When PROG-news concerns itself with Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
I didn't read the story myself, surely they dressed it up Biden-friendly. If this were Trump the USA would declare he's starting WWIII. How do we know that? Well, Trump never so much as entered office and they were already sure he would, I suppose using the rationality that he grabbed a pussy. The guy who didn't involve us in war would surely start WWIII, due he's just that incompetent.

And sure, PROGS entertain themselves that Trump was incompetent. He sure accomplished a lot of positive for incompetent, more than anyone since at least FDR. And it wasn't stupid like how many balls are between your legs, and nominations due someone's correct color, for appearances.

Difference left & right is conservatives like tangibles, while PROGS prefer words & appearances.

So yeah, Biden is an idiot. What do you expect when you support dementia because mainstream media, and Pelosi types who told you so. Welcome to much of society are vegetables now, and look what they supported as their leader, it's symbolic.

It's not Xiden's fault, the dude should be walking his dog hoping to not trip over him, changing his underwear, and regular exercises to ward off deep dementia.

This is the USA's fault, stolen or not (STOLEN)

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Kicker is this is a win/win for Demonicrats, at the expense of the country, most clearly.

Let's talk Kamala, who has perhaps the poorest character of all Democrats. Sure, she won't run anything either, but she'll agree to skanks, you know she will. Her level of skank is she only earned what was it again, less than 1% support of from her own party? Every time she pairs off with someone she's humiliated, whether it's an unfriendly reporter, Pence, Gabbard and so on. Why? Because she's evil, she's unintelligent, she's a parrot and a con. She picked up that con business from Obama, IMO. Difference is Obama is a far better con. Although he's a twisted fuck he's intelligent. Kamala's poor disposition or dementia? Hmm.

Kamala is basically Xiden, though perhaps she's a greater problem due she's a radical. At least Biden was a good politician (i.e., salesman), who the fuck is Kamala?

PROGS choice to lead the country & world that's who.
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I didn't read the story myself, surely they dressed it up Biden-friendly. If this were Trump the USA would declare he's starting WWIII. How do we know that? Well, Trump never so much as entered office and they were already sure he would, I suppose using the rationality that he grabbed a pussy. The guy who didn't involve us in war would surely start WWIII, due he's just that incompetent.

And sure, PROGS entertain themselves that Trump was incompetent. He sure accomplished a lot of positive for incompetent, more than anyone since at least FDR. And it wasn't stupid like how many balls are between your legs, and nominations due someone's correct color, for appearances.

Difference left & right is conservatives like tangibles, while PROGS prefer words & appearances.

So yeah, Biden is an idiot. What do you expect when you support dementia because mainstream media, and Pelosi types who told you so. Welcome to much of society are vegetables now, and look what they supported as their leader, it's symbolic.

It's not Xiden's fault, the dude should be walking his dog hoping to not trip over him, changing his underwear, and regular exercises to ward off deep dementia.

This is the USA's fault, stolen or not (STOLEN)

You are correct WTH. The C-19 virus is no longer an issue since the release of C-19 infected illegal immigrants into American society. Like it or not the deep state within American government is as much or more @ fault for the current political fiasco unfolding before the American constituencies eyes than the American constituency. Communalism is a particularly strong hallucinogenic that affects the hyper gullible with dazzling & long lasting effect for sure. Statism(communalism/nazism), the religion of the statist left is based on the original religion of NIHILISM the long ago corrupted & fallen ones took as their religion. The link below illustrates what the world in general is heading into.

NIHILISM : The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age
I didn't read the story myself, surely they dressed it up Biden-friendly. If this were Trump the USA would declare he's starting WWIII. How do we know that? Well, Trump never so much as entered office and they were already sure he would, I suppose using the rationality that he grabbed a pussy. The guy who didn't involve us in war would surely start WWIII, due he's just that incompetent.

And sure, PROGS entertain themselves that Trump was incompetent. He sure accomplished a lot of positive for incompetent, more than anyone since at least FDR. And it wasn't stupid like how many balls are between your legs, and nominations due someone's correct color, for appearances.

Difference left & right is conservatives like tangibles, while PROGS prefer words & appearances.

So yeah, Biden is an idiot. What do you expect when you support dementia because mainstream media, and Pelosi types who told you so. Welcome to much of society are vegetables now, and look what they supported as their leader, it's symbolic.

It's not Xiden's fault, the dude should be walking his dog hoping to not trip over him, changing his underwear, and regular exercises to ward off deep dementia.

This is the USA's fault, stolen or not (STOLEN)

Oh no, are you troubled because of an unfair media and about an article that you didn’t bother to read but are gonna assume is fake news anyways?! I’m so sorry about that. Send me your address and I’ll send you back a big hug to make you feel better
What they are doing is insuring that they will never lose power. Our elections mimic Russia's elections now. They are worthless. The left is creating a vote tsunami. A relentless surge that will never end is how Biden described it.
And we will go broke trying to accommodate them, starting with the hotel rooms and room service they are enjoying while we go to work to pay for it. Life in this country is about to become very dangerous...
I didn't read the story myself, surely they dressed it up Biden-friendly. If this were Trump the USA would declare he's starting WWIII. How do we know that? Well, Trump never so much as entered office and they were already sure he would, I suppose using the rationality that he grabbed a pussy. The guy who didn't involve us in war would surely start WWIII, due he's just that incompetent.

And sure, PROGS entertain themselves that Trump was incompetent. He sure accomplished a lot of positive for incompetent, more than anyone since at least FDR. And it wasn't stupid like how many balls are between your legs, and nominations due someone's correct color, for appearances.

Difference left & right is conservatives like tangibles, while PROGS prefer words & appearances.

So yeah, Biden is an idiot. What do you expect when you support dementia because mainstream media, and Pelosi types who told you so. Welcome to much of society are vegetables now, and look what they supported as their leader, it's symbolic.

It's not Xiden's fault, the dude should be walking his dog hoping to not trip over him, changing his underwear, and regular exercises to ward off deep dementia.

This is the USA's fault, stolen or not (STOLEN)

Oh no, are you troubled because of an unfair media and about an article that you didn’t bother to read but are gonna assume is fake news anyways?! I’m so sorry about that. Send me your address and I’ll send you back a big hug to make you feel better

You have problems with context & reading comp is all. Otherwise I'd suggest you read the link from post 6
I didn't read the story myself, surely they dressed it up Biden-friendly. If this were Trump the USA would declare he's starting WWIII. How do we know that? Well, Trump never so much as entered office and they were already sure he would, I suppose using the rationality that he grabbed a pussy. The guy who didn't involve us in war would surely start WWIII, due he's just that incompetent.

And sure, PROGS entertain themselves that Trump was incompetent. He sure accomplished a lot of positive for incompetent, more than anyone since at least FDR. And it wasn't stupid like how many balls are between your legs, and nominations due someone's correct color, for appearances.

Difference left & right is conservatives like tangibles, while PROGS prefer words & appearances.

So yeah, Biden is an idiot. What do you expect when you support dementia because mainstream media, and Pelosi types who told you so. Welcome to much of society are vegetables now, and look what they supported as their leader, it's symbolic.

It's not Xiden's fault, the dude should be walking his dog hoping to not trip over him, changing his underwear, and regular exercises to ward off deep dementia.

This is the USA's fault, stolen or not (STOLEN)

Oh no, are you troubled because of an unfair media and about an article that you didn’t bother to read but are gonna assume is fake news anyways?! I’m so sorry about that. Send me your address and I’ll send you back a big hug to make you feel better

You have problems with context & reading comp is all. Otherwise I'd suggest you read the link from post 6
No I’m good... just wish I was there with you so I could give you a big hug and tell you everything is going to be alright

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