When Did Pride Parades Become Public Displays of Sexual Depravity?

It goes back to the disproportionate voice queers somehow gained in Hollywood, the liberal media, and liberal politics. Their ability to shame and denigrate anyone who spoke out against them has silenced most dissent. The best option these days is shut your mouth and shut your wallet, then they can't really whine as effectively.

When Did Pride Parades Become Public Displays of Sexual Depravity?​

When she started attending it....
I've seen so many videos like this and worse over the past month. Anyone who grew up in the 70s, 80s, and 90s would have never imagined that public displays like this would be deemed acceptable. My son asked me when everything started getting "weird." When was the turning point? I had to think about it for a moment and then it came to me. In 2016 we executed a gorilla named Harambe and the prophecy was fulfilled.

democrat gatherings have always been disgusting .

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