What the left won't sink to in order to slander Trump

I always get a kick out of how uninformed some of the democrats on this forum are. During the last presidential election the KKK did endorse Trump then they pulled it and endorsed Hillary. The democrat candidate.they have not endorsed anyone publicly since then. But being partisan uninformed democrats you have idiots claiming that the KKK endorse Trump without understanding that they threw their support behind the democrat candidate.
Or maybe they just are not bright enough to understand any thing their little minds can not comprehend.
While I do not hold any party better then the other I do think the leadership of the democrat party and a number of its followers should be in mental institutions or behind bars so it does give the Republicans a slight edge.
I always get a kick out of how uninformed some of the democrats on this forum are. During the last presidential election the KKK did endorse Trump then they pulled it and endorsed Hillary. The democrat candidate.they have not endorsed anyone publicly since then. But being partisan uninformed democrats you have idiots claiming that the KKK endorse Trump without understanding that they threw their support behind the democrat candidate.
Or maybe they just are not bright enough to understand any thing their little minds can not comprehend.
While I do not hold any party better then the other I do think the leadership of the democrat party and a number of its followers should be in mental institutions or behind bars so it does give the Republicans a slight edge.
The KKK voted Trump and endorsed Hillary to hurt her with the voters



I always get a kick out of how uninformed some of the democrats on this forum are. During the last presidential election the KKK did endorse Trump then they pulled it and endorsed Hillary. The democrat candidate.they have not endorsed anyone publicly since then. But being partisan uninformed democrats you have idiots claiming that the KKK endorse Trump without understanding that they threw their support behind the democrat candidate.
Or maybe they just are not bright enough to understand any thing their little minds can not comprehend.
While I do not hold any party better then the other I do think the leadership of the democrat party and a number of its followers should be in mental institutions or behind bars so it does give the Republicans a slight edge.
it was this one guy, Will Quigg who endorsed Hillary because she had a "hidden agenda" on border policy. Doesnt look like he convinced anybody.
The KKK did endorse Trump

Today, instead of wearing hoods, they wear MAGA hats
I guess Trump's biggest marketing success was picking a slogan with an anchronym that can sound like the bleating of a sheep if repeated over and over. So, of course the Democrats can't help but bleat it.

Keep reminding the voters that Trump can Make America Great Again, and that you don't like that idea AT ALL.

Let's go:





Best shouted by a morbidly obese person of indeterminate gender with dyed hair.


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