What really irks you? Gets your goat? Peeves you off?

This just happened yesterday.
Was towing camper home from up north and needed gas. Pulled into a busy station with limited room.
In front of me was a lady sitting in her car at a pump I was assuming was filling up. Get my gas and pay in store. Come back out and the lady is still sitting in her car. Meantime a line of cars forms behind me trapping my Jeep and 22 foot trailer and this idiot is still sitting in her car. I walk up and she is jabbering on her phone. I say she needs to move so people can get gas and get out of station. She claims she still needs to get gas. The cars behind me lose their patience and find other pumps, and luckily enough room forms behind me and to the side so I can back rig up enough while wife guides me to get around this inconsiderate moron as she is still fumbling around in her car for her purse.

What a stupid bitch.
People who try to tell me what to do and who to be friends with when they have no authority to do so whatsoever and trying to speak for other people.

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