Diamond Member
While there is nothing in the Constitution about the "filibuster," it is logically, morally, and ethically equivalent to Article V (regarding Amendments to the Constitution), at a lower threshold.
Article V creates a super-majority requirement for amending the Constitution. That is to say, THIS DOCUMENT is so fundamental to the existence of the country, that it requires a super-majority to change it. It SHOULDN'T BE CHANGED PROMISCUOUSLY!
The filibuster serves the same purpose at a slightly lower level. What the filibuster does is, it prevents a slight majority from making significant changes to law that in truth have no majority support.
The latest push for eliminating the filibuster (always advanced by the Party with a microscopic or - in this case - NO MAJORITY in the Senate), is that they are pushing a NEED for laws that violate the Second Amendment, because, they say, Republicans are preventing them, the virtuous party, from doing "what is right." While this is total bullshit (there is no such law), the point of the filibuster is universal.
Because when we have these slight majorities, the party with the slight majorities tries to make changes that the other Party abhors, which changes have no majority support but will impact the lives of VIRTUALLY EVERYONE in the country, like it or not (e.g., Obamacare). Further, they craft these laws in such a way that they essentially cannot be repealed, either because they create a new class of government dependents, or there is so much administrative inertia that repeal would be majorly disruptive to millions of peoples' lives.
To go off on a slight tangent for a moment, the Democrats are now trying to create a situation where they will have a permanent insurmountable majority. They do this by bringing in hordes of illegal immigrants, shipping them off to "swing states," in anticipation of the moment when they will have a clear majority in Congress, when they will enact "immigration reform," and make these pathetic, government-dependent bastards all reliable Democrat voters.
But ignoring that for the moment, these congressional slight majorities are always temporary. The Democrats today are antagonizing not only the Republicans but also independents and the few sane Democrats who remain, such that if they don't steal another election, they will be given their walking papers this November, and all of their bullshit laws, passed with the vote of the infamous former Senator from California will be repealed.
Long live the filibuster. If a Party in the future holds 60 votes, or can persuade 60 senators to their side, then fine, they can pass whatever laws they like. But non-majorities like the Democrats hold today SHOULD be harnessed and prevented from enacting a platform that does not have majority support in the country.
Article V creates a super-majority requirement for amending the Constitution. That is to say, THIS DOCUMENT is so fundamental to the existence of the country, that it requires a super-majority to change it. It SHOULDN'T BE CHANGED PROMISCUOUSLY!
The filibuster serves the same purpose at a slightly lower level. What the filibuster does is, it prevents a slight majority from making significant changes to law that in truth have no majority support.
The latest push for eliminating the filibuster (always advanced by the Party with a microscopic or - in this case - NO MAJORITY in the Senate), is that they are pushing a NEED for laws that violate the Second Amendment, because, they say, Republicans are preventing them, the virtuous party, from doing "what is right." While this is total bullshit (there is no such law), the point of the filibuster is universal.
Because when we have these slight majorities, the party with the slight majorities tries to make changes that the other Party abhors, which changes have no majority support but will impact the lives of VIRTUALLY EVERYONE in the country, like it or not (e.g., Obamacare). Further, they craft these laws in such a way that they essentially cannot be repealed, either because they create a new class of government dependents, or there is so much administrative inertia that repeal would be majorly disruptive to millions of peoples' lives.
To go off on a slight tangent for a moment, the Democrats are now trying to create a situation where they will have a permanent insurmountable majority. They do this by bringing in hordes of illegal immigrants, shipping them off to "swing states," in anticipation of the moment when they will have a clear majority in Congress, when they will enact "immigration reform," and make these pathetic, government-dependent bastards all reliable Democrat voters.
But ignoring that for the moment, these congressional slight majorities are always temporary. The Democrats today are antagonizing not only the Republicans but also independents and the few sane Democrats who remain, such that if they don't steal another election, they will be given their walking papers this November, and all of their bullshit laws, passed with the vote of the infamous former Senator from California will be repealed.
Long live the filibuster. If a Party in the future holds 60 votes, or can persuade 60 senators to their side, then fine, they can pass whatever laws they like. But non-majorities like the Democrats hold today SHOULD be harnessed and prevented from enacting a platform that does not have majority support in the country.