Wheels Wobble on Democrat Clown Car

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Wheels Wobble on Democrat Clown Car
Even former DNC Chairmoonbat Terry McAwful realizes that it would be ludicrous to let the Democrat Party seize total control of the healthcare industry and micromanage every aspect of our lives when these clowns aren’t even competent to count their own votes in Iowa. James Carville is aware that the Dems are “losing our damn minds.” Shrillary Rotten wants Bolshevik Bernie to stop promising things that it would collapse the economy for him to try to deliver.

The Democrat candidates are such ludicrous parodies of moonbats that they actually include their preferred pronouns in their Twitter bios. As Biden implodes, it becomes ever more obvious that they do not have a viable presidential candidate. They are so desperate that Chris Matthews literally suggested using a brokered convention to install the widely despised Adam Schiff.

Mark Dice enjoys the show:

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Bonus from that lefty stalwart the Atlantic

Dooooooooom lol

The 2020 Democrats All Have the Same Problem
Wheels Wobble on Democrat Clown Car
Even former DNC Chairmoonbat Terry McAwful realizes that it would be ludicrous to let the Democrat Party seize total control of the healthcare industry and micromanage every aspect of our lives when these clowns aren’t even competent to count their own votes in Iowa. James Carville is aware that the Dems are “losing our damn minds.” Shrillary Rotten wants Bolshevik Bernie to stop promising things that it would collapse the economy for him to try to deliver.

The Democrat candidates are such ludicrous parodies of moonbats that they actually include their preferred pronouns in their Twitter bios. As Biden implodes, it becomes ever more obvious that they do not have a viable presidential candidate. They are so desperate that Chris Matthews literally suggested using a brokered convention to install the widely despised Adam Schiff.

Mark Dice enjoys the show:

All links highlighted

Bonus from that lefty stalwart the Atlantic

Dooooooooom lol

The 2020 Democrats All Have the Same Problem

Thank you. Mark Dice is a VERY funny guy.
You mean to say that the wheels are still on it?

The entire Democratic machine is flying apart. It started with putting the big-eared Kenyan America-Apologizer Obama in office, losing the House, the Senate, cheating to get reelected, then losing the White House, the Supreme Court, and now trying to trump up (sorry) bogus charges on the President in an effort to get him off the next ballot!

Now the wheels are flying off and the seams are coming unglued. And the Left hasn't a leg to stand on. Not Nazi Bloomberg, not the Fake Indian, not the Communist, not the crime boss Hillary, and certainly not the baby sniffer, wife molester, 4 time loser Alzheimer Joe.

And we have Nancy to thank for it all!

Wheels Wobble on Democrat Clown Car
Even former DNC Chairmoonbat Terry McAwful realizes that it would be ludicrous to let the Democrat Party seize total control of the healthcare industry and micromanage every aspect of our lives when these clowns aren’t even competent to count their own votes in Iowa. James Carville is aware that the Dems are “losing our damn minds.” Shrillary Rotten wants Bolshevik Bernie to stop promising things that it would collapse the economy for him to try to deliver.

The Democrat candidates are such ludicrous parodies of moonbats that they actually include their preferred pronouns in their Twitter bios. As Biden implodes, it becomes ever more obvious that they do not have a viable presidential candidate. They are so desperate that Chris Matthews literally suggested using a brokered convention to install the widely despised Adam Schiff.

Mark Dice enjoys the show:

All links highlighted

Bonus from that lefty stalwart the Atlantic

Dooooooooom lol

The 2020 Democrats All Have the Same Problem

Nancy Pelosi tore up the Official 2020 State of the Union Speech by President Trump, an Official United States Document, United States Property, and America started understanding what our President had been through at the snooty snap of her hateful fingers for the past 3.2 years.

And I don't think they liked the understanding that her arrogant little stunt gave them, except that the Democrats and their surrogates in the Main Stream Media have been lying about President Trump since the minute he started campaigning for President of the United States, which with real hard work, he won with a little help from his friends. I hear there are people in Congress who say she broke the law in destroying this official document in her possession, and that really harks back to the day they caught Clinton operative Sandy Berger smuggling and illegally expropriating documents that Bill and Hillary Clinton did not want the public to know about.

It Weighs on You
... Clinton-era national security adviser Sandy Berger smuggled classified documents out of the National Archives that detailed his boss's efforts to thwart terrorist threats to the millennium celebrations. The crime cost Berger $50,000, 100 hours of community service, his security clearance, and his law license. But the agents who went after him haven't forgotten. "It weighs on you," says Archives Inspector General Paul Brachfeld.

Now, Nancy Pelosi has used her hatred for Trump one too many times. She should be stripped of her title "Speaker of the House," and never allowed to serve on any committee she could corrupt.

Another problem in the House is Maxine Waters. She received not so much as a hand slap for harassing the President and every Staff member in the White House by her official order for underlings to go and "get in the face" of Republicans she hated:

"Push back on them."

And she wants to "Take Trump Out" in a public speech

Do you really have confidence in this hateful dowager-liar-gossip to use the nation's money holdings in a responsible way? Well, The House holds the money, and Maxine Waters is Chairman of all that money. She should never have been placed in a responsible chair anywhere, and the public now knows all that hatred against Trump was a huge conspiracy to get rid of President Trump. "Take Trump Out" is criminal speak for murdering a man, and in this case, she announced she would approve of anybody to murder President Trump

I think Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi should be tried for treason, for conspiracy to damage the Executive Branch, and public whipping is too good for either of them. I think they should be fined for their net worth, be placed in solitary confinement with no communication with the outside world except for written medical documents once a year that they are in good health or not. Period. They're traitors. And this nation is sick of them betraying our POTUS. :cranky:
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