding fathers' blueprint for the governance of a free people."

Judge Criticizes Warrantless Wiretaps

WASHINGTON -- A federal judge who used to authorize wiretaps in terrorist and espionage cases criticized President Bush's decision to order warrantless surveillance after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Judge Criticizes Warrantless Wiretaps

The Judge didn't single out Bush, dickbreath. He slammed BOTH the executive and the Legislative branches.

Federal Judge Slaps Down President Obama for Secret Governing | Fox News Insider

Judge Napolitano told Megyn Kelly, “It is the first time in the modern era that a federal judge has directly slapped down the president of the United States saying you can’t do this.”

But he's just a retired Federal Judge. What does he know? You're just so much smarter
The ACA is the law of the land now so stop trying to change it, only I can do that.....Barack Obama

Due to the way the Constitution is constructed,

All U.S. presidents are basically corrupt assholes,

As are the members of the Congress

and the U.S. Supreme Court.

And there's nothing you can do about it,

'cuz it's in the Constitution.
The ACA is the law of the land now so stop trying to change it, only I can do that.....Barack Obama

Due to the way the Constitution is constructed,

All U.S. presidents are basically corrupt assholes,

As are the members of the Congress

and the U.S. Supreme Court.

And there's nothing you can do about it,

'cuz it's in the Constitution.

Yes, there is. You can vote dimocrap scumbags out of office.
Too late the cry now especially after supporting Bush for a decade. To be clear Obama shouldnt be doing this but since the previous guy did and everyone loved him for it its hard to make a argument that NOW it shouldnt be done
Too late the cry now especially after supporting Bush for a decade. To be clear Obama shouldnt be doing this but since the previous guy did and everyone loved him for it its hard to make a argument that NOW it shouldnt be done
The bozos did not discover the Constitution or freedom or liberty until January 20, 2009. When Bush was doing it, they donned their little flag pins and gave you a lot of shit for even mentioning all the wrongs being done.

Signing statements, executive orders, secret orders, domestic spying, torturing prisoners, imprisoning US citizens without habaes corpus. It was all good until January 20, 2009.

Everything Obama is doing, he is able to do because of the gifts Bush left for him. USA Patriot Act, DHS, War on Terror, etc.
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Most of us already know about the Federal Judge slapping the administration because of the NSA spying.

I doubt many of you know, especially on the left, about another Federal Judge rebuking a sitting president for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY for "governing in secret'. Which, is really pretty harsh for a Federal Judge to say that.

Oh please. Wait ....... no, it's fun to watch you scramble. Your rightwing nut side shines brighter than the tin foil hat on your pointed head.

Federal Judge Condemns Intervention in Schiavo Case

"...with one of the judges rebuking President Bush and Congress for acting "in a manner demonstrably at odds with our founding fathers' blueprint for the governance of a free people."

Judge Criticizes Warrantless Wiretaps

WASHINGTON -- A federal judge who used to authorize wiretaps in terrorist and espionage cases criticized President Bush's decision to order warrantless surveillance after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Judge Criticizes Warrantless Wiretaps

Nice try but you highlighted the wrong part. On purpose I would bet.
"governing in secret'
This is what the OP was referencing.

Yes, and the Patriot Act, to which this judge is referring was supposed to be conducted on suspected terrorists, not American citizens. They may have used different words but both judges are describing the same thing.
Too late the cry now especially after supporting Bush for a decade. To be clear Obama shouldnt be doing this but since the previous guy did and everyone loved him for it its hard to make a argument that NOW it shouldnt be done

That's a worthless argument. So since Bush did its okay if O does it? Why not shut it down for good? Will you say the same thing when another R comes along and expands it more and then another D comes along after that and expands it more. Where does it end?
Most of us already know about the Federal Judge slapping the administration because of the NSA spying.

I doubt many of you know, especially on the left, about another Federal Judge rebuking a sitting president for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY for "governing in secret'. Which, is really pretty harsh for a Federal Judge to say that.

Oh please. Wait ....... no, it's fun to watch you scramble. Your rightwing nut side shines brighter than the tin foil hat on your pointed head.

Federal Judge Condemns Intervention in Schiavo Case

"...with one of the judges rebuking President Bush and Congress for acting "in a manner demonstrably at odds with our founding fathers' blueprint for the governance of a free people."

Judge Criticizes Warrantless Wiretaps

WASHINGTON -- A federal judge who used to authorize wiretaps in terrorist and espionage cases criticized President Bush's decision to order warrantless surveillance after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Judge Criticizes Warrantless Wiretaps

The Judge didn't single out Bush, dickbreath. He slammed BOTH the executive and the Legislative branches.

Federal Judge Slaps Down President Obama for Secret Governing | Fox News Insider

Judge Napolitano told Megyn Kelly, “It is the first time in the modern era that a federal judge has directly slapped down the president of the United States saying you can’t do this.”

But he's just a retired Federal Judge. What does he know? You're just so much smarter

Dickbreath? My, struck a nerve even with all that silly Dark Fantasy armor.

Judge Napolitano, sock puppet for Fox, exaggerates....again.
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Too late the cry now especially after supporting Bush for a decade. To be clear Obama shouldnt be doing this but since the previous guy did and everyone loved him for it its hard to make a argument that NOW it shouldnt be done

That's a worthless argument. So since Bush did its okay if O does it? Why not shut it down for good? Will you say the same thing when another R comes along and expands it more and then another D comes along after that and expands it more. Where does it end?

Exactly! It won't end by putting the originators of this unholy disaster back in power. Only a dummy would think it would end by...how did the dummy put it? Oh yeah:

You can vote dimocrap scumbags out of office.

Now THAT is naive! :lol:
Too late the cry now especially after supporting Bush for a decade. To be clear Obama shouldnt be doing this but since the previous guy did and everyone loved him for it its hard to make a argument that NOW it shouldnt be done
The bozos did not discover the Constitution or freedom or liberty until January 20, 2009. When Bush was doing it, they donned their little flag pins and gave you a lot of shit for even mentioning all the wrongs being done.

Signing statements, executive orders, secret orders, domestic spying, torturing prisoners, imprisoning US citizens without habaes corpus. It was all good until January 20, 2009.

Everything Obama is doing, he is able to do because of the gifts Bush left for him. USA Patriot Act, DHS, War on Terror, etc.

You are partially correct but mostly full of shit.

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