What the “Get Trump” Cabal Really Boils Down To

"You aren't? That must explain the over-abundance of Hillary threads."

They balance out the over-abundance of Trump Derangement Syndrome threads and the over-abundance of Stormy Daniels threads.
You know, if Trump did not lie so much he would get less criticism. Really not reasonable to expect folks to accept all of that lying from a President. We know they all lie to some level and degree, but Trump rakes his lying to the mental illness level.

The Donald has not been given a chance from day one, he's had the same gang of snakes at him from day one, what they do not like what they hate is that he fights back.
We are Americans using our Constitutional rights to dissent. Openly and vigorously criticizing our politicians and promoting dissenting viewpoints is the foundation of America politics and governing. Objecting to the principles and mechanics of dissenting against the government is authoritarian fascism.

That doesn't alter the fact that you are a gang of snakes. We have every right to criticize you, and so does President Trump. No one is proposing to abolish your right to be a snake.

If you say so fingerboi.

A gang of snakes…do you guys have jackets? Is there a “gangofsnakesshop.com” where I can buy one?
"You aren't? That must explain the over-abundance of Hillary threads."

They balance out the over-abundance of Trump Derangement Syndrome threads and the over-abundance of Stormy Daniels threads.
You know, if Trump did not lie so much he would get less criticism. Really not reasonable to expect folks to accept all of that lying from a President. We know they all lie to some level and degree, but Trump rakes his lying to the mental illness level.

The Donald has not been given a chance from day one, he's had the same gang of snakes at him from day one, what they do not like what they hate is that he fights back.

Trump has receieved at least as much or more cooperation than Obama did.

Ridiculous, they have been fighting against The Donald since day one as opposed to beyond cooperating with Obama to the point of kissing his buttocks.

Please tell us when the GOP Congress cooperated with Obama on anything. We’ll wait.

The gave him whatever funding he wanted in the budget, douchebag. If you recall, Obama porposed the sequester, and the Republicans gave it to him. They also approved virtually everyone one of his traitorous douchebag judges and all his douchbag cabinet appointments.
You know, if Trump did not lie so much he would get less criticism. Really not reasonable to expect folks to accept all of that lying from a President. We know they all lie to some level and degree, but Trump rakes his lying to the mental illness level.

The Donald has not been given a chance from day one, he's had the same gang of snakes at him from day one, what they do not like what they hate is that he fights back.

Trump has receieved at least as much or more cooperation than Obama did.

Ridiculous, they have been fighting against The Donald since day one as opposed to beyond cooperating with Obama to the point of kissing his buttocks.

Please tell us when the GOP Congress cooperated with Obama on anything. We’ll wait.

The gave him whatever funding he wanted in the budget, douchebag. If you recall, Obama porposed the sequester, and the Republicans gave it to him. They also approved virtually everyone one of his traitorous douchebag judges and all his douchbag cabinet appointments.

He porposed the sequester?
You know, if Trump did not lie so much he would get less criticism. Really not reasonable to expect folks to accept all of that lying from a President. We know they all lie to some level and degree, but Trump rakes his lying to the mental illness level.

The Donald has not been given a chance from day one, he's had the same gang of snakes at him from day one, what they do not like what they hate is that he fights back.
We are Americans using our Constitutional rights to dissent. Openly and vigorously criticizing our politicians and promoting dissenting viewpoints is the foundation of America politics and governing. Objecting to the principles and mechanics of dissenting against the government is authoritarian fascism.

That doesn't alter the fact that you are a gang of snakes. We have every right to criticize you, and so does President Trump. No one is proposing to abolish your right to be a snake.

If you say so fingerboi.

A gang of snakes…do you guys have jackets? Is there a “gangofsnakesshop.com” where I can buy one?
Has to be a snakes motorcycle gang somewhere.
BUSH is right
MSM/LIBS/blacks--who are libs/Obamaist/Obama are PRO:
criminal/illegals/screw America--love the World at the expense of America-citizens

MSM/blacks /Obama are VERY pro:

MSM/LIBS/blacks/Obamaist/Obama are anti-/HATE:
police/law abidance/legal/whites
..the MSM especially --they want $$$$$...one of the reasons I voted for Trump was because the MSM is so anti-America/anti-white...anti-COMMON SENSE/LIES
Going on TV and telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “because of the Russia thing” is an open admission that he obstructed justice.

He obstructed justice? Did the investigation stop or something?

Continually attacking Sessions by tweet because Sessions recused himself in the Russia investigation - more blatant obstruction of justice.

The problem there is Sessions should have told Trump before he took the job that's what he was going to do.

Trump thought he had stopped the investigation by firing Comey. That’s what he told the Russian Ambassador, that the pressure of the Russia Investigation was now gone.

As for Sessions recusal, only an idiot would have thought that he wouldn’t recuse himself. How stupid was Trump to think that someone who had worked on both his campaign and his transition, who had lied about his contacts with Russians in his confirmation hearings, could oversee the Russia investigation? Talk about an obvious conflict of interest.

Trump has no one to blame but himself for that one.
Going on TV and telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “because of the Russia thing” is an open admission that he obstructed justice.

He obstructed justice? Did the investigation stop or something?

Continually attacking Sessions by tweet because Sessions recused himself in the Russia investigation - more blatant obstruction of justice.

The problem there is Sessions should have told Trump before he took the job that's what he was going to do.

Trump thought he had stopped the investigation by firing Comey. That’s what he told the Russian Ambassador, that the pressure of the Russia Investigation was now gone.

As for Sessions recusal, only an idiot would have thought that he wouldn’t recuse himself. How stupid was Trump to think that someone who had worked on both his campaign and his transition, who had lied about his contacts with Russians in his confirmation hearings, could oversee the Russia investigation? Talk about an obvious conflict of interest.

Trump has no one to blame but himself for that one.
Ray thinks the president should be able to hire and fire to keep from being investigated for possibly cheating in an election.
Going on TV and telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “because of the Russia thing” is an open admission that he obstructed justice.

He obstructed justice? Did the investigation stop or something?

Continually attacking Sessions by tweet because Sessions recused himself in the Russia investigation - more blatant obstruction of justice.

The problem there is Sessions should have told Trump before he took the job that's what he was going to do.

Trump thought he had stopped the investigation by firing Comey. That’s what he told the Russian Ambassador, that the pressure of the Russia Investigation was now gone.

As for Sessions recusal, only an idiot would have thought that he wouldn’t recuse himself. How stupid was Trump to think that someone who had worked on both his campaign and his transition, who had lied about his contacts with Russians in his confirmation hearings, could oversee the Russia investigation? Talk about an obvious conflict of interest.

Trump has no one to blame but himself for that one.
Ray thinks the president should be able to hire and fire to keep from being investigated for possibly cheating in an election.
he cheated in the election?
Going on TV and telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “because of the Russia thing” is an open admission that he obstructed justice.

He obstructed justice? Did the investigation stop or something?

Continually attacking Sessions by tweet because Sessions recused himself in the Russia investigation - more blatant obstruction of justice.

The problem there is Sessions should have told Trump before he took the job that's what he was going to do.

Trump thought he had stopped the investigation by firing Comey. That’s what he told the Russian Ambassador, that the pressure of the Russia Investigation was now gone.

As for Sessions recusal, only an idiot would have thought that he wouldn’t recuse himself. How stupid was Trump to think that someone who had worked on both his campaign and his transition, who had lied about his contacts with Russians in his confirmation hearings, could oversee the Russia investigation? Talk about an obvious conflict of interest.

Trump has no one to blame but himself for that one.
Ray thinks the president should be able to hire and fire to keep from being investigated for possibly cheating in an election.
he cheated in the election?
you chose not to read "possibly."

The problem with you Trumbots is that it's only party above country, it's Trump above party. Bushwhaevah cannot be excused from his continuous bullshit that all dems are freeloaders and shit like that. It's not just lie, it's his actual belief. People like him cannot be taken anymore seriously than parody by Steve McGarrett.

The problem with Trumbots is that there really are people who want to get rid of Trump regardless of whether he cheated with the Russians. That's wrong, but its not an excuse to ignore the fact that Trump very possibly did at least know what the Russians were up to and didn't tell the FBI.
Going on TV and telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “because of the Russia thing” is an open admission that he obstructed justice.

He obstructed justice? Did the investigation stop or something?

Continually attacking Sessions by tweet because Sessions recused himself in the Russia investigation - more blatant obstruction of justice.

The problem there is Sessions should have told Trump before he took the job that's what he was going to do.

Trump thought he had stopped the investigation by firing Comey. That’s what he told the Russian Ambassador, that the pressure of the Russia Investigation was now gone.

As for Sessions recusal, only an idiot would have thought that he wouldn’t recuse himself. How stupid was Trump to think that someone who had worked on both his campaign and his transition, who had lied about his contacts with Russians in his confirmation hearings, could oversee the Russia investigation? Talk about an obvious conflict of interest.

Trump has no one to blame but himself for that one.
Ray thinks the president should be able to hire and fire to keep from being investigated for possibly cheating in an election.
he cheated in the election?
you chose not to read "possibly."

The problem with you Trumbots is that it's only party above country, it's Trump above party. Bushwhaevah cannot be excused from his continuous bullshit that all dems are freeloaders and shit like that. It's not just lie, it's his actual belief. People like him cannot be taken anymore seriously than parody by Steve McGarrett.

The problem with Trumbots is that there really are people who want to get rid of Trump regardless of whether he cheated with the Russians. That's wrong, but its not an excuse to ignore the fact that Trump very possibly did at least know what the Russians were up to and didn't tell the FBI.
the problem with you dumbasses is that you are dumb
please prove Trump cheated in the election ...or :shutupsmiley:
if you do that, you are the smartest person in the world
Going on TV and telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “because of the Russia thing” is an open admission that he obstructed justice.

He obstructed justice? Did the investigation stop or something?

Continually attacking Sessions by tweet because Sessions recused himself in the Russia investigation - more blatant obstruction of justice.

The problem there is Sessions should have told Trump before he took the job that's what he was going to do.

Trump thought he had stopped the investigation by firing Comey. That’s what he told the Russian Ambassador, that the pressure of the Russia Investigation was now gone.

As for Sessions recusal, only an idiot would have thought that he wouldn’t recuse himself. How stupid was Trump to think that someone who had worked on both his campaign and his transition, who had lied about his contacts with Russians in his confirmation hearings, could oversee the Russia investigation? Talk about an obvious conflict of interest.

Trump has no one to blame but himself for that one.
Ray thinks the president should be able to hire and fire to keep from being investigated for possibly cheating in an election.
he cheated in the election?
you chose not to read "possibly."

The problem with you Trumbots is that it's only party above country, it's Trump above party. Bushwhaevah cannot be excused from his continuous bullshit that all dems are freeloaders and shit like that. It's not just lie, it's his actual belief. People like him cannot be taken anymore seriously than parody by Steve McGarrett.

The problem with Trumbots is that there really are people who want to get rid of Trump regardless of whether he cheated with the Russians. That's wrong, but its not an excuse to ignore the fact that Trump very possibly did at least know what the Russians were up to and didn't tell the FBI.
and Trump ''very possibly'' at least knew/knows what type of toilet paper he uses
''very possibly'' = you don't have ANY proof
What the “Get Trump” Cabal Really Boils Down To

bringing integrity back to the Country proving Trump isn't above the law.
When are you guys going to get over the election, stop blaming Clinton, and actually govern?

Considering The Donald has been harrassed on a daily basis 24/7 since January 20 2017 by obsessive Bedwetting Snowflakes who cannot accept he beat Hillary and considering The Donald is being subjected to a Witch Hunt that the McCarthy Era would be jealous of, I think The Donald is doing well under the circumstances, the man cannot even have a drink of water from a bottle without TONS of hysterical and deranged Leftists on Twitter and in the MSM posting obsessively about HOW he is holding the bottle of water and is he holding the bottle of water in that way because of what size his hands are.

the hands thing is de minimus. you simply don't care about actual behavior that is incompetent, immoral and possibly criminal.
He obstructed justice? Did the investigation stop or something?

The problem there is Sessions should have told Trump before he took the job that's what he was going to do.

Trump thought he had stopped the investigation by firing Comey. That’s what he told the Russian Ambassador, that the pressure of the Russia Investigation was now gone.

As for Sessions recusal, only an idiot would have thought that he wouldn’t recuse himself. How stupid was Trump to think that someone who had worked on both his campaign and his transition, who had lied about his contacts with Russians in his confirmation hearings, could oversee the Russia investigation? Talk about an obvious conflict of interest.

Trump has no one to blame but himself for that one.
Ray thinks the president should be able to hire and fire to keep from being investigated for possibly cheating in an election.
he cheated in the election?
you chose not to read "possibly."

The problem with you Trumbots is that it's only party above country, it's Trump above party. Bushwhaevah cannot be excused from his continuous bullshit that all dems are freeloaders and shit like that. It's not just lie, it's his actual belief. People like him cannot be taken anymore seriously than parody by Steve McGarrett.

The problem with Trumbots is that there really are people who want to get rid of Trump regardless of whether he cheated with the Russians. That's wrong, but its not an excuse to ignore the fact that Trump very possibly did at least know what the Russians were up to and didn't tell the FBI.
and Trump ''very possibly'' at least knew/knows what type of toilet paper he uses
''very possibly'' = you don't have ANY proof
there is lots and lots of circumstantial evidence that he knew and participated with the Russians to cheat....

it's up to the special counsel to prove it or disprove it.
He obstructed justice? Did the investigation stop or something?

The problem there is Sessions should have told Trump before he took the job that's what he was going to do.

Trump thought he had stopped the investigation by firing Comey. That’s what he told the Russian Ambassador, that the pressure of the Russia Investigation was now gone.

As for Sessions recusal, only an idiot would have thought that he wouldn’t recuse himself. How stupid was Trump to think that someone who had worked on both his campaign and his transition, who had lied about his contacts with Russians in his confirmation hearings, could oversee the Russia investigation? Talk about an obvious conflict of interest.

Trump has no one to blame but himself for that one.
Ray thinks the president should be able to hire and fire to keep from being investigated for possibly cheating in an election.
he cheated in the election?
you chose not to read "possibly."

The problem with you Trumbots is that it's only party above country, it's Trump above party. Bushwhaevah cannot be excused from his continuous bullshit that all dems are freeloaders and shit like that. It's not just lie, it's his actual belief. People like him cannot be taken anymore seriously than parody by Steve McGarrett.

The problem with Trumbots is that there really are people who want to get rid of Trump regardless of whether he cheated with the Russians. That's wrong, but its not an excuse to ignore the fact that Trump very possibly did at least know what the Russians were up to and didn't tell the FBI.
and Trump ''very possibly'' at least knew/knows what type of toilet paper he uses
''very possibly'' = you don't have ANY proof

clearly someone speaking to you as if you're an actual adult is that it confuses you.

try responding to what he said instead of trolling the CDZ
You know, if Trump did not lie so much he would get less criticism. Really not reasonable to expect folks to accept all of that lying from a President. We know they all lie to some level and degree, but Trump rakes his lying to the mental illness level.

The Donald has not been given a chance from day one, he's had the same gang of snakes at him from day one, what they do not like what they hate is that he fights back.

Trump has receieved at least as much or more cooperation than Obama did.

Ridiculous, they have been fighting against The Donald since day one as opposed to beyond cooperating with Obama to the point of kissing his buttocks.

Please tell us when the GOP Congress cooperated with Obama on anything. We’ll wait.

The gave him whatever funding he wanted in the budget, douchebag. If you recall, Obama porposed the sequester, and the Republicans gave it to him. They also approved virtually everyone one of his traitorous douchebag judges and all his douchbag cabinet appointments.

He did no such thing. They did no such thing.

The “super committee” came up with the sequestration apparatus.

Here's Who Is Really to Blame for Sequestration

As for the judges….you must have forgotten about Merrit Garland.

Thanks for the batting practice. Next time try harder douchebag.
He obstructed justice? Did the investigation stop or something?

The problem there is Sessions should have told Trump before he took the job that's what he was going to do.

Trump thought he had stopped the investigation by firing Comey. That’s what he told the Russian Ambassador, that the pressure of the Russia Investigation was now gone.

As for Sessions recusal, only an idiot would have thought that he wouldn’t recuse himself. How stupid was Trump to think that someone who had worked on both his campaign and his transition, who had lied about his contacts with Russians in his confirmation hearings, could oversee the Russia investigation? Talk about an obvious conflict of interest.

Trump has no one to blame but himself for that one.
Ray thinks the president should be able to hire and fire to keep from being investigated for possibly cheating in an election.
he cheated in the election?
you chose not to read "possibly."

The problem with you Trumbots is that it's only party above country, it's Trump above party. Bushwhaevah cannot be excused from his continuous bullshit that all dems are freeloaders and shit like that. It's not just lie, it's his actual belief. People like him cannot be taken anymore seriously than parody by Steve McGarrett.

The problem with Trumbots is that there really are people who want to get rid of Trump regardless of whether he cheated with the Russians. That's wrong, but its not an excuse to ignore the fact that Trump very possibly did at least know what the Russians were up to and didn't tell the FBI.
and Trump ''very possibly'' at least knew/knows what type of toilet paper he uses
''very possibly'' = you don't have ANY proof

name one other POTUS that had a private meeting with Russians in the oval office to tell them he just fired Comey.

was it an accident he didnt allow any other American counterparts (press or politicians) to be there with them? He allowed Russian media there to take pictures of the meeting -- PROOF POSITIVE.
Trump thought he had stopped the investigation by firing Comey. That’s what he told the Russian Ambassador, that the pressure of the Russia Investigation was now gone.

As for Sessions recusal, only an idiot would have thought that he wouldn’t recuse himself. How stupid was Trump to think that someone who had worked on both his campaign and his transition, who had lied about his contacts with Russians in his confirmation hearings, could oversee the Russia investigation? Talk about an obvious conflict of interest.

Trump has no one to blame but himself for that one.
Ray thinks the president should be able to hire and fire to keep from being investigated for possibly cheating in an election.
he cheated in the election?
you chose not to read "possibly."

The problem with you Trumbots is that it's only party above country, it's Trump above party. Bushwhaevah cannot be excused from his continuous bullshit that all dems are freeloaders and shit like that. It's not just lie, it's his actual belief. People like him cannot be taken anymore seriously than parody by Steve McGarrett.

The problem with Trumbots is that there really are people who want to get rid of Trump regardless of whether he cheated with the Russians. That's wrong, but its not an excuse to ignore the fact that Trump very possibly did at least know what the Russians were up to and didn't tell the FBI.
and Trump ''very possibly'' at least knew/knows what type of toilet paper he uses
''very possibly'' = you don't have ANY proof

name one other POTUS that had a private meeting with Russians in the oval office to tell them he just fired Comey.

was it an accident he didnt allow any other American counterparts (press or politicians) to be there with them? He allowed Russian media there to take pictures of the meeting -- PROOF POSITIVE.
good thing you are not a lawyer
one more time--where is the proof he cheated on the election?

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