What the “Get Trump” Cabal Really Boils Down To

Ray thinks the president should be able to hire and fire to keep from being investigated for possibly cheating in an election.
he cheated in the election?
you chose not to read "possibly."

The problem with you Trumbots is that it's only party above country, it's Trump above party. Bushwhaevah cannot be excused from his continuous bullshit that all dems are freeloaders and shit like that. It's not just lie, it's his actual belief. People like him cannot be taken anymore seriously than parody by Steve McGarrett.

The problem with Trumbots is that there really are people who want to get rid of Trump regardless of whether he cheated with the Russians. That's wrong, but its not an excuse to ignore the fact that Trump very possibly did at least know what the Russians were up to and didn't tell the FBI.
and Trump ''very possibly'' at least knew/knows what type of toilet paper he uses
''very possibly'' = you don't have ANY proof

name one other POTUS that had a private meeting with Russians in the oval office to tell them he just fired Comey.

was it an accident he didnt allow any other American counterparts (press or politicians) to be there with them? He allowed Russian media there to take pictures of the meeting -- PROOF POSITIVE.
good thing you are not a lawyer
one more time--where is the proof he cheated on the election?
The proof is what Mueller will, or will not, find evidence to support
he cheated in the election?
you chose not to read "possibly."

The problem with you Trumbots is that it's only party above country, it's Trump above party. Bushwhaevah cannot be excused from his continuous bullshit that all dems are freeloaders and shit like that. It's not just lie, it's his actual belief. People like him cannot be taken anymore seriously than parody by Steve McGarrett.

The problem with Trumbots is that there really are people who want to get rid of Trump regardless of whether he cheated with the Russians. That's wrong, but its not an excuse to ignore the fact that Trump very possibly did at least know what the Russians were up to and didn't tell the FBI.
and Trump ''very possibly'' at least knew/knows what type of toilet paper he uses
''very possibly'' = you don't have ANY proof

name one other POTUS that had a private meeting with Russians in the oval office to tell them he just fired Comey.

was it an accident he didnt allow any other American counterparts (press or politicians) to be there with them? He allowed Russian media there to take pictures of the meeting -- PROOF POSITIVE.
good thing you are not a lawyer
one more time--where is the proof he cheated on the election?
The proof is what Mueller will, or will not, find evidence to support
so, you don't know anything about cheating on the election
Trump didn't cheat--did he?
you chose not to read "possibly."

The problem with you Trumbots is that it's only party above country, it's Trump above party. Bushwhaevah cannot be excused from his continuous bullshit that all dems are freeloaders and shit like that. It's not just lie, it's his actual belief. People like him cannot be taken anymore seriously than parody by Steve McGarrett.

The problem with Trumbots is that there really are people who want to get rid of Trump regardless of whether he cheated with the Russians. That's wrong, but its not an excuse to ignore the fact that Trump very possibly did at least know what the Russians were up to and didn't tell the FBI.
and Trump ''very possibly'' at least knew/knows what type of toilet paper he uses
''very possibly'' = you don't have ANY proof

name one other POTUS that had a private meeting with Russians in the oval office to tell them he just fired Comey.

was it an accident he didnt allow any other American counterparts (press or politicians) to be there with them? He allowed Russian media there to take pictures of the meeting -- PROOF POSITIVE.
good thing you are not a lawyer
one more time--where is the proof he cheated on the election?
The proof is what Mueller will, or will not, find evidence to support
so, you don't know anything about cheating on the election
Trump didn't cheat--did he?
Stop being a bitch and swinging and missing. Mueller is investigating what the Russians did and if Trump was involved. We'll see.
and Trump ''very possibly'' at least knew/knows what type of toilet paper he uses
''very possibly'' = you don't have ANY proof

name one other POTUS that had a private meeting with Russians in the oval office to tell them he just fired Comey.

was it an accident he didnt allow any other American counterparts (press or politicians) to be there with them? He allowed Russian media there to take pictures of the meeting -- PROOF POSITIVE.
good thing you are not a lawyer
one more time--where is the proof he cheated on the election?
The proof is what Mueller will, or will not, find evidence to support
so, you don't know anything about cheating on the election
Trump didn't cheat--did he?
Stop being a bitch and swinging and missing. Mueller is investigating what the Russians did and if Trump was involved. We'll see.
hahahahahhaha......it's Mueller that is swinging and missing
as stated--YOU have NO/zero/none/etc proof
What the “Get Trump” Cabal Really Boils Down To

bringing integrity back to the Country proving Trump isn't above the law.

He hasn't broken any laws, so how would it do that?

What it proves is that Dims are deranged, brain damges vermin who will stop at nothing to achieve power.
and Trump ''very possibly'' at least knew/knows what type of toilet paper he uses
''very possibly'' = you don't have ANY proof

name one other POTUS that had a private meeting with Russians in the oval office to tell them he just fired Comey.

was it an accident he didnt allow any other American counterparts (press or politicians) to be there with them? He allowed Russian media there to take pictures of the meeting -- PROOF POSITIVE.
good thing you are not a lawyer
one more time--where is the proof he cheated on the election?
The proof is what Mueller will, or will not, find evidence to support
so, you don't know anything about cheating on the election
Trump didn't cheat--did he?
Stop being a bitch and swinging and missing. Mueller is investigating what the Russians did and if Trump was involved. We'll see.
He stopped investigating that a long time ago. Now he's on scavenger hunt to find anything he can use to impeach Trump and/or indict members of his administration.
Trump thought he had stopped the investigation by firing Comey. That’s what he told the Russian Ambassador, that the pressure of the Russia Investigation was now gone.

As for Sessions recusal, only an idiot would have thought that he wouldn’t recuse himself. How stupid was Trump to think that someone who had worked on both his campaign and his transition, who had lied about his contacts with Russians in his confirmation hearings, could oversee the Russia investigation? Talk about an obvious conflict of interest.

Trump has no one to blame but himself for that one.
Ray thinks the president should be able to hire and fire to keep from being investigated for possibly cheating in an election.
he cheated in the election?
you chose not to read "possibly."

The problem with you Trumbots is that it's only party above country, it's Trump above party. Bushwhaevah cannot be excused from his continuous bullshit that all dems are freeloaders and shit like that. It's not just lie, it's his actual belief. People like him cannot be taken anymore seriously than parody by Steve McGarrett.

The problem with Trumbots is that there really are people who want to get rid of Trump regardless of whether he cheated with the Russians. That's wrong, but its not an excuse to ignore the fact that Trump very possibly did at least know what the Russians were up to and didn't tell the FBI.
and Trump ''very possibly'' at least knew/knows what type of toilet paper he uses
''very possibly'' = you don't have ANY proof

name one other POTUS that had a private meeting with Russians in the oval office to tell them he just fired Comey.

was it an accident he didnt allow any other American counterparts (press or politicians) to be there with them? He allowed Russian media there to take pictures of the meeting -- PROOF POSITIVE.
Yeah, he arranged the meeting solely for that purpose. What a fucking moron.
Stop being a bitch and swinging and missing. Mueller is investigating what the Russians did and if Trump was involved. We'll see.

And do you know when we will see? After the midterms. Because after all, dragging this out is what the game plan is.
The Donald has not been given a chance from day one, he's had the same gang of snakes at him from day one, what they do not like what they hate is that he fights back.

Trump has receieved at least as much or more cooperation than Obama did.

Ridiculous, they have been fighting against The Donald since day one as opposed to beyond cooperating with Obama to the point of kissing his buttocks.

Please tell us when the GOP Congress cooperated with Obama on anything. We’ll wait.

The gave him whatever funding he wanted in the budget, douchebag. If you recall, Obama porposed the sequester, and the Republicans gave it to him. They also approved virtually everyone one of his traitorous douchebag judges and all his douchbag cabinet appointments.

He did no such thing. They did no such thing.

The “super committee” came up with the sequestration apparatus.

Here's Who Is Really to Blame for Sequestration

As for the judges….you must have forgotten about Merrit Garland.

Thanks for the batting practice. Next time try harder douchebag.
I can't read your article. It's behind a pay wall.

White House Admits (Third Time) President Obama Fibbed On Sequester

None other than NBC’s David Gregory today pressed Obama’s chief economic advisor, Gene Sperling, whether his boss told the truth in the third presidential debate that “the sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.” Sperling finally wilted under the pressure of tough questioning to admit that “yes, in fact, the sequestration was President Obama's plan.”
Election is over. When will you guys realize that? Your man is in office. It's all on you now :)
Then liberals need to stop trying to overturn the election through nefarious means.

Liberals aren’t trying to overturn the election. When Trump is gone, Spence will take over.

And it’s Republicans who are leading the investigation.

They are all Clinton suppporters. Comey admitted that on national TV.
just check his wife and kids at that march with their signs. yeah, they're republican. people the left lie so much this board can't contain their stench.
"Mr Trump, anyone who meets you becomes your best friend, so I'm sure Mr Putin will be no exception" - Emin Agalarov

"we all knew the event was approved by Putin. you can't pull something off like this in russia unless putin says it's okay" - miss universe official

trump was only making money in russia because putin was permitting him to do so.
Stop being a bitch and swinging and missing. Mueller is investigating what the Russians did and if Trump was involved. We'll see.

And do you know when we will see? After the midterms. Because after all, dragging this out is what the game plan is.

What were the purposes of the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh Benghazi Investigations? Everyone one of them had exactly the same findings.
Stop being a bitch and swinging and missing. Mueller is investigating what the Russians did and if Trump was involved. We'll see.

And do you know when we will see? After the midterms. Because after all, dragging this out is what the game plan is.
Trump should not have fired Comey. But,

I'm not sure how much of the GOP "malaise" can be put on the Russia investigation. First, Trump remains Yuugely popular in rural red areas. Alabama didn't turn liberal, they just didn't like a pedophile. I mean you can't burn them at the stake for that.

There appear to be Trump voters really pissed that Obamacare wasn't repealed, but I think most blame McConnell. And the real bitch of it for them is that the reason it wasn't repealed is a maj of voters in a maj of states didn't want that to happen. I'd like to see a replacement bill myself.

It's pretty clear that Trump's basic cretin nature is offputting to a lot of the educated white women who voted for him. They chose him over Clinton, but that may not have been a ringing endorsement.

The dems ran the worst candidate since McGovern, and still didn't take a maj of votes. And the party with the WH usually loses seats in the off year. So, I think it's a combination of a president who doesn't have a lot of good will from the voters, and a party that is running on issues that aren't very popular.

I'm not sure what Trump can do to win a second term. But a year and a half in, it looked like Reagan was a one termer, but he was a charming man who didn't dislike many people, and who, whether you approved of his views of govt, held them consistently and openly.
Stop being a bitch and swinging and missing. Mueller is investigating what the Russians did and if Trump was involved. We'll see.

And do you know when we will see? After the midterms. Because after all, dragging this out is what the game plan is.
Trump should not have fired Comey. But,

I'm not sure how much of the GOP "malaise" can be put on the Russia investigation. First, Trump remains Yuugely popular in rural red areas. Alabama didn't turn liberal, they just didn't like a pedophile. I mean you can't burn them at the stake for that.

There appear to be Trump voters really pissed that Obamacare wasn't repealed, but I think most blame McConnell. And the real bitch of it for them is that the reason it wasn't repealed is a maj of voters in a maj of states didn't want that to happen. I'd like to see a replacement bill myself.

It's pretty clear that Trump's basic cretin nature is offputting to a lot of the educated white women who voted for him. They chose him over Clinton, but that may not have been a ringing endorsement.

The dems ran the worst candidate since McGovern, and still didn't take a maj of votes. And the party with the WH usually loses seats in the off year. So, I think it's a combination of a president who doesn't have a lot of good will from the voters, and a party that is running on issues that aren't very popular.

I'm not sure what Trump can do to win a second term. But a year and a half in, it looked like Reagan was a one termer, but he was a charming man who didn't dislike many people, and who, whether you approved of his views of govt, held them consistently and openly.

Speaking of Reagan, I think Trump should mimic him. Before the midterms, he should ask Americans if they think they are better off today than two years ago?

Unless you live in one of those extremely high cost of living blue states, I think most people will have to conclude they are doing much better today. If you are in the stock market (or have your IRA there) it's doing great, you are bringing home a little more money in your paycheck every week, more jobs means more competition for labor which of course means higher wage offers, and wait until you do your 2018 income taxes next year.
Stop being a bitch and swinging and missing. Mueller is investigating what the Russians did and if Trump was involved. We'll see.

And do you know when we will see? After the midterms. Because after all, dragging this out is what the game plan is.

What were the purposes of the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh Benghazi Investigations? Everyone one of them had exactly the same findings.

The difference between Benghazi and Russia is there was actually some evidence Clinton Fd something up. There was absolutely no evidence to start an investigation on Trump. Papa-Dop got drunk at a bar in London and blabbered something off about Trump and Russia. He didn't know what he was talking about, but he blabbed it to a Clinton donor and he ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard. Afterwards Trump made a joke in public that Russia may have Hil-Liars emails since her server could have been hacked by a high school computer geek. And that's what started all this.
during the campaign Trump said that if the other candidates started something he was going to bury them .

well, he himself started attacking the FBI, the CIA, the meida and everything else under the sun - like all RW's he could dish it out but damn sure can't take it .

F him and his drone collective.
Stop being a bitch and swinging and missing. Mueller is investigating what the Russians did and if Trump was involved. We'll see.

And do you know when we will see? After the midterms. Because after all, dragging this out is what the game plan is.

What were the purposes of the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh Benghazi Investigations? Everyone one of them had exactly the same findings.

The difference between Benghazi and Russia is there was actually some evidence Clinton Fd something up. There was absolutely no evidence to start an investigation on Trump. Papa-Dop got drunk at a bar in London and blabbered something off about Trump and Russia. He didn't know what he was talking about, but he blabbed it to a Clinton donor and he ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard. Afterwards Trump made a joke in public that Russia may have Hil-Liars emails since her server could have been hacked by a high school computer geek. And that's what started all this.

really ?

"Maybe Russia can find those missing emails"

bada bing bada boom - Clintons emails magically surface and start showing up.

door open for questioning.
Trump has receieved at least as much or more cooperation than Obama did.

Ridiculous, they have been fighting against The Donald since day one as opposed to beyond cooperating with Obama to the point of kissing his buttocks.

Please tell us when the GOP Congress cooperated with Obama on anything. We’ll wait.

The gave him whatever funding he wanted in the budget, douchebag. If you recall, Obama porposed the sequester, and the Republicans gave it to him. They also approved virtually everyone one of his traitorous douchebag judges and all his douchbag cabinet appointments.

He did no such thing. They did no such thing.

The “super committee” came up with the sequestration apparatus.

Here's Who Is Really to Blame for Sequestration

As for the judges….you must have forgotten about Merrit Garland.

Thanks for the batting practice. Next time try harder douchebag.
I can't read your article. It's behind a pay wall.

White House Admits (Third Time) President Obama Fibbed On Sequester

None other than NBC’s David Gregory today pressed Obama’s chief economic advisor, Gene Sperling, whether his boss told the truth in the third presidential debate that “the sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.” Sperling finally wilted under the pressure of tough questioning to admit that “yes, in fact, the sequestration was President Obama's plan.”

I’m sure the $0.30 it costs to educate yourself is too much for your budget.

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