What's Next, Obama?

Big Black Dog

Platinum Member
May 20, 2009
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For the sake of conversation, let's all assume the health care reform currently being tossed about has come to a end. Regardless of it's outcome, let's just assume that issue is all over with. It's a done deal and time to move on... Now, what's next? What will Obama's next trillion dollar boondoggle be? Anybody have a guess?:confused:
I agree. If Obamacare fails to pass, and it seems likely that it will fail, his career as the Prez of the United States is basically over. He may try to spend some more of our money, but we will not allow it. Our democratic congressmen will be voted out of office in 2010 if they vote for obamacare, and the Republicans will retake our house and senate. This will be Obama's Waterloo. The young and stupid kids of our country voted Obama into office, but the old and wise baby boomers will vote him and his ilk out.

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