What’s the Point?


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
What is the point in continuing a life that has been nothing more than 49+ years of disappointment, failure, rejection and general discouragement in every facet of that life?
What is the point in continuing a life that has been nothing more than 49+ years of disappointment, failure, rejection and general discouragement in every facet of that life?
I thought you were much older.

In answer to your question, though, perhaps we mere mortals simply don’t know what the “purpose” of life is. Therefore, if there is a “purpose,” then suicide negates the chances of achieving that “purpose?”

A more practical reason not to
“Quit?” Perhaps we should consider the possibility of saying: “tomorrow is another day.”

Tomorrow could be the day you strike gold. Or, maybe it’s the day you grasp your “purpose.”

If you “quit,” you will never know.

If the subject of your OP is you, then take your own situation seriously. Call for help. Not even a tiny bit of shame in it.
I know what happens… more disappointment, more failure, more of what’s been the standard for half a century.
Been there. Too many times. But it's never too late for things to change, for you to change. Might as well stick around for the credits. I hear the blooper reel is a gas.
What is the point in continuing a life that has been nothing more than 49+ years of disappointment, failure, rejection and general discouragement in every facet of that life?

“I spent so much time at “rock bottom” that I was charged rent for staying there.” — D.C. Hyden​

Seriously, if you've hit rock bottom then it can only go up from here on in. Hang in there.
I thought you were much older
The age of the Soul and the age of the body don’t always line up directly.
A more practical reason not to
“Quit?” Perhaps we should consider the possibility of saying: “tomorrow is another day.”

Tomorrow could be the day you strike gold. Or, maybe it’s the day you grasp your “purpose.”
I know my purpose. I have since I was a child. My purpose is to suffer, one way or another, throughout this entire, miserable life.
If the subject of your OP is you, then take your own situation seriously. Call for help. Not even a tiny bit of shame in it.
There is no help for me, because I don’t see myself as the problem. It’s been tried many times before.

Don’t worry, I’m not eating a bullet or anything like that. That would be too easy of an out for the Universe to allow
I thought you were much older.

In answer to your question, though, perhaps we mere mortals simply don’t know what the “purpose” of life is. Therefore, if there is a “purpose,” then suicide negates the chances of achieving that “purpose?”

A more practical reason not to
“Quit?” Perhaps we should consider the possibility of saying: “tomorrow is another day.”

Tomorrow could be the day you strike gold. Or, maybe it’s the day you grasp your “purpose.”

If you “quit,” you will never know.

If the subject of your OP is you, then take your own situation seriously. Call for help. Not even a tiny bit of shame in it.

There is no purpose. We create our own.
I know what happens… more disappointment, more failure, more of what’s been the standard for half a century.
Joe? Joseph Heller, is it really you?

Something Happened

joseph Heller Coney Island Nathan's.jpg

Assuming that’s true it’s even more depressing to me… since I have never found a point to my life, especially in the last quarter century.

I don't do 'depression' as it seems a waste of time. I accept all things, good, bad, ugly and more, because it's a package deal. Don't have to like things as much as have to accept things -- in order to experience being alive.

"People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive." - Joseph Campbell

from: (The Power of Myth)
I don't do 'depression' as it seems a waste of time. I accept all things, good, bad, ugly and more, because it's a package deal. Don't have to like things as much as have to accept things -- in order to experience being alive.
I don’t do depression either. I mover straight to a misery at about age four.,when there is no good, only bad, worse, and ugly, it’s a pretty nasty package to get delivered on a daily basis. Yes, we do just have to accept it, but at what point do we just get to say “Enough is enough, I want out of the game of life.”
I don’t do depression either. I mover straight to a misery at about age four.,when there is no good, only bad, worse, and ugly, it’s a pretty nasty package to get delivered on a daily basis. Yes, we do just have to accept it, but at what point do we just get to say “Enough is enough, I want out of the game of life.”
The experiences of being alive are much broader than you describe. I believe it is your world view that limits you, that traps you. Unless of course it's clinical depression.

Being familiar with suicide and having even recently been a witness to self destruction that ended terribly for a friend, I can say I know people and a thing or two about those who have chosen to give up on experiencing life. I believe most get more than they bargained for. But who am I to judge? I'm one affected by the acts of people who have chosen to be connected. I get to judge what I experience. But I accept it all. I am not in control of the choices others make.

Misery? Some people have no clue. Screw that walk in another's shoes bs. There's self-centered misery, and there's the miserable experiences life hands out. They are not equal. Some people have stories that crush other people just in the telling. Then there are some people who's stories bore others to the point of wishing it all to go away.
Life is a series of disappointments interrupted by tragic events.

For the fragile who are intellectually and emotionally challenged, for sure. Some people actually learn from disappointments. Some people handle tragic events like others handle mere disappointments. Life's experiences are powerful when viewed as what they are -- examples of what it means to be alive.

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