Wheeeeerrrrre's Oprah?

I think it would've pissed A LOT of people off if Oprah had made any kind of speech at the DNC. It would've played right into the Repugs hands too that Obama is more of a celebrity than an actual leader.

I'm quite certain that Oprah is silently still supporting Obama but in many ways she does more harm than good to be that out there.
Obama is pretty smart. I think he's actually trying to down play is "black" supporters. He's trying to appeal to everyone and if he comes off as being too "black," a lot of white supporters might pull their support. He has been accused of "not being black" enough.
Obama is pretty smart. I think he's actually trying to down play is "black" supporters. He's trying to appeal to everyone and if he comes off as being too "black," a lot of white supporters might pull their support. He has been accused of "not being black" enough.

AKA: he's trying to throw black people under the bus so the whites will think his 20 years at TUCC were spent sleeping.
Oprah supports whatever is popular. Four years ago, she was begging Hillary to run for President.

She was at the DNC. Here's her reaction. Oprah: 'Never experienced anything like that' - First Read - msnbc.com

well let's be honest, four years ago Obama was a virtual unknown. I think if Hillary had run in 04 she might've had a shot....

Obama gained national attention with his keynote address at the 04 DNC. I just watched that speech for the first time tonight (I love digital cable LOL)and was struck by how on point he was even back then. His stance on everything in that speech is almost exactly the same as today. I was even more impressed after that because it reassured me that he's not simply spouting the latest fad and these ideals are his.
Obama's three biggest priorities are...

Getting out of Iraq, universal healthcare, and American energy independence.

well yeah, there's those too! but I want my lollipop damn it! :eusa_pray:
it is amusing that anyone would vote according to the actions of a talk show host. Oprah has made a career of promoting others, ie. dr phil ...etc...she is a talented actress as proven in the "color purple". she clearly stated early on she would not have any one else on her show that her support of obama was that great and she was that sure.

Now, my advice, the remote works well...if you dont care for what she is doing then change the channel...call her advertisers whatever but oprah has no obligations to have anyone else on. Obama was on before he announced if I am not mistaken.
AKA: he's trying to throw black people under the bus so the whites will think his 20 years at TUCC were spent sleeping.

Actually, and believe it or not, there is a black community dissent towards obama wave that is just beginning and if you read some of their political blogs you can see it....

some do feel he has thrown them under the bus, and not on issues regarding race, but regarding the war and afghanistan and picking that Brezinsky guy as an advisor who is just another HAWK....their is dissent brewing among some blacks, there most certainly is....
Actually, and believe it or not, there is a black community dissent towards obama wave that is just beginning and if you read some of their political blogs you can see it....

some do feel he has thrown them under the bus, and not on issues regarding race, but regarding the war and afghanistan and picking that Brezinsky guy as an advisor who is just another HAWK....their is dissent brewing among some blacks, there most certainly is....

Like I've said in other threads, there are people that will and people that won't vote for him because he's black and there are those that will and won't vote for Palin just because she's a woman. If you base your vote solely on any candidates race, religion or gender, it's not an intelligent vote.
Actually, and believe it or not, there is a black community dissent towards obama wave that is just beginning and if you read some of their political blogs you can see it....

some do feel he has thrown them under the bus, and not on issues regarding race, but regarding the war and afghanistan and picking that Brezinsky guy as an advisor who is just another HAWK....their is dissent brewing among some blacks, there most certainly is....

ahhhhhhhhh yes--Mr New World Order himself !
You bet ! Thanks for the heads up. I was wondering who has been behind the curtains for Obama. Shoulda known tho. Bye Bye sovereignty !

a sector of the black community and the anti war people are pretty upset....blackascoal, over at jpp has been mouthing off on it....giving a few links of respectable black news, i went to them to read up on it....
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