"B...b....b...but BUUUUUSSSHHHH!"
Did the US support the 'Bay of Pigs' failed military coup to instill 'US Democracy'?
Did the US put Hussein, Noriega, Castro, and others in power with the idea that 'US-style' democracy would be created?
Yeah, how'd those work out?
WTF was Obama thinking when he dragged the US - on his own, without Congressional approval to do so - into the middle of a civil war between the perpetrators of 9/11/01 and a dictator to help Al Qaeida take over their own country? Did he really seek to instill a US-type democracy in Libya by backing Al Qaeida?
WTF was Obama thinking when he supplied, armed, trained, and protected Syrian 'rebels' / terrorists as part of his own private proxy war against Assad / Syria? Did Obama really want to instill a US-inspired democracy in Syria....or did he just want to redeem himself after his embarrassing 'Red Line' fiasco?
The point of this thread, however, is 'spot-on'. Liberating an oppressed, tortured, abused people from a brutal dictator / regime is one thing, but believing they will all become 'little America's is beyond naïve - its imbecilic.
YES, millions of people have come to this nation to escape poverty, oppression, and dictators / oppressive regimes.....and they all assimilate right away, adopting our culture, practices, etc, right? NO. They want the freedom...and free tax-payer-funded handouts, but mainly the freedom that allows them to do here what they would be stoned, jailed, or killed for doing in their own countries. Some, as we have seen, want to come here and set up the same governments / legal system they had where they came from - such as Sharia courts - while shunning our way...in THIS country. Some, as we have also seen, just want to kill us.
It is is moronic to believe if we liberate a people we should reasonably expect them to adopt everything about us, to form a US-style Democracy (which we have even abandoned as part of our 'fundamental change' that has been imposed). How has that worked out in the past?
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result each time.
Wanna kill / overthrow a dictator because it is the best interest of this nation's national security / survival? Are you SURE, knowing we have no control how it's going to go afterwards? Then do what you have to do...but we have proven to have sucked so bad picking OUR new leaders for THEIR countries that we should really just STOP.
Liberals whined and bitched for 8 years (actually going on 15 years) about Bush taking us to war when we had no business doing so (although he had Congress' approval to do so, unlike Obama's 2 wars). Where was their criticism of Obama for Libya and Syria? Obama backed Al Qaeida in one civil war and backed ISIS in another civil war against dictators. Again, WHY?! What was HIS 'end game'? Was it REALLY to liberate countries so 'democracy' could flourish? If that was the case, he failed miserably.
Our Politicians need to stop playing 'god' with other nations, though, thinking they can instill our (ex-) brand of democracy when they do not understand anything important about the people or their culture while trying to do so. That goes across BOTH aisles and is NOT limited to one party, as obvious.