When it comes to health and not getting sick...


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2010
This might offend a lot of people, but if everyone is concerned about their health and trying to avoid getting sick, why are those same people eating the S.A.D, not caring that they're obese, putting all sorts of crap in their body... and on top of all that, putting all their trust in big pharma, their billionaire investors and the corrupt government? Yeah, a real trustworthy crowd. They really do care about us and have our best interests at heart. :rolleyes:

Is there anyone else who thinks it's absurd and surreal that most people prefer to forget about about eating healthy, exercising, getting fresh air and sunshine, avoiding stress, and last but definitely not least, boosting our natural immune system?

Also, has anyone else noticed that the same people behind the lockdowns, social distancing and mandatory mask-wearing NEVER (as far as I've seen) talk about any of those things I just mentioned and building your body's own natural defenses?

Gee, I wonder why that is. Could it be that they don't really care about our health but just want to sell the vaccine? (And probably numerous vaccines after that) And want you to be living in constant fear so they can control you and get you on board with all of their agendas?

Just a bit of unsolicited advice. Don't trust powers who convince you to live in constant fear, wear a muzzle and unrealistically believe you can or should live in a 100% sterile bubble 24/7, while at the same time fail to place any importance on doing common sense, wise healthy things, like eating right and exercising. The fear, the masking and other things they are promoting are not going to build your immune system, if anything those things will weaken it, especially the continual fear.

So that leads to the question, do these "leaders" and "health officials" know that and just not care, in the same way that big pharma doesn't care about true healing and health, but instead wants people dependent on pharmaceutical drugs for life?

OR, do they genuinely believe that the best approach is a life of sanitizing, distancing, masking, living in fear of everyone, and vaccinating for life... while not even thinking about a healthy diet and lifestyle or taking control of our own health and boosting our natural immune system?

If it's the former, they're dishonest and unethical. If it's the latter, they're very misguided and potentially dangerous. Personally I think it's the former, but either way, why would you put your trust in people of either category?

Just some things to think about.




Those same leaders who want everyone to wear a mask should be pushing for everyone to wear a Kevlar vest as shootings skyrocket in their communities as they demonize and defund police.
Those same leaders who want everyone to wear a mask should be pushing for everyone to wear a Kevlar vest as shootings skyrocket in their communities as they demonize and defund police.
Dont forget to include bulletproof cradles since a lot of black infants are being shot by other blacks
This might offend a lot of people, but if everyone is concerned about their health and trying to avoid getting sick, why are those same people eating the S.A.D, not caring that they're obese, putting all sorts of crap in their body... and on top of all that, putting all their trust in big pharma, their billionaire investors and the corrupt government? Yeah, a real trustworthy crowd. They really do care about us and have our best interests at heart. :rolleyes:

Is there anyone else who thinks it's absurd and surreal that most people prefer to forget about about eating healthy, exercising, getting fresh air and sunshine, avoiding stress, and last but definitely not least, boosting our natural immune system?

Also, has anyone else noticed that the same people behind the lockdowns, social distancing and mandatory mask-wearing NEVER (as far as I've seen) talk about any of those things I just mentioned and building your body's own natural defenses?

Gee, I wonder why that is. Could it be that they don't really care about our health but just want to sell the vaccine? (And probably numerous vaccines after that) And want you to be living in constant fear so they can control you and get you on board with all of their agendas?

Just a bit of unsolicited advice. Don't trust powers who convince you to live in constant fear, wear a muzzle and unrealistically believe you can or should live in a 100% sterile bubble 24/7, while at the same time fail to place any importance on doing common sense, wise healthy things, like eating right and exercising. The fear, the masking and other things they are promoting are not going to build your immune system, if anything those things will weaken it, especially the continual fear.

So that leads to the question, do these "leaders" and "health officials" know that and just not care, in the same way that big pharma doesn't care about true healing and health, but instead wants people dependent on pharmaceutical drugs for life?

OR, do they genuinely believe that the best approach is a life of sanitizing, distancing, masking, living in fear of everyone, and vaccinating for life... while not even thinking about a healthy diet and lifestyle or taking control of our own health and boosting our natural immune system?

If it's the former, they're dishonest and unethical. If it's the latter, they're very misguided and potentially dangerous. Personally I think it's the former, but either way, why would you put your trust in people of either category?

Just some things to think about.




People are fucking lazy. They want change but are not typicallly willing to do what it takes to make change. That does not mean we do not practice good hygene and stay healthy our selves. Kindergarten argument. Johnny jumps of a bridge so I will to kind of stuff.
Michelle Obama tried to emphasize healthy eating and exercise....

And was demonized by the right wing.... :(
Yep. Fast food is the staple of many diets. Fried foods, donuts. I'm appalled at the lines for fast food when I drive by. Those people drive up our healthcare costs.
Michelle Obama tried to emphasize healthy eating and exercise....

And was demonized by the right wing.... :(

I think it's good when anyone encourages others to do healthy, common sense things… regardless of political party. IIRC, one of the reasons why it was controversial was because didn't they make her school lunches a federally mandated thing? Conservatives believe that everything works better when it's on a more local level, and when people have choices. So the encouraging part was good, but getting the government involved and trying to force people to change does not work.
This might offend a lot of people, but if everyone is concerned about their health and trying to avoid getting sick, why are those same people eating the S.A.D, not caring that they're obese, putting all sorts of crap in their body... and on top of all that, putting all their trust in big pharma, their billionaire investors and the corrupt government? Yeah, a real trustworthy crowd. They really do care about us and have our best interests at heart. :rolleyes:

Is there anyone else who thinks it's absurd and surreal that most people prefer to forget about about eating healthy, exercising, getting fresh air and sunshine, avoiding stress, and last but definitely not least, boosting our natural immune system?

Also, has anyone else noticed that the same people behind the lockdowns, social distancing and mandatory mask-wearing NEVER (as far as I've seen) talk about any of those things I just mentioned and building your body's own natural defenses?

Gee, I wonder why that is. Could it be that they don't really care about our health but just want to sell the vaccine? (And probably numerous vaccines after that) And want you to be living in constant fear so they can control you and get you on board with all of their agendas?

Just a bit of unsolicited advice. Don't trust powers who convince you to live in constant fear, wear a muzzle and unrealistically believe you can or should live in a 100% sterile bubble 24/7, while at the same time fail to place any importance on doing common sense, wise healthy things, like eating right and exercising. The fear, the masking and other things they are promoting are not going to build your immune system, if anything those things will weaken it, especially the continual fear.

So that leads to the question, do these "leaders" and "health officials" know that and just not care, in the same way that big pharma doesn't care about true healing and health, but instead wants people dependent on pharmaceutical drugs for life?

OR, do they genuinely believe that the best approach is a life of sanitizing, distancing, masking, living in fear of everyone, and vaccinating for life... while not even thinking about a healthy diet and lifestyle or taking control of our own health and boosting our natural immune system?

If it's the former, they're dishonest and unethical. If it's the latter, they're very misguided and potentially dangerous. Personally I think it's the former, but either way, why would you put your trust in people of either category?

Just some things to think about.




People are fucking lazy. They want change but are not typicallly willing to do what it takes to make change. That does not mean we do not practice good hygene and stay healthy our selves. Kindergarten argument. Johnny jumps of a bridge so I will to kind of stuff.

I'm not sure what your point is. Are you saying that there's nothing wrong with promoting sanitizing / masking / social distancing / vaccinating while never encouraging people to do healthy common sense things and take control of our own health?

I am not in the medical field, but there are many who are who have said that their approach is all wrong. It promotes things that do not lead to good health while at the same time preventing us from building our own strong immune system.

And that sounds very familiar, it's basically what big Pharma does, wanting people to depend on pharmaceutical drugs but never actually changing our lifestyle and getting to the root of the problem. Because of course truly healthy healed people do not make them any $$$$$. AND, a population of sick, drug using, dependent people are much easier to control.

I usually don't like Bill Maher, but every once in a while he puts out good doses of truth.

"There's no money in healthy people. And there's no money in dead people. The money is in the middle: people who are alive, sort of, but with one or more chronic conditions"

They are the "experts" people are defending- go figure.

But, you know what they miss?


Maybe they believe a mask will make them immune to ^^^^^^^^^^

Public Education failure as it's best.
They are the "experts" people are defending- go figure.

But, you know what they miss?

View attachment 364154

Maybe they believe a mask will make them immune to ^^^^^^^^^^

Public Education failure as it's best.

I love that quote! Both of them, actually, two excellent quotes!

Yeah, many people seem to not be using their noodle. They're not looking at the main players behind this whole thing, at their character, at their connections, at the things they're NOT saying, at the doublespeak, the absurdities, the list goes on and on.

It seems many people are being willfully blind.

And that reminds me of a recent video by Larken Rose, about how people think. He made a point that when people fear, especially when they believe that their life is in danger, they get completely irrational and illogical, and react in a very emotional, willfully blind way. Which seems to be exactly what is happening.

I'll just post the video here in case anyone wants to watch it:

Johnny Cash had a song with the line- bad news travels like wildfire, good news travels slow
Johnny Cash had a song with the line- bad news travels like wildfire, good news travels slow

Yes, exactly, and it sounds like you watched the Larken Rose video, because he talked about that. He said that throughout this whole sham, so many things they said were wrong and reversed later, but of course no one hears or cares about the retractions. People continue to believe the initial scary fearmongering lies, let the truth be damned.

The video is a bit long and he takes a while to get to the point, but he brings up a lot of good points, and I wish everyone in the world could watch it.
I have always had a healthy distrust of the food, drug and medical industries, because that is exactly what they are. Industries. And we are their potential customers and they work very hard to make sure we will become prisoners of their industries. You have to take ownership of your own health, take drugs, even ibuprofen, only as a last resort. Read food labels and be aware how much poison the food industry is pushing onto you and your kids. Challenge your doctors, ask questions, get second opinions. ESPECIALLY if they prescribe drugs.

If you are not healthy physically and mentally, you will not be free. You will be prisoner.
I have always had a healthy distrust of the food, drug and medical industries, because that is exactly what they are. Industries. And we are their potential customers and they work very hard to make sure we will become prisoners of their industries. You have to take ownership of your own health, take drugs, even ibuprofen, only as a last resort. Read food labels and be aware how much poison the food industry is pushing onto you and your kids. Challenge your doctors, ask questions, get second opinions. ESPECIALLY if they prescribe drugs.

If you are not healthy physically and mentally, you will not be free. You will be prisoner.

I wholeheartedly agree! In fact, I think the corruption is actually much worse than people realize. As you said, they don't make money from healthy people, and also sick, drug-dependent people are easier to control. This is why I asked the question, should you really be trusting powers who are not saying anything about boosting our natural immune system and doing healthy common sense things, while at the same time telling people to do things that are NOT good for our health?

I haven't even brought up all the connections to big Pharma, but what I brought up alone should cause people to question their trust in these "leaders" and "health officials."
I wholeheartedly agree! In fact, I think the corruption is actually much worse than people realize. As you said, they don't make money from healthy people, and also sick, drug-dependent people are easier to control. This is why I asked the question, should you really be trusting powers who are not saying anything about boosting our natural immune system and doing healthy common sense things, while at the same time telling people to do things that are NOT good for our health?

I haven't even brought up all the connections to big Pharma, but what I brought up alone should cause people to question their trust in these "leaders" and "health officials."
The analogy I always use is a pipeline. Whether you are talking about the food, drug, medical or the college industry they all must, must, must keep the pipeline filled. So each engages in their own form of propaganda to make that happen.
Speaking of all this stuff, I just happened to stumble across this video where this woman talks about how people who don't care about their health are now shaming others who DO care about their health, for not wearing a mask, when they are the ones who need to take responsibility for their own health.

FTR: I don't agree with her on diet (I eat a plantbased diet) but other than that I agree with pretty much everything she's saying here:

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