What's Up With Democratas Not Paying there Taxes?

Is it really that hard for these people to figure out how to pay there taxes? If so are these the people we want running our country?

Democrats... Are you Ok with this?????????

Newsmax.com - Al Franken Admits $50,000 Tax Debt

They are a party who would have Stewart Smalley as a US Senator.

What do you think?

It's funny how they don't have a problems raising taxes on other people.... Maybe it's because they know they wont have to pay.
It's funny how they don't have a problems raising taxes on other people.... Maybe it's because they know they wont have to pay.

you better hope obama fails.. big time.. and don't let nobody shame you for wishing it..
Yep ,Dems don't like to pay their taxes or donate to charity. Yet, they get all riled up when you call them on their greedy money grubberness...go figure.
and the obama department of justice leaks sealed files on Michal Steele..

and the obama department of justice leaks sealed files on Michal Steele..


Well,that's how it's done in Chicago. Obama did the same kinda deed to everyone he wanted to take jobs from on his way to the white house. He didn't run un opposed by pure luck you know.

And remember his campaign workers digging up trash on Joe the Plumber. Not to mention Son's of campaign dem contributers convieniently hacking into Palin's email. Just more of the same "change' we can believe in.
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The democrats have always been the people that tell us " Do as I say, not as I do" They think they are above mundane laws, those are for the masses, out great Democratic party officials do so much for us, we should not begrudge them just ignoring inconvenient laws like this.
The democRATs should never have to pay taxes. How dare anyone expect them to lower themselves to do what the common man has to do?
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