What to do With Occupied Germany?


VIP Member
Apr 1, 2020
By the end of the Second World War, Germany had had its existence almost obliterated. The country was a wreck and it took a long time for its people to begin moving out of the physical and psychological ruins the war left behind. The psychological scars were worse than the material destruction. The Germans had, in 1933, joined up with a disastrous political scheme. Right to the end of the war they had embraced the lie, and the breakdown in National Socialism was therefore utterly demoralizing.

Getting any form of economic activity going again in post-war Germany was difficult, and in the first years Germans were dependent on handouts from the victorious powers. The only way of obtaining goods beyond the bare necessities was through the black market.


Churchill, Truman, and Stalin

The wartime allies had a hard time deciding what to do with Germany. The French and some Americans suggested its total dismemberment as a state; one American plan proposed the abolition of its industrial potential and its reinvention as an agricultural economy. Agreeing to zones of occupation was the easy part at first.

The Soviets got 40 percent in the east (reduced to 28 percent when Stalin transferred German territory to Poland). The remainder was shared between Britain, the United States, and a smaller zone in the southwest for France. Within weeks of the German surrender, the discussion about Germany's long-term future was overwhelmed by its immediate needs.


None of the occupying powers wanted to contribute more to the German economy than what they were getting out of it. Half joking, the cash-strapped British referred to "paying reparations to the Germans." Compounding the difficult economic situation for the western allies, the Potsdam agreements allowed the Soviets to receive some of their reparations from the western zones. So while the Americans and British were paying for the upkeep of their former enemy, the Soviets were busy dismantling surviving German industries in the Ruhr and shipping them east.

Through the summer of 1946, the American and British military governments suspended reparation deliveries from their zones. The Soviets were furious, but could do little about it. Neither could their hinder the Americans and the British from joining their two zones, for economic purposes, at the end of 1946. The so-called "Bizonia" was supposed to be a temporary measure. But in reality it laid the foundation for a separate West German state. As described at the Moscow foreign ministers' meeting in March 1947, it became clear that both the two main western allies were edging closer to George Kennan's view from 1945, that "we have no choice but to lead our section Germany . . . to a form of independence so prosperous, so secure, so superior, that the East cannot threaten it." By mid-1947, after the authorities in Bizonia had in effect given up on the de-Nazification of German industry, some economic activity had restarted in western Germany.


As on so many other matters involving post-war policy, Stalin found it difficult to decide what the Soviet attitude toward Germany should be. Lenin had mentored that Germany was the big prize for socialism in Europe; only with a Communist Germany, Lenin had believed, could the Soviet Union continue to exist in the long run. But instead of going socialist, Germany had been taken over by the Nazis in the 1930s and, after Stalin's attempts at accommodation had failed, had started a war in which the Soviet Union itself almost perished.

If a neutral Germany could gradually be linked to the Soviet Union, then the Cold War in Europe would be won. But if the Americans succeeded in turning the part of Germany it occupied into an arsenal for a US-led attack on the USSR, then Communism would be stamped out. Stalin had to be cautious not to misstep, again, on Germany.
The Morgenthau Plan for the occupation of Germany was conceived prior to the end of the Second World War in 1944. It was first proposed by United States Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr. in a memorandum entitled Suggested Post-Surrender Program for Germany.

The plan proposed to eliminate Germany's ability to wage war by eliminating its arms industry, and the removal or destruction of other key industries basic to military strength. This included the removal or destruction of all industrial plants and equipment in the Ruhr.


While the Morgenthau Plan had some influence on Allied planning for the occupation of Germany, it was not adopted. US occupation policies aimed at "industrial disarmament," but contained a number of deliberate "loopholes", limiting any action to short-term military measures and preventing large-scale destruction of mines and industrial plants, giving wide-ranging discretion to the military governor and the US War Department. From 1947, US policies aimed at restoring a "stable and productive Germany" and were soon followed by the Marshall Plan.
For a crucial year Stalin let events in Germany float. He allowed his soldiers to introduce a regime of terror in the east, retarding the future establishment of socialism, and focused on looting what could be of use to the Soviets rather than with establishing order in his occupation zone.

After the initial chaos, the Soviet zone seemed to work better in some respects, than the west. This was due not so much to Stalin as to the Red Army administrators and the German Communists who had come back with them. They were more than ready to take over the centralized planning systems that had existed in Nazi Germany and to rely on them in order to get basic infrastructure and production going wherever possible. The lower lever former Nazi officials that the Soviets decided not to put on trial found it remarkably easy to collaborate; the Communist ideas of planning were not, after all, that different from those of their former masters.


Politically, the Soviets and the German Communists forced the merger of most Left-leaning German parties into the Socialist Unity Party (SED). The exception was the Social Democrats who gained prominence in the western zones. The successes of the SED convinced Stalin that there would be a future for Soviet political influence in a unified Germany.

The reasons why Stalin wanted a united Germany were exactly the same reasons why the United States, by 1947, did not. The Americans had determined that a functional German state would have to be integrated with western Europe in order to succeed. And that could not be achieved if Soviet influence grew throughout the country.

After two meeting of the allied foreign ministers in 1947 had failed to agree on the principles for a peace treaty with Germany, and thereby German reunification, the Americans called a conference in London in February 1948 to which the Soviets were not invited. The Americans and British had agreed between themselves on German currency reform and on election in Bizonia. The French reluctantly joined in the plans. According to the London conference recommendations, Germany would be incorporated into the European Recovery Program.
In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, Konrad Adenauer worked to construct a new Christian Democratic Union (CDU) political party in Germany's western occupied zones. He hoped the new CDU would be embraced by democratically minded Protestants and Catholics that would prevent the resurgence of the Prussianism that he felt had led to the rise of National Socialism and Hitler.

Adenauer's guiding vision was to integrate the new Federal Republic with other western states, especially with France and the United States, oppose Communism and build a reconstructed Germany. Adenauer recognized that the price of this Policy of Strength might lead to a permanently divided Germany. The leading opposition party advocated a united, Socialist (though anti-Communist) and neutral Germany.


Adenauer prevailed, and though elderly at age 73, he would lead the West German government for the next 14 years. Taking advantage of opportunities provided by the developing Cold War and successfully balancing the political desires of the German people with those of the occupying western powers, Adenauer succeeded in restoring German national sovereignty, the establishment of close ties with the West, the reconciliation with France, and the unification of Europe; and the construction of a novel social market economy that led to the German “Economic Miracle.” His popularity waned in the early 1960s and he stepped down from power after one last triumph with the signing of the Franco-German Treaty which helped solidify the foundations of the European Union.
The continued division of Germany for almost fifty years following the Second World War was in some respects a result of the Marshall Plan. The United States regarded it as crucial to its own security to get the European economies going again.

The necessity of including the western part of Germany, under the control of the western Allies, into the Marshall Plan meant its separation from the east.


The German currency reform agreement of 1948 resulted in dramatic results for the western zones with a regulated conversion of old currency to a new Deutschmark and the abolishment of price controls. In a short time the black market virtually disappeared. Goods reappeared in the shops and production began to increase.

The conversion was not without pain. German workers faced years of stagnant wages and their saving were decimated. Hardest hit were the Soviets who were now forced to introduce a separate currency in the east in order to prevent their zone from being flooded with the former currency, now worthless in the west.
World war 1+2 are the same war

This is a map of the year 1900


The whole world fought against the so called "Big German solution" = a multi-ethnic state Germany + Austria-Hungaria. Prototype for such a peaceful way for multiethnic nations under a German mayority was Switzerland.

Before world war 1 lived more ethnical Germans than live today - and in latest 300-400 years the last ethnical German will have been died out. And the same happens with the exotic "white race" all over the planet - also in the USA and in Russia. That's part of the modern western lifestyle.

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Es kann die Ehre dieser Welt

Es kann die Ehre dieser Welt
Dir keine Ehre geben,
Was dich in Wahrheit hebt und hält,
Muß in dir selber leben.

Wenn's deinem Innersten gebricht
An echten Stolzes Stütze,
Ob dann die Welt dir Beifall spricht,
Ist all dir wenig nütze.

Das flücht'ge Lob, des Tages Ruhm
Magst du dem Eitlen gönnen;
Das aber sei dein Heiligtum:
Vor dir bestehen können.

Theodor Fontane
An insight into the thinking of the time. This post WW2 American Army Indoctrination film for American G.I.s being stationed in Occupied Germany, takes the position that World War 2, is a direct continuation of German wars of aggression against Europe dating back to the Prussian monarch, Frederick The Great in the 18th Century.

A longer film, from the same contemporary source, on the same subject. It has a great number of scenes from German movies glorifying their own aggressive history.

An insight into the thinking of the time. This post WW2 American Army Indoctrination film for American G.I.s being stationed in Occupied Germany, takes the position that World War 2, is a direct continuation of German wars of aggression against Europe dating back to the Prussian monarch, Frederick The Great in the 18th Century.

This video is in Germany not available. Most simple reason for this is it normaly that such a video contains Nazi-propaganda.

In general was the problem Napoleon, who had caused the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire of German [=United] Nation. Napoleon had forced the conquered German countries to send for France German soldiers into a war with Russia. A novum. In the following war against Napoleon on German soil the European powers made Prussia - an army which owned a country - to a powerful factor of history, which destroyed the balance of the German nations. Specially the wars of the Prussians against Austria were always in history a titanic problem. And the Prussians conquered after Napoleon one by the next German nation and made them to "colonies of Prussia" until finally in 1870 the Prussians had founded in Versailles (after they wan a war against France) a new kind of German empire under the leadership of the Prussians. Austria was excluded from Germany - what made and makes historically not any sense. No one is able to understand the German history (or the Austrian history) without Austria (or without Germany). It was an elementary mistake of all European nations including Russia and the USA to see in a unification of Austria and Germany the greatest danger for their countries since the French did not invent the can opener. Hitler used this wound of the German history very effective for his political propaganda.
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An insight into the thinking of the time. This post WW2 American Army Indoctrination film for American G.I.s being stationed in Occupied Germany, takes the position that World War 2, is a direct continuation of German wars of aggression against Europe dating back to the Prussian monarch, Frederick The Great in the 18th Century.

This video is in Germany not available. Most simple reason for this is it normaly that such a video contains Nazi-propaganda.

I can see why Germans wouldn't want their people watching Nazi Propaganda. The last time the Germans were exposed to that, it didn't work out well for them OR most of the rest of the world.
A longer film, from the same contemporary source, on the same subject. It has a great number of scenes from German movies glorifying their own aggressive history.

Do you base your knowlegde about history on US-American war propaganda films, which are decades old? This film is a film full of totally senseless empty pathetic phrases.
An insight into the thinking of the time. This post WW2 American Army Indoctrination film for American G.I.s being stationed in Occupied Germany, takes the position that World War 2, is a direct continuation of German wars of aggression against Europe dating back to the Prussian monarch, Frederick The Great in the 18th Century.

This video is in Germany not available. Most simple reason for this is it normaly that such a video contains Nazi-propaganda.

I can see why Germans wouldn't want their people watching Nazi Propaganda.

So why do you use Nazi propaganda?

The last time the Germans were exposed to that, it didn't work out well for them OR most of the rest of the world.

With this sentence you disqualify yourselve as a structural Nazi-like thinker. The problem of Nazi propaganda you can see very well today in the problem of the Trump propaganda. Hate speech is not harmless. Your nation is in danger to go in a civil war.
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YOU disuwqolify youselver in times oif Trunop as if you would be the worst idiot the world ever had seen.

You really shouldn't post when you're angry. Your English really isn't up to the mark.

Some people say nothing - or even less than nothing - with a lot of senseless words. Dear idiot mine: I'm a German - I don't speak English. By the way: the Prussian leaders often spoke Polish, French and English better than German.

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Division of Germany (what is left from it after partitions after WWII) into for independent states more or less based on boundaries of the occupation zones was the best idea.
So why do you use Nazi propaganda?

To be fair, the Nazis, ham-fisted as they were, produced some first-rate propaganda. Fritz Hippler and Leni Reifenstahl were very good technical directors, despite the vile content they produced.

But, German propaganda isn't limited to The Nazis.

For example,

" Nicht durch Reden und Majoritätsbeschlüsse werden die großen Fragen der Zeit entschieden — daß ist der große Fehler von 1848 und 1849 gewesen — sondern durch Eisen und Blut. "

-- Otto Von Bismarck

"Vergessen Sie nicht Ihre großen Waffen, die die angesehensten Argumente für die Rechte der Könige sind."

-- Frederick the Great
So why do you use Nazi propaganda?

To be fair, the Nazis, ham-fisted as they were,


produced some first-rate propaganda. Fritz Hippler and Leni Reifenstahl

Leni Riefenstahl

were very good technical directors, despite the vile content they produced.

But, German propaganda isn't limited to The Nazis.

For example,

" Nicht durch Reden und Majoritätsbeschlüsse werden die großen Fragen der Zeit entschieden — daß ist der große Fehler von 1848 und 1849 gewesen — sondern durch Eisen und Blut. "

-- Otto Von Bismarck

"Vergessen Sie nicht Ihre großen Waffen, die die angesehensten Argumente für die Rechte der Könige sind."

-- Frederick the Great

You seem not to understand what are the differences between arts, opinions, political prodaganda and hate speech. When Trump is confrontatetd with the same totally stupid hate propaganda he is using then he is helpless on his own. You are with your anti-German hate attitudes not far from Trump. And it's one thing to open the box of Pandorra and another thing to bring back the Pandorra paste into the tube.

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Division of Germany (what is left from it after partitions after WWII) into for independent states more or less based on boundaries of the occupation zones was the best idea.

All ideas of the solutions of world war 1+2 were bad ideas. After world war 2 for example you sold a big part of the east of Europe to Stalin and his Soviets. And today we have the problem that Poland and Hungaria - but also Turkey and others - prefer to be governed from autocrats and the USA follows this bad examples.

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