What Will trump do with illegal immigrants who have not committed any crimes?

You people have taken your eye off the ball.

Trump said he was going to deport all 11 million illegals. Now he is saying he is just going to deport the "bad ones". The ones who commit crimes.

He is clearly stipulating he does not mean all 11 million. So you can have fun splitting hairs over what constitutes a "criminal" undocumented immigrant, but it has fuck-all to do with the people Trump is talking about deporting.
He said from the first he would deport them humanely and he has not changed that position. He will deport criminals immediately and as Mike Pence said yesterday he will enforce existing laws and executive powers to take away all of the reasons they came here and then offer them a voluntary exit without a deportation mark on their record. He will enforce E-Verify broadly to deny them employment and deny federal funding to any organization or any city that does not verify an individual is here legally before offering services. At the same time he will offer to allow them to leave voluntarily without a deportation mark on their record so that they can later apply to enter the US legally. There will be no general amnesty and there will be no path to citizenship for anyone who is in the US illegally. This will be a slower process than some might want to see, but in the end the result will be the same. It will protect America while also protecting American values. Mike Pence spelled it all out.

Trump abbreviated everything you just said. He said he would be exactly like Bush and Obama when it comes to illegals.

Same old, same old.

Trump might have you fooled, but Mark Krikorian isn't.

Wait, the water has been muddied for you??? Awwwwww....:lol:

Not all all. It's you rubes who have been conned. Trump is fucking you up the ass again. But he's using so much grease, and you've taken it up the ass so often, you don't even notice any more.

You mean like hitlery is fucking you liberals up the ass? :lol:
You people have taken your eye off the ball.

Trump said he was going to deport all 11 million illegals. Now he is saying he is just going to deport the "bad ones". The ones who commit crimes.

He is clearly stipulating he does not mean all 11 million. So you can have fun splitting hairs over what constitutes a "criminal" undocumented immigrant, but it has fuck-all to do with the people Trump is talking about deporting.
He said from the first he would deport them humanely and he has not changed that position. He will deport criminals immediately and as Mike Pence said yesterday he will enforce existing laws and executive powers to take away all of the reasons they came here and then offer them a voluntary exit without a deportation mark on their record. He will enforce E-Verify broadly to deny them employment and deny federal funding to any organization or any city that does not verify an individual is here legally before offering services. At the same time he will offer to allow them to leave voluntarily without a deportation mark on their record so that they can later apply to enter the US legally. There will be no general amnesty and there will be no path to citizenship for anyone who is in the US illegally. This will be a slower process than some might want to see, but in the end the result will be the same. It will protect America while also protecting American values. Mike Pence spelled it all out.

Trump abbreviated everything you just said. He said he would be exactly like Bush and Obama when it comes to illegals.

Same old, same old.

Trump might have you fooled, but Mark Krikorian isn't.

Wait, the water has been muddied for you??? Awwwwww....:lol:

Not all all. It's you rubes who have been conned. Trump is fucking you up the ass again. But he's using so much grease, and you've taken it up the ass so often, you don't even notice any more.

You mean like hitlery is fucking you liberals up the ass? :lol:

Gee, it's too bad for you I am not a Clinton supporter by any stretch of the imagination, my false dichotomy friend.
I would like clarification on what Donald Trump wants to do with illegal immigrants who have not committed any crimes. Will he deport them or allow them to stay in the United States? Thanks in advance.
You do know that just being here illegally is in fat the commission of crime don't you?
You aren't stupid enough to bleev Trump is still going to round up all 11 million illegals with his "Deportation Force", are you?
He never said he would "round up" 11 million people.
He most certainly did, my Orwellian rube.

That's another thing Trump has always depended on: The goldfish-like memory of his marks.
No, that is your brutal fantasy. Trump always said they would be deported humanely.
He said from the first he would deport them humanely and he has not changed that position. He will deport criminals immediately and as Mike Pence said yesterday he will enforce existing laws and executive powers to take away all of the reasons they came here and then offer them a voluntary exit without a deportation mark on their record. He will enforce E-Verify broadly to deny them employment and deny federal funding to any organization or any city that does not verify an individual is here legally before offering services. At the same time he will offer to allow them to leave voluntarily without a deportation mark on their record so that they can later apply to enter the US legally. There will be no general amnesty and there will be no path to citizenship for anyone who is in the US illegally. This will be a slower process than some might want to see, but in the end the result will be the same. It will protect America while also protecting American values. Mike Pence spelled it all out.

Trump abbreviated everything you just said. He said he would be exactly like Bush and Obama when it comes to illegals.

Same old, same old.

Trump might have you fooled, but Mark Krikorian isn't.

Wait, the water has been muddied for you??? Awwwwww....:lol:

Not all all. It's you rubes who have been conned. Trump is fucking you up the ass again. But he's using so much grease, and you've taken it up the ass so often, you don't even notice any more.

You mean like hitlery is fucking you liberals up the ass? :lol:

Gee, it's too bad for you I am not a Clinton supporter by any stretch of the imagination, my false dichotomy friend.

Who would have figured you were voting Trump....
Trump abbreviated everything you just said. He said he would be exactly like Bush and Obama when it comes to illegals.

Same old, same old.

Trump might have you fooled, but Mark Krikorian isn't.
Wait, the water has been muddied for you??? Awwwwww....:lol:
Not all all. It's you rubes who have been conned. Trump is fucking you up the ass again. But he's using so much grease, and you've taken it up the ass so often, you don't even notice any more.
You mean like hitlery is fucking you liberals up the ass? :lol:
Gee, it's too bad for you I am not a Clinton supporter by any stretch of the imagination, my false dichotomy friend.
Who would have figured you were voting Trump....
I'm not voting for Trump, either, my FALSE DICHOTOMY friend.
I would like clarification on what Donald Trump wants to do with illegal immigrants who have not committed any crimes. Will he deport them or allow them to stay in the United States? Thanks in advance.

There is no such thing as an illegal alien who has committed no crime. The mere fact that one is illegal denotes one violated our nation's immigration laws. Are you the product of one of those inner-city schools in Detroit?

So now answer the question in the thread and tell us what Trump is going to do with all of them.
I would like clarification on what Donald Trump wants to do with illegal immigrants who have not committed any crimes. Will he deport them or allow them to stay in the United States? Thanks in advance.
You do know that just being here illegally is in fat the commission of crime don't you?
You aren't stupid enough to bleev Trump is still going to round up all 11 million illegals with his "Deportation Force", are you?
He never said he would "round up" 11 million people. He said from the beginning he would deport them humanely. It seems that neither the people on the far right or the left understand what the word, humane, means.

What is the difference between rounding them up humanely and deporting them humanely?
I would like clarification on what Donald Trump wants to do with illegal immigrants who have not committed any crimes. Will he deport them or allow them to stay in the United States? Thanks in advance.

There is no such thing as an illegal alien who has committed no crime. The mere fact that one is illegal denotes one violated our nation's immigration laws. Are you the product of one of those inner-city schools in Detroit?

So now answer the question in the thread and tell us what Trump is going to do with all of them.
One thing we know for sure is that he is not going to round them all up, as he promised he would.

I have asked his Chumps many times why they continue to love a man who has flipped on everything for which they fell in love with him.

A mark HATES to learn they've been taken. They just hate it.
Wait, the water has been muddied for you??? Awwwwww....:lol:
Not all all. It's you rubes who have been conned. Trump is fucking you up the ass again. But he's using so much grease, and you've taken it up the ass so often, you don't even notice any more.
You mean like hitlery is fucking you liberals up the ass? :lol:
Gee, it's too bad for you I am not a Clinton supporter by any stretch of the imagination, my false dichotomy friend.
Who would have figured you were voting Trump....
I'm not voting for Trump, either, my FALSE DICHOTOMY friend.
I knew hitlery could count on you....

I am voting America.....
I would feel sorry for Trump's Chumps for being kicked to the curb by their lover, but they don't learn from their experiences or their mistakes. Ever.

They will fall in love with the next person to come along and give them another ride who promises not to cum in their mouths.

Technically they are committing a crime by being here illegally hence the word 'illegal'.
Technically, you're incorrect. Entering the US illegally (called Entering Without Inspection, or EWI) is a misdeanor. Being in the country illegally (called Unlawful Presence) is not a crime. It is a civil infraction.

Being undocumented is neither a crime nor an infraction. That's why we can't do anything with them.

Technically they are committing a crime by being here illegally hence the word 'illegal'.
Technically, you're incorrect. Entering the US illegally (called Entering Without Inspection, or EWI) is a misdeanor. Being in the country illegally (called Unlawful Presence) is not a crime. It is a civil infraction.

Being undocumented is neither a crime nor an infraction. That's why we can't do anything with them.

It may look like nonsense to the ignorant.

EWI: Entry Without Inspection - FindLaw.com
What Will trump do with illegal immigrants who have not committed any crimes?

LOL sneaking across the border illegally isn't committing a crime? Its not possible to enter our country illegally without committing a crime. Then there's failing to pay taxes, identify theft, driving without a license or insurance and on and on. :laugh:

1/3 of ALL illegals are engaged in a tax fraud refund scheme costing American taxpayers over $4 billion a year so that 1/3 is clearly getting deported.


failing to pay taxes, identify theft

Why do people continue to repeat the lie that undocumented do not pay taxes? Do you understand that you contradict yourself with this statement?

In fact, undocumented pay the exact same taxes as the rest of us. The difference is, they get nothing in return. BTW, Drumpf said the same thing. Does that mean he's stupid or is he just counting on his fans' stupidity?

1/3 of ALL illegals are engaged in a tax fraud refund scheme costing American taxpayers over $4 billion a year so that 1/3 is clearly getting deported.

Obviously, this is made up out of whole cloth.

Patently absurd. Illegals aren't filing income tax returns and they have earned income that they ship off to relatives in foreign countries. And because they have no insurance they clog up our emergency rooms with stumped toes and splinters and you and I get the bill. Go to any ER, it looks like Mexico.

They cost us billions. Fuck 'em, get the hell out.


Illegals aren't filing income tax returns

Correct. That means that they get back none of the taxes withheld from their pay.

They also pay the very same sales taxes everyone else pays.

Of the uninsured in ER's only 16% are undocumented. They don't go because they might get caught and deported.

Its also very well known that they do not cost us billions. In fact, just the opposite.

First of all, thy are illegals, undocumented is a left-wing euphemism for illegal aliens. Secondly, they aren't gettingW-2's. You have to have a SS# to file a W-4.

Soggy in NOLA

IOW, you agree.

(Just kidding. I know this is over your head.)
I would like clarification on what Donald Trump wants to do with illegal immigrants who have not committed any crimes. Will he deport them or allow them to stay in the United States? Thanks in advance.
You do know that just being here illegally is in fat the commission of crime don't you?
You aren't stupid enough to bleev Trump is still going to round up all 11 million illegals with his "Deportation Force", are you?
He never said he would "round up" 11 million people. He said from the beginning he would deport them humanely. It seems that neither the people on the far right or the left understand what the word, humane, means.

What is the difference between rounding them up humanely and deporting them humanely?
So you are one of those who doesn't know what the word, humane, means?

One of the differences between "rounding them up" and deporting them humanely is that the thought of brutally rounding them up and herding them across the border seems to make Trump critics happy and the thought of deporting them humanely seems to make Trump critics unhappy.

To be more specific and concrete, Trump will broadly implement E-Verify laws to deny them employment and will use executive powers to deny federal funds to any organization or city that fails to verify they are in the country legally before offering them any services. In that way, he will remove all the reasons they wanted to come here. There will be no general amnesty and no path to citizenship for anyone here illegally, but Trump will allow them to leave voluntarily so they can later apply to enter the US legally without a deportation mark on their record. That's how he will deport them humanely. That's how he will protect America while also protecting American values.
As Trump has said over and over. If they are here illegally they will be deported.

Those who have been here for decades may get some sort of alternative disposition.

Actually of course that's not what he has said but don't worry about it. He'll say something different on Wednesday and then something different from that and then different again.
Geeze Louise..... so, the government is illegitimate in saying you can't discriminate against people?

The state is illegitimate.


How on Earth do you arrive at this conclusion? Seriously.. this is one of the most bizarre things I have ever read.
Globalists don't believe in nations or borders. There is only the UN.

Duh Donuld is a "globalist". How is it that the idiot right, like you, think that's okay?
I would like clarification on what Donald Trump wants to do with illegal immigrants who have not committed any crimes. Will he deport them or allow them to stay in the United States? Thanks in advance.

There is no such thing as an illegal alien who has committed no crime. The mere fact that one is illegal denotes one violated our nation's immigration laws. Are you the product of one of those inner-city schools in Detroit?

So now answer the question in the thread and tell us what Trump is going to do with all of them.

I have no idea. At present, he can do nothing at all about them. Obama and Hillary are protecting them.
As Trump has said over and over. If they are here illegally they will be deported.

Those who have been here for decades may get some sort of alternative disposition.

Actually of course that's not what he has said but don't worry about it. He'll say something different on Wednesday and then something different from that and then different again.

Indeed. We already know what Obama and Hillary are doing, correct?

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