When Alabama’s constitution was written in 1901 by 155 white men, their goal was to “establish white supremacy" in AL,language that could be taken out


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Alabama’s current constitution was adopted to enshrine white supremacy. But teaching that is now illegal.

It took a while but the libs at NPR finally admitted that parts of the Alabama constitution that treated blacks unfairly have already been removed by amendments and court decisions
A lot of white racist crap went on from before we became a nation, up until the mid-twentieth century, but it was white politicians that overturned the racist and misogynist laws of the past. Human intellect grows over time. Minorities in the United States, act like the U.S. was the only nation that had slaves and racist laws when the truth was far different. We weren't even a nation that had the most slaves. Muslim nations had the majority of black slaves, castrating the males and raping the women. Brazil and other South American nations had the second highest levels of slavery and racist laws. Mauritania didn't make slavery a crime until 2007, a Muslim nation. No surprise there. The Muslim nations still have slavery, but they just don't have it on paper, as to why, because the Quran tells them they can.
As to racism, good luck finding any nation that doesn't have some percentage of racists. I've travelled the planet and I can assure you, it exists outside the United States.
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