What's New Under The Sun?


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Nothing, actually. The anti-Zionist Jew-hating UN fires another salvo at Israel. The United Muslim Security Council blames Israel for Hezbollah attacks on Israel.

The UN Security Council "condemned in the strongest terms" the killing of a Spanish UN peacekeeper who was killed last week on the Israeli-Lebanese border.

Before Cpl. Francisco Javier Soria Toledo was killed,Hezbollah fired a half dozen anti-tank missiles at two IDF vehicles, killing two soldiers and wounding seven others.

The Spanish peacekeeper was killed as Israel responded to the attack of the militant Shi'ite group with air strikes and artillery fire, a UN spokesman and Spanish officials said then.

The Security Council offered no condemnation of the Hezbollah attack that killed the two Israeli soldiers which set off the Israeli response.

UN Security Council condemnation of Spanish peacekeeper death fails to condemn Hezbollah - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post
Nothing, actually. The anti-Zionist Jew-hating UN fires another salvo at Israel. The United Muslim Security Council blames Israel for Hezbollah attacks on Israel.

The UN Security Council "condemned in the strongest terms" the killing of a Spanish UN peacekeeper who was killed last week on the Israeli-Lebanese border.

Before Cpl. Francisco Javier Soria Toledo was killed,Hezbollah fired a half dozen anti-tank missiles at two IDF vehicles, killing two soldiers and wounding seven others.

The Spanish peacekeeper was killed as Israel responded to the attack of the militant Shi'ite group with air strikes and artillery fire, a UN spokesman and Spanish officials said then.

The Security Council offered no condemnation of the Hezbollah attack that killed the two Israeli soldiers which set off the Israeli response.

UN Security Council condemnation of Spanish peacekeeper death fails to condemn Hezbollah - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post

Time to disband the UN and kick it out of every civilised nation in the west, then let the united muslim nations pay for it in the M.E. somewhere. Then we will see how long it lasts without US money to support its international ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM. Then hamas and fatah will be forced to sue for peace when the money stops or see their people starve
Incredible isn't it? All those precision weapons the IDF uses to avoid killing the wrong people (according to them, at least), and this happens. So either the weapons don't work half as well as the hasbara says they do, or the IDF were stupid and incompetent.....or it was deliberate murder challenging the U.N.

Not much, you got a new avatar, and the Israelis have imprisoned over 350 Pals since the beginning of the year.
Nothing, actually. The anti-Zionist Jew-hating UN fires another salvo at Israel. The United Muslim Security Council blames Israel for Hezbollah attacks on Israel.

The UN Security Council "condemned in the strongest terms" the killing of a Spanish UN peacekeeper who was killed last week on the Israeli-Lebanese border.

Before Cpl. Francisco Javier Soria Toledo was killed,Hezbollah fired a half dozen anti-tank missiles at two IDF vehicles, killing two soldiers and wounding seven others.

The Spanish peacekeeper was killed as Israel responded to the attack of the militant Shi'ite group with air strikes and artillery fire, a UN spokesman and Spanish officials said then.

The Security Council offered no condemnation of the Hezbollah attack that killed the two Israeli soldiers which set off the Israeli response.

UN Security Council condemnation of Spanish peacekeeper death fails to condemn Hezbollah - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post

Time to disband the UN and kick it out of every civilised nation in the west, then let the united muslim nations pay for it in the M.E. somewhere. Then we will see how long it lasts without US money to support its international ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM. Then hamas and fatah will be forced to sue for peace when the money stops or see their people starve

Now your upset with the UN, good grief, they must be anti Semitic.

I think that this will be coming to an end. Sooner than expected.

I have a feeling that the NGOs are going to be in for a very rude awakening. The UN will follow.
Incredible isn't it? All those precision weapons the IDF uses to avoid killing the wrong people (according to them, at least), and this happens. So either the weapons don't work half as well as the hasbara says they do, or the IDF were stupid and incompetent.....or it was deliberate murder challenging the U.N.

Collateral damage, Rufus.
Incredible isn't it? All those precision weapons the IDF uses to avoid killing the wrong people (according to them, at least), and this happens. So either the weapons don't work half as well as the hasbara says they do, or the IDF were stupid and incompetent.....or it was deliberate murder challenging the U.N.

You use a video of IDF not firing on civilians to accuse the IDF of firing on the UN last week?
The video us posted is more than a years old.
What were you thinking?
Incredible isn't it? All those precision weapons the IDF uses to avoid killing the wrong people (according to them, at least), and this happens. So either the weapons don't work half as well as the hasbara says they do, or the IDF were stupid and incompetent.....or it was deliberate murder challenging the U.N.

Collateral damage, Rufus.

What? you mean all those IDF videos claiming they avoided any collateral damage are all LIES? No, I don't believe it, surely not.
Incredible isn't it? All those precision weapons the IDF uses to avoid killing the wrong people (according to them, at least), and this happens. So either the weapons don't work half as well as the hasbara says they do, or the IDF were stupid and incompetent.....or it was deliberate murder challenging the U.N.

You use a video of IDF not firing on civilians to accuse the IDF of firing on the UN last week?
The video us posted is more than a years old.
What were you thinking?

Oh, so IDF weapons technology is no longer as good as it was a year ago? OK.
Incredible isn't it? All those precision weapons the IDF uses to avoid killing the wrong people (according to them, at least), and this happens. So either the weapons don't work half as well as the hasbara says they do, or the IDF were stupid and incompetent.....or it was deliberate murder challenging the U.N.

You use a video of IDF not firing on civilians to accuse the IDF of firing on the UN last week?
The video us posted is more than a years old.
What were you thinking?

Oh, so IDF weapons technology is no longer as good as it was a year ago? OK.

The IDF changed the target to avoid civilians. They try to avoid killing civilians but no human targeting is perfect. It is contently being improved but cannot avoid all collateral damage or death.

IDF has gone out of its way, more than most countries, to avoid civilian collateral deaths. They do not always have the luxury or resources to warn civilians to get out of the way. Nor can they avoid civilians that shield fighters and weapons by remaining.
It depends on the orders, the target and the circumstance of that moment.
Even drones are operated by humans with only so much information and not always perfect timing.
Even a locked target can spread enough to hurt of kill those too close. Without eyes on the ground you can't always tell how many and where every single person is. Heat might be animal or man made fire as well.
Muslim "radicals" intentionally target, rape, torture, abuse, enslave, and use civilians for their own twisted purposes.
Israel's neighbors are not the civilized western european governments. Israel is not located in the middle of the US. Israel needs to act and respond to those seeking its extermination.
He isn't interested in any of that. His mission is destabilization.
Incredible isn't it? All those precision weapons the IDF uses to avoid killing the wrong people (according to them, at least), and this happens. So either the weapons don't work half as well as the hasbara says they do, or the IDF were stupid and incompetent.....or it was deliberate murder challenging the U.N.

You use a video of IDF not firing on civilians to accuse the IDF of firing on the UN last week?
The video us posted is more than a years old.
What were you thinking?

Oh, so IDF weapons technology is no longer as good as it was a year ago? OK.

The IDF changed the target to avoid civilians. They try to avoid killing civilians but no human targeting is perfect. It is contently being improved but cannot avoid all collateral damage or death.

IDF has gone out of its way, more than most countries, to avoid civilian collateral deaths. They do not always have the luxury or resources to warn civilians to get out of the way. Nor can they avoid civilians that shield fighters and weapons by remaining.
It depends on the orders, the target and the circumstance of that moment.
Even drones are operated by humans with only so much information and not always perfect timing.
Even a locked target can spread enough to hurt of kill those too close. Without eyes on the ground you can't always tell how many and where every single person is. Heat might be animal or man made fire as well.
Muslim "radicals" intentionally target, rape, torture, abuse, enslave, and use civilians for their own twisted purposes.
Israel's neighbors are not the civilized western european governments. Israel is not located in the middle of the US. Israel needs to act and respond to those seeking its extermination.

Hasbara talking points.
Incredible isn't it? All those precision weapons the IDF uses to avoid killing the wrong people (according to them, at least), and this happens. So either the weapons don't work half as well as the hasbara says they do, or the IDF were stupid and incompetent.....or it was deliberate murder challenging the U.N.

You use a video of IDF not firing on civilians to accuse the IDF of firing on the UN last week?
The video us posted is more than a years old.
What were you thinking?

Oh, so IDF weapons technology is no longer as good as it was a year ago? OK.

The IDF changed the target to avoid civilians. They try to avoid killing civilians but no human targeting is perfect. It is contently being improved but cannot avoid all collateral damage or death.

IDF has gone out of its way, more than most countries, to avoid civilian collateral deaths. They do not always have the luxury or resources to warn civilians to get out of the way. Nor can they avoid civilians that shield fighters and weapons by remaining.
It depends on the orders, the target and the circumstance of that moment.
Even drones are operated by humans with only so much information and not always perfect timing.
Even a locked target can spread enough to hurt of kill those too close. Without eyes on the ground you can't always tell how many and where every single person is. Heat might be animal or man made fire as well.
Muslim "radicals" intentionally target, rape, torture, abuse, enslave, and use civilians for their own twisted purposes.
Israel's neighbors are not the civilized western european governments. Israel is not located in the middle of the US. Israel needs to act and respond to those seeking its extermination.

So what you are basically saying is, "Oops, sorry, we missed. We were aiming at the terrorist under the palm tree..."


or, don't worry, IDF to the rescue!

Incredible isn't it? All those precision weapons the IDF uses to avoid killing the wrong people (according to them, at least), and this happens. So either the weapons don't work half as well as the hasbara says they do, or the IDF were stupid and incompetent.....or it was deliberate murder challenging the U.N.

They missed the target deliberately because civilians were there, or do you think that the civilians were hit by the missile landing some distance away.
Incredible isn't it? All those precision weapons the IDF uses to avoid killing the wrong people (according to them, at least), and this happens. So either the weapons don't work half as well as the hasbara says they do, or the IDF were stupid and incompetent.....or it was deliberate murder challenging the U.N.

They missed the target deliberately because civilians were there, or do you think that the civilians were hit by the missile landing some distance away.

The coment was about the murder of the Spanish UNFIL soldier. The video was included to demonstrate alledged IDF capabilities to avoid the incident.
Incredible isn't it? All those precision weapons the IDF uses to avoid killing the wrong people (according to them, at least), and this happens. So either the weapons don't work half as well as the hasbara says they do, or the IDF were stupid and incompetent.....or it was deliberate murder challenging the U.N.

They missed the target deliberately because civilians were there, or do you think that the civilians were hit by the missile landing some distance away.

The coment was about the murder of the Spanish UNFIL soldier. The video was included to demonstrate alledged IDF capabilities to avoid the incident.

Which only work if there is a clear line of sight, if there is no line of sight then how can the operators know civilians are there. You really are silly when it comes to modern weapons, and how they need a clear image of the target to be guided in. No clear image and the targeting is not as accurate.

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