When Republicans Win Control of Congress Next Year


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘The path from Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally to the Capitol was paved with lies about the 2020 election. Now, lies about what happened on Jan. 6 are becoming the Republican Party’s only strategy to regain power – and it’s working.

The Republican Party doesn’t have a governing agenda. It's a pathetic predicament but obvious to anyone who stepped foot in Trump’s White House. One reason congressional Republicans are focused on cultural issues – Dr. Seuss, fake red meat regulations and a handful of transgender high school athletes around the country – might be to avoid judgment on how they used power: no health care reform, no infrastructure package, heading toward 600,000 dead from the pandemic, and the attack on the Capitol.

The strategy is simple: Obfuscate, lie, change the subject and hope voters hold the other party to a higher standard. It’s cynical, un-American and, as exasperating as it may be, effective.'


The tragedy is that Republicans will be rewarded for their un-American strategy of lies, obfuscation, and dishonesty.
The tragedy is that Republicans will be rewarded for their un-American strategy of lies, obfuscation, and dishonesty.

Haha! Yeah, ok...and what are the Democrats being rewarded for their un-American strategy of lies, obfuscation and dishonesty now?

How about focusing on your (arrogant) Democrat Party and try to come up with some solutions to these problems that Biden inherited instead of what the Republicans may do in 2022 and in 2024?


You seem to spend more time bashing the Republicans any chance you can get, but yet not even trying to come up with any solutions to what the Democrats have done to this country.
It just goes to show you really suffer from TDS and you can't (or don't want to) help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
‘The path from Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally to the Capitol was paved with lies about the 2020 election. Now, lies about what happened on Jan. 6 are becoming the Republican Party’s only strategy to regain power – and it’s working.

The Republican Party doesn’t have a governing agenda. It's a pathetic predicament but obvious to anyone who stepped foot in Trump’s White House. One reason congressional Republicans are focused on cultural issues – Dr. Seuss, fake red meat regulations and a handful of transgender high school athletes around the country – might be to avoid judgment on how they used power: no health care reform, no infrastructure package, heading toward 600,000 dead from the pandemic, and the attack on the Capitol.

The strategy is simple: Obfuscate, lie, change the subject and hope voters hold the other party to a higher standard. It’s cynical, un-American and, as exasperating as it may be, effective.'


The tragedy is that Republicans will be rewarded for their un-American strategy of lies, obfuscation, and dishonesty.
jones was that a red herring fallacy?.....
‘The path from Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally to the Capitol was paved with lies about the 2020 election. Now, lies about what happened on Jan. 6 are becoming the Republican Party’s only strategy to regain power – and it’s working.

The Republican Party doesn’t have a governing agenda. It's a pathetic predicament but obvious to anyone who stepped foot in Trump’s White House. One reason congressional Republicans are focused on cultural issues – Dr. Seuss, fake red meat regulations and a handful of transgender high school athletes around the country – might be to avoid judgment on how they used power: no health care reform, no infrastructure package, heading toward 600,000 dead from the pandemic, and the attack on the Capitol.

The strategy is simple: Obfuscate, lie, change the subject and hope voters hold the other party to a higher standard. It’s cynical, un-American and, as exasperating as it may be, effective.'


The tragedy is that Republicans will be rewarded for their un-American strategy of lies, obfuscation, and dishonesty.
You are well advised to worry. The American people are becoming increasingly aware of the democrat/globalist agenda. We have seen their lies over the past four years and now that they are in power, we are experiencing the ill effects of their wrong headed agenda. Democrats are traitors.
Believe it or not Jones. . . unlike this board, most voters aren't hyper-partisan, they vote on REAL things, where the rubber meets the road.

. . . sure, all this free government money is nice, but? When it runs out, prices will still be high.

The DNC is royally screwing things up, b/c they haven't a clue what they are doing.

Or maybe they do and they don't give a shit? :dunno:


‘The path from Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally to the Capitol was paved with lies about the 2020 election. Now, lies about what happened on Jan. 6 are becoming the Republican Party’s only strategy to regain power – and it’s working.

The Republican Party doesn’t have a governing agenda. It's a pathetic predicament but obvious to anyone who stepped foot in Trump’s White House. One reason congressional Republicans are focused on cultural issues – Dr. Seuss, fake red meat regulations and a handful of transgender high school athletes around the country – might be to avoid judgment on how they used power: no health care reform, no infrastructure package, heading toward 600,000 dead from the pandemic, and the attack on the Capitol.

The strategy is simple: Obfuscate, lie, change the subject and hope voters hold the other party to a higher standard. It’s cynical, un-American and, as exasperating as it may be, effective.'


The tragedy is that Republicans will be rewarded for their un-American strategy of lies, obfuscation, and dishonesty.
The Republican Party will be rewarded with an honest election with no fake virus scam to hide any illegal activities by the Dim wits. The mushbrain left will see exactly what real Americans stand and vote for.
‘The path from Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally to the Capitol was paved with lies about the 2020 election. Now, lies about what happened on Jan. 6 are becoming the Republican Party’s only strategy to regain power – and it’s working.

The Republican Party doesn’t have a governing agenda. It's a pathetic predicament but obvious to anyone who stepped foot in Trump’s White House. One reason congressional Republicans are focused on cultural issues – Dr. Seuss, fake red meat regulations and a handful of transgender high school athletes around the country – might be to avoid judgment on how they used power: no health care reform, no infrastructure package, heading toward 600,000 dead from the pandemic, and the attack on the Capitol.

The strategy is simple: Obfuscate, lie, change the subject and hope voters hold the other party to a higher standard. It’s cynical, un-American and, as exasperating as it may be, effective.'


The tragedy is that Republicans will be rewarded for their un-American strategy of lies, obfuscation, and dishonesty.
Answer this question and maybe we will all vote for democrats.

Name one thing or policy the democrats have done or are working on today that I should be happy to vote for.
‘The path from Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally to the Capitol was paved with lies about the 2020 election. Now, lies about what happened on Jan. 6 are becoming the Republican Party’s only strategy to regain power – and it’s working.

The Republican Party doesn’t have a governing agenda. It's a pathetic predicament but obvious to anyone who stepped foot in Trump’s White House. One reason congressional Republicans are focused on cultural issues – Dr. Seuss, fake red meat regulations and a handful of transgender high school athletes around the country – might be to avoid judgment on how they used power: no health care reform, no infrastructure package, heading toward 600,000 dead from the pandemic, and the attack on the Capitol.

The strategy is simple: Obfuscate, lie, change the subject and hope voters hold the other party to a higher standard. It’s cynical, un-American and, as exasperating as it may be, effective.'


The tragedy is that Republicans will be rewarded for their un-American strategy of lies, obfuscation, and dishonesty.
Answer this question and maybe we will all vote for democrats.

Name one thing or policy the democrats have done or are working on today that I should be happy to vote for.
These are the policies that the democrats are promoting.
2022 and 2024 will be the GOP beating the dems like baby seals with these policies:
Open Borders and lax immigration policies
Defund the police
Russia First Energy policies
Lax Military posture
The Green New Deal
Support of criminals, no bail, etc.
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
Oppose school vouchers
China First trade policies
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists
The scum demonRAT party doesn’t have a governing agenda. It's a pathetic predicament but obvious to anyone who steps foot in xiden's White House. One reason congressional scum demonRATS are focused on cultural issues – Dr. Seuss, fake red meat regulations and a handful of transgender high school athletes around the country – might be to avoid judgment on how they use power: no health care reform, no infrastructure package, heading toward 600,000 dead from the pandemic, and the attack on the Capitol.
Haha! Yeah, ok...and what are the Democrats being rewarded for their un-American strategy of lies, obfuscation and dishonesty now?

How about focusing on your (arrogant) Democrat Party and try to come up with some solutions to these problems that Biden inherited instead of what the Republicans may do in 2022 and in 2024?


You seem to spend more time bashing the Republicans any chance you can get, but yet not even trying to come up with any solutions to what the Democrats have done to this country.
It just goes to show you really suffer from TDS and you can't (or don't want to) help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Ignoring what the Republicans might do in the elections is what got Democrats into the mess you're in now. And specifically, what "lies, obfuscation and dishonesty" are you referring to.

If you're referring to the lie that the "election was stolen", well that's Donald Trump's lie.

Is it the lie that Biden is responsible for the price of gasoline???? Yet another Republican lie.

Is it the lie that Democrats favour "open borders"???

Is it the lie that Republicans are better for the economy????? What a whopper that one is. 3 economic crashes in 40 years. No real wage increases for American workers for 40 years. In the past 40 years, Republicans have increased the minimum wage once. Shameful given the increases in American GDP, and record setting profits for American corporations.

Democrats have a lot of solutions but they continue to die in the Senate. Millionaires making decisions about the lives of working Americans and what they need to succeed. Everything must be means tested because poor people are lazy. That's why they're poor. Not because the system is rigged against them.

Keeping poor people hungry and desperate is why you have race riots every few years. It's why crime rates are so high in the USA.

All you right wing fools come here and call Democrats liars and crooks, with no evidence. You can't point to anything they've done to harm the American people only that they're out to "destroy" the USA and they're "evil".

None of you can discuss the economy with any degree of rational thinking, even though so many of the right wing posters here claim to be small business owners. Nor can you discuss foreign policy, other than Putin is good, China is bad.
‘The path from Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally to the Capitol was paved with lies about the 2020 election. Now, lies about what happened on Jan. 6 are becoming the Republican Party’s only strategy to regain power – and it’s working.

The Republican Party doesn’t have a governing agenda. It's a pathetic predicament but obvious to anyone who stepped foot in Trump’s White House. One reason congressional Republicans are focused on cultural issues – Dr. Seuss, fake red meat regulations and a handful of transgender high school athletes around the country – might be to avoid judgment on how they used power: no health care reform, no infrastructure package, heading toward 600,000 dead from the pandemic, and the attack on the Capitol.

The strategy is simple: Obfuscate, lie, change the subject and hope voters hold the other party to a higher standard. It’s cynical, un-American and, as exasperating as it may be, effective.'


The tragedy is that Republicans will be rewarded for their un-American strategy of lies, obfuscation, and dishonesty.
Prepare for a democracy high colonic this November, assclown.
Ignoring what the Republicans might do in the elections is what got Democrats into the mess you're in now. And specifically, what "lies, obfuscation and dishonesty" are you referring to.

If you're referring to the lie that the "election was stolen", well that's Donald Trump's lie.

Is it the lie that Biden is responsible for the price of gasoline???? Yet another Republican lie.

Is it the lie that Democrats favour "open borders"???

Is it the lie that Republicans are better for the economy????? What a whopper that one is. 3 economic crashes in 40 years. No real wage increases for American workers for 40 years. In the past 40 years, Republicans have increased the minimum wage once. Shameful given the increases in American GDP, and record setting profits for American corporations.

Democrats have a lot of solutions but they continue to die in the Senate. Millionaires making decisions about the lives of working Americans and what they need to succeed. Everything must be means tested because poor people are lazy. That's why they're poor. Not because the system is rigged against them.

Keeping poor people hungry and desperate is why you have race riots every few years. It's why crime rates are so high in the USA.

All you right wing fools come here and call Democrats liars and crooks, with no evidence. You can't point to anything they've done to harm the American people only that they're out to "destroy" the USA and they're "evil".

None of you can discuss the economy with any degree of rational thinking, even though so many of the right wing posters here claim to be small business owners. Nor can you discuss foreign policy, other than Putin is good, China is bad.
Ignoring what the Republicans might do in the elections is what got Democrats into the mess you're in now. And specifically, what "lies, obfuscation and dishonesty" are you referring to.

If you're referring to the lie that the "election was stolen", well that's Donald Trump's lie.

Is it the lie that Biden is responsible for the price of gasoline???? Yet another Republican lie.

Is it the lie that Democrats favour "open borders"???

Is it the lie that Republicans are better for the economy????? What a whopper that one is. 3 economic crashes in 40 years. No real wage increases for American workers for 40 years. In the past 40 years, Republicans have increased the minimum wage once. Shameful given the increases in American GDP, and record setting profits for American corporations.

Democrats have a lot of solutions but they continue to die in the Senate. Millionaires making decisions about the lives of working Americans and what they need to succeed. Everything must be means tested because poor people are lazy. That's why they're poor. Not because the system is rigged against them.

Keeping poor people hungry and desperate is why you have race riots every few years. It's why crime rates are so high in the USA.

All you right wing fools come here and call Democrats liars and crooks, with no evidence. You can't point to anything they've done to harm the American people only that they're out to "destroy" the USA and they're "evil".

None of you can discuss the economy with any degree of rational thinking, even though so many of the right wing posters here claim to be small business owners. Nor can you discuss foreign policy, other than Putin is good, China is bad.
and of course you can discuss it rationally right?....

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