What the GOP is NOT offering the Middle class!!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A prior thread title: "Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific" asked and I'm telling you what the GOP WON"T be offering!!!

Destroying industries...
A) Destroying an entire industry that pays $100 billion a year in Federal/State/Local taxes.
B) The GOP will NOT put another 400,000 people (most of these are "middle class") out of work by destroying that industry.
Obama told us that he prefers that industry be destroyed!

Obama promised us that he would bankrupt companies.

I've yet to hear ANY conservative ever wish that any company go bankrupt!
OhioAmerican Energy, Inc. (“OhioAmerican”), a Subsidiary of Murray Energy Corporation (“Murray Energy”), today announced the closure of its coal mining operations near Brilliant, Jefferson County, Ohio.

Regulatory actions by President Barack Obama and his appointees and followers were cited as the entire reason. “Mr. Obama has already destroyed 83,000 megawatts of coal-fired electricity generation in America,” said Mr. Michael T. W. Carey, Vice President of Government Affairs for Murray Energy. “Electric prices in the recent PJM Interconnection monthly auction were bid up 800 percent (8 times) for 2015-2016 because of this,” he added.

“At its peak, OhioAmerican employed 239 local people in high-paying, well-benefited jobs,” said Mr. Stanley T. Piasecki, General Manager and Superintendent. “University studies show that our Mines can create up to eleven (11) secondary jobs in our communities, for store clerks, teachers, etc., to serve our direct employees.
Thus, if one uses the eleven (11) to one (1) multiplier, the Obama Administration has destroyed 2,868 jobs in eastern Ohio with this forced Mine closure,” stated Mr. Piasecki.
Obama regulations kill Ohio coal mine, hundreds of jobs wiped out - Conservative News

Obama said he'd like to see higher gas prices! YUP! Well he should be happy because he is doing everything he can to increase the cost of oil which makes up 67% of the cost of a gallon of gas. With Iraq oil (4th largest producer) not going to the West that will put pressure on European oil prices
and on US domestic oil prices...Today oil prices closed $113 a barrel.. a month ago it was $105.00 at that rate by this time next year oil will be $235.

And all the while Federal land leases signed by Obama admin. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years
“The slow walking of permits and leases for natural gas and oil production has been a part of this president’s energy policy from the get go,” Chris Warren, spokesman for the free-market Institute for Energy Research told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Under this administration’s watch we have seen production on federal lands and waters plummet due to these policies.”

In 2013, it took 194 days on average for the BLM to approve oil and gas drilling permits — 99 days on average for companies to fix any problems with their application and 95 days for the BLM to approve the permits after problems have been fixed.

“Compare this to five days in Texas and 25 in North Dakota and it’s no wonder why production on federal lands has gone down,” Warren added.
Obama. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years | The Daily Caller

How does that fit into the "middle class" economic scheme of things?

A GOP administration will NOT be "slow walking of permits and leases for natural gas and oil production"
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How many metric tons of coal do we export each year?

Isn't natural gas less expensive than coal?
How many metric tons of coal do we export each year?

Isn't natural gas less expensive than coal?

easy to find out so why are you so stupid to ask the question? 2011 exported 108,468,000 short tons..
U.S. coal exports - SourceWatch
So what is your point???

Gas turbines are commonly used when electricity utility usage is in high demand.
In 2012, 30% of the U.S. electricity was fueled by natural gas.
Electricity in the United States - Energy Explained, Your Guide To Understanding Energy - Energy Information Administration

But why not let the MARKET dictate and not Obama's EPA shutting down because Obama said:
"So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008

Impact of EPA’s Regulatory Assault on Power Plants:New Regulations to Take 34 GW of Electricity Generation Offline and...
the Plant Closing Announcements Keep Coming…

More than 34 gigawatts (GW) of electrical generating capacity are now set to retire because of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Mercury and Air Toxics Rule (colloquially called Utility MACT)[1] and the Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR)[2] regulations. Most of these retirements will come from coal-fired power plants, shuttering over 10 percent of the U.S.’s coal-fired generating capacity.
Power Plant Closures - IER

Forget the number of people being thrown out of work... Obama's will is all that counts!

Obama told us "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"

Why would ANY President WANT rates to skyrocket? Why would any President want to Bankrupt companies??
How many metric tons of coal do we export each year?

Isn't natural gas less expensive than coal?

easy to find out so why are you so stupid to ask the question? 2011 exported 108,468,000 short tons..
U.S. coal exports - SourceWatch
So what is your point???

Gas turbines are commonly used when electricity utility usage is in high demand.
In 2012, 30% of the U.S. electricity was fueled by natural gas.
Electricity in the United States - Energy Explained, Your Guide To Understanding Energy - Energy Information Administration

But why not let the MARKET dictate and not Obama's EPA shutting down because Obama said:
"So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008

Impact of EPA’s Regulatory Assault on Power Plants:New Regulations to Take 34 GW of Electricity Generation Offline and...
the Plant Closing Announcements Keep Coming…

More than 34 gigawatts (GW) of electrical generating capacity are now set to retire because of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Mercury and Air Toxics Rule (colloquially called Utility MACT)[1] and the Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR)[2] regulations. Most of these retirements will come from coal-fired power plants, shuttering over 10 percent of the U.S.’s coal-fired generating capacity.
Power Plant Closures - IER

Forget the number of people being thrown out of work... Obama's will is all that counts!

Obama told us "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"

Why would ANY President WANT rates to skyrocket? Why would any President want to Bankrupt companies??

Here's your answer. Look at the 10 year price.

Natural Gas Price: Latest Price & Chart for Natural Gas - NASDAQ.com

It's the market stupid!
The GOP should be offering Equal protections under the law.

No special treatment based upon race, gender, or sexual preference.

Everyone is treated the same.

Quite the opposite of what the Democrats offer.
The GOP should be offering Equal protections under the law.

No special treatment based upon race, gender, or sexual preference.

Everyone is treated the same.

Quite the opposite of what the Democrats offer.

Equal treatment based on race, gender, or sexual preference. If it were up to conservatives, women and blacks wouldn't vote.
I've yet to hear ANY conservative ever wish that any company go bankrupt!
The GOP should be offering Equal protections under the law.

No special treatment based upon race, gender, or sexual preference.

Everyone is treated the same.

Quite the opposite of what the Democrats offer.

Equal treatment based on race, gender, or sexual preference. If it were up to conservatives, women and blacks wouldn't vote.


Why don't you compare and contrast this with conservative views of today.

Arguments against Women's Suffrage
I've yet to hear ANY conservative ever wish that any company go bankrupt!

You are right!

Romney said JUST as Obama said If Detroit wants to continue as they are doing they should go bankrupt! YOU are right!
Obama said utilities go bankrupt IF the utilities didn't change how they were burning coal.
The big difference? The government just as Detroit has done put more rules, regulations, taxes on businesses as Obama said the government doesn't want any more coal burning utilities and to prevent that the government is slapping taxes,rules regulations that would force utilities out of business.

Detroit is doing it to themselves! Slapping more taxes on fewer and fewer tax payers. Charging higher then average water rates. All because in the past Detroit like Obama ignorantly thought the Auto billionaires could afford it. Well like Detroit and Romney's right let them go bankrupt because
DETROIT like Obama doesn't like businesses,utilities, health insurance companies. He like his Detroit minions think all companies are evil and there should be ONLY one entity.. government!

Just one question for you though... think about this.
Obama's grand plan is to of single payer insurance. Nationalized health care. Next would be nationalized oil. Next would be manufacturing.
Where would that leave state and local governments?
I mean without these entities paying state/local taxes who would pay for libraries, roads, water plants,etc. if the entire country reported to the
Federal Government?? You big government proponents EVER consider that??
I've pointed out that the GOP and any other experienced person would NEVER NEVER do and say the following:
Why would ANY President WANT rates to skyrocket? Why would any President want to Bankrupt companies??

A prior thread title: "Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific" asked and I'm telling you what the GOP WON"T be offering!!!

Destroying industries...
A) Destroying an entire industry that pays $100 billion a year in Federal/State/Local taxes.
B) The GOP will NOT put another 400,000 people (most of these are "middle class") out of work by destroying that industry.
Obama told us that he prefers that industry be destroyed!

Obama promised us that he would bankrupt companies.

I've yet to hear ANY conservative ever wish that any company go bankrupt!
OhioAmerican Energy, Inc. (“OhioAmerican”), a Subsidiary of Murray Energy Corporation (“Murray Energy”), today announced the closure of its coal mining operations near Brilliant, Jefferson County, Ohio.

Regulatory actions by President Barack Obama and his appointees and followers were cited as the entire reason. “Mr. Obama has already destroyed 83,000 megawatts of coal-fired electricity generation in America,” said Mr. Michael T. W. Carey, Vice President of Government Affairs for Murray Energy. “Electric prices in the recent PJM Interconnection monthly auction were bid up 800 percent (8 times) for 2015-2016 because of this,” he added.

“At its peak, OhioAmerican employed 239 local people in high-paying, well-benefited jobs,” said Mr. Stanley T. Piasecki, General Manager and Superintendent. “University studies show that our Mines can create up to eleven (11) secondary jobs in our communities, for store clerks, teachers, etc., to serve our direct employees.
Thus, if one uses the eleven (11) to one (1) multiplier, the Obama Administration has destroyed 2,868 jobs in eastern Ohio with this forced Mine closure,” stated Mr. Piasecki.
Obama regulations kill Ohio coal mine, hundreds of jobs wiped out - Conservative News

Obama said he'd like to see higher gas prices! YUP! Well he should be happy because he is doing everything he can to increase the cost of oil which makes up 67% of the cost of a gallon of gas. With Iraq oil (4th largest producer) not going to the West that will put pressure on European oil prices
and on US domestic oil prices...Today oil prices closed $113 a barrel.. a month ago it was $105.00 at that rate by this time next year oil will be $235.

And all the while Federal land leases signed by Obama admin. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years
“The slow walking of permits and leases for natural gas and oil production has been a part of this president’s energy policy from the get go,” Chris Warren, spokesman for the free-market Institute for Energy Research told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Under this administration’s watch we have seen production on federal lands and waters plummet due to these policies.”

In 2013, it took 194 days on average for the BLM to approve oil and gas drilling permits — 99 days on average for companies to fix any problems with their application and 95 days for the BLM to approve the permits after problems have been fixed.

“Compare this to five days in Texas and 25 in North Dakota and it’s no wonder why production on federal lands has gone down,” Warren added.
Obama. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years | The Daily Caller
I've pointed out that the GOP and any other experienced person would NEVER NEVER do and say the following:
Why would ANY President WANT rates to skyrocket? Why would any President want to Bankrupt companies??

A prior thread title: "Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific" asked and I'm telling you what the GOP WON"T be offering!!!

Destroying industries...
A) Destroying an entire industry that pays $100 billion a year in Federal/State/Local taxes.
B) The GOP will NOT put another 400,000 people (most of these are "middle class") out of work by destroying that industry.
Obama told us that he prefers that industry be destroyed!

Obama promised us that he would bankrupt companies.

I've yet to hear ANY conservative ever wish that any company go bankrupt!
OhioAmerican Energy, Inc. (“OhioAmerican”), a Subsidiary of Murray Energy Corporation (“Murray Energy”), today announced the closure of its coal mining operations near Brilliant, Jefferson County, Ohio.

Regulatory actions by President Barack Obama and his appointees and followers were cited as the entire reason. “Mr. Obama has already destroyed 83,000 megawatts of coal-fired electricity generation in America,” said Mr. Michael T. W. Carey, Vice President of Government Affairs for Murray Energy. “Electric prices in the recent PJM Interconnection monthly auction were bid up 800 percent (8 times) for 2015-2016 because of this,” he added.

“At its peak, OhioAmerican employed 239 local people in high-paying, well-benefited jobs,” said Mr. Stanley T. Piasecki, General Manager and Superintendent. “University studies show that our Mines can create up to eleven (11) secondary jobs in our communities, for store clerks, teachers, etc., to serve our direct employees.
Thus, if one uses the eleven (11) to one (1) multiplier, the Obama Administration has destroyed 2,868 jobs in eastern Ohio with this forced Mine closure,” stated Mr. Piasecki.
Obama regulations kill Ohio coal mine, hundreds of jobs wiped out - Conservative News

Obama said he'd like to see higher gas prices! YUP! Well he should be happy because he is doing everything he can to increase the cost of oil which makes up 67% of the cost of a gallon of gas. With Iraq oil (4th largest producer) not going to the West that will put pressure on European oil prices
and on US domestic oil prices...Today oil prices closed $113 a barrel.. a month ago it was $105.00 at that rate by this time next year oil will be $235.

And all the while Federal land leases signed by Obama admin. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years
“The slow walking of permits and leases for natural gas and oil production has been a part of this president’s energy policy from the get go,” Chris Warren, spokesman for the free-market Institute for Energy Research told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Under this administration’s watch we have seen production on federal lands and waters plummet due to these policies.”

In 2013, it took 194 days on average for the BLM to approve oil and gas drilling permits — 99 days on average for companies to fix any problems with their application and 95 days for the BLM to approve the permits after problems have been fixed.

“Compare this to five days in Texas and 25 in North Dakota and it’s no wonder why production on federal lands has gone down,” Warren added.
Obama. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years | The Daily Caller

What happened to the coal industry? Ask wall street.

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I've pointed out that the GOP and any other experienced person would NEVER NEVER do and say the following:
Why would ANY President WANT rates to skyrocket? Why would any President want to Bankrupt companies??

A prior thread title: "Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific" asked and I'm telling you what the GOP WON"T be offering!!!

Destroying industries...
A) Destroying an entire industry that pays $100 billion a year in Federal/State/Local taxes.
B) The GOP will NOT put another 400,000 people (most of these are "middle class") out of work by destroying that industry.
Obama told us that he prefers that industry be destroyed!

Obama promised us that he would bankrupt companies.

I've yet to hear ANY conservative ever wish that any company go bankrupt!
OhioAmerican Energy, Inc. (“OhioAmerican”), a Subsidiary of Murray Energy Corporation (“Murray Energy”), today announced the closure of its coal mining operations near Brilliant, Jefferson County, Ohio.

Regulatory actions by President Barack Obama and his appointees and followers were cited as the entire reason. “Mr. Obama has already destroyed 83,000 megawatts of coal-fired electricity generation in America,” said Mr. Michael T. W. Carey, Vice President of Government Affairs for Murray Energy. “Electric prices in the recent PJM Interconnection monthly auction were bid up 800 percent (8 times) for 2015-2016 because of this,” he added.

“At its peak, OhioAmerican employed 239 local people in high-paying, well-benefited jobs,” said Mr. Stanley T. Piasecki, General Manager and Superintendent. “University studies show that our Mines can create up to eleven (11) secondary jobs in our communities, for store clerks, teachers, etc., to serve our direct employees.
Thus, if one uses the eleven (11) to one (1) multiplier, the Obama Administration has destroyed 2,868 jobs in eastern Ohio with this forced Mine closure,” stated Mr. Piasecki.
Obama regulations kill Ohio coal mine, hundreds of jobs wiped out - Conservative News

Obama said he'd like to see higher gas prices! YUP! Well he should be happy because he is doing everything he can to increase the cost of oil which makes up 67% of the cost of a gallon of gas. With Iraq oil (4th largest producer) not going to the West that will put pressure on European oil prices
and on US domestic oil prices...Today oil prices closed $113 a barrel.. a month ago it was $105.00 at that rate by this time next year oil will be $235.

And all the while Federal land leases signed by Obama admin. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years
“The slow walking of permits and leases for natural gas and oil production has been a part of this president’s energy policy from the get go,” Chris Warren, spokesman for the free-market Institute for Energy Research told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Under this administration’s watch we have seen production on federal lands and waters plummet due to these policies.”

In 2013, it took 194 days on average for the BLM to approve oil and gas drilling permits — 99 days on average for companies to fix any problems with their application and 95 days for the BLM to approve the permits after problems have been fixed.

“Compare this to five days in Texas and 25 in North Dakota and it’s no wonder why production on federal lands has gone down,” Warren added.
Obama. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years | The Daily Caller

What happened to the coal industry? Ask wall street.

Natural Gas Price: Latest Price & Chart for Natural Gas - NASDAQ.com

Your link was not helpful. What happened?

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