What motivates you to vote Democrat?

As a minority it's a no brainer to vote anti GOP....why I said anti. Simply because although i'm conservative, I can't vote with a party that hates me. Or at least less accepting...The GOP is the party of the racists and it clearly is now, with Trump being its official clown leader....The cons can deny it all day long, but stats here, most minorities although they are conservatives vote Democrats....except maybe the Cubans of Florida which is a bit puzzling.

i'm married to a (R). he's fiscally conservative & socially liberal... he is also smart enough to stay outside the 'GOP' bubble of extreme rw whackadoodles that party has become.
Those whackadoodles are calling the shots in the GOP

yep they are. the main reason why he satys a (R) is for voting in the primaries. he has voted (R) locally, but on the state & federal level- he hasn't voted (R) since W's first term. & he regrets that every day.

He sounds like a Dim, not a Republican.
As a minority it's a no brainer to vote anti GOP....why I said anti. Simply because although i'm conservative, I can't vote with a party that hates me. Or at least less accepting...The GOP is the party of the racists and it clearly is now, with Trump being its official clown leader....The cons can deny it all day long, but stats here, most minorities although they are conservatives vote Democrats....except maybe the Cubans of Florida which is a bit puzzling.

i'm married to a (R). he's fiscally conservative & socially liberal... he is also smart enough to stay outside the 'GOP' bubble of extreme rw whackadoodles that party has become.
Those whackadoodles are calling the shots in the GOP

yep they are. the main reason why he satys a (R) is for voting in the primaries. he has voted (R) locally, but on the state & federal level- he hasn't voted (R) since W's first term. & he regrets that every day.

He sounds like a Dim, not a Republican.

he's not a partisan stooge. nor poorly educated like president marmalade wants you.
I'm trying to decipher your post. Am I to infer that stereotyping is a good thin? That you see stereotypes as an "accurate" way to ascertain 'truths' about one's character and make up?

If this is representative of the values you hold dear and count as the noble traits of Conservatism, you might want to rethink your approach. Rather than enticing me to embrace modern Conservatism, I find it repellent. I am looking for nobility in Conservatism. You have shown me crass banality.

YES....stereotyping is a GREAT thing...it’s what good quality smart people do.
My beautiful young daughter drives home from USC at night once in a while...she could take a route through Compton to get home....but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite high.....Compton is predominantly inhabited by low grade Blacks. See how this works?
You’d be paranoid to give your daughter the same advice...wouldn’t you? You’d let her drive through there and get car jacked, raped or murdered before you’d catch yourself “stereotyping”......am I right?
I don't think you know what stereotyping means. To advise someone,to avoid a bad neighborhood is right. But to presume everyone in that neighborhood are "low grade Blacks" is stereotyping.

It reminds me of the Conservative attitude about political correctness. By dismissing PC, Conservatives seem to think they have a renewed license to be rude. That's because they never understood what political correctis all about. Misunderstanding, or worse, rationalizing definitions to justify ignoble behavior seems to be part and parcel of today's Conservatism.

You’re playing word games now....let’s not split hairs.
Are you sure you know what stereotyping is?
See, one does not have to presume that ALL are “low grade blacks” to logically stereotype....one can simply presume the odds are high that one will encounter “low grade blacks” in said neighborhood. This is part of what makes us human...the ability to reason and be intuitive.

OK, I think I get stereotyping now. It's like when you write off an entire population of people as "filthy brown cockroaches". It justifies your hatred and ignorance. Makes it easier to go march with your nationalist buddies in the protest parade.

Look bud...applying logic and reason based on likelihood and plausibility isn’t for everyone...we need nutless pussies with big bleeding hearts to play stupid and pretend the piece of shits all around us aren’t really the piece of shits they are.

From the nutrients in shit beautiful flowers spring. In many Asian countries shit is valued as fertilizer to produce vibrant green crops.
Given the power nature has given shit..I wonder if calling people you hate "pieces of shit" is. really applicable.
As a minority it's a no brainer to vote anti GOP....why I said anti. Simply because although i'm conservative, I can't vote with a party that hates me. Or at least less accepting...The GOP is the party of the racists and it clearly is now, with Trump being its official clown leader....The cons can deny it all day long, but stats here, most minorities although they are conservatives vote Democrats....except maybe the Cubans of Florida which is a bit puzzling.

i'm married to a (R). he's fiscally conservative & socially liberal... he is also smart enough to stay outside the 'GOP' bubble of extreme rw whackadoodles that party has become.
Those whackadoodles are calling the shots in the GOP

yep they are. the main reason why he satys a (R) is for voting in the primaries. he has voted (R) locally, but on the state & federal level- he hasn't voted (R) since W's first term. & he regrets that every day.

He sounds like a Dim, not a Republican.

he's not a partisan stooge. nor poorly educated like president marmalade wants you.
he sounds like a moron.
YES....stereotyping is a GREAT thing...it’s what good quality smart people do.
My beautiful young daughter drives home from USC at night once in a while...she could take a route through Compton to get home....but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite high.....Compton is predominantly inhabited by low grade Blacks. See how this works?
You’d be paranoid to give your daughter the same advice...wouldn’t you? You’d let her drive through there and get car jacked, raped or murdered before you’d catch yourself “stereotyping”......am I right?
I don't think you know what stereotyping means. To advise someone,to avoid a bad neighborhood is right. But to presume everyone in that neighborhood are "low grade Blacks" is stereotyping.

It reminds me of the Conservative attitude about political correctness. By dismissing PC, Conservatives seem to think they have a renewed license to be rude. That's because they never understood what political correctis all about. Misunderstanding, or worse, rationalizing definitions to justify ignoble behavior seems to be part and parcel of today's Conservatism.

You’re playing word games now....let’s not split hairs.
Are you sure you know what stereotyping is?
See, one does not have to presume that ALL are “low grade blacks” to logically stereotype....one can simply presume the odds are high that one will encounter “low grade blacks” in said neighborhood. This is part of what makes us human...the ability to reason and be intuitive.

OK, I think I get stereotyping now. It's like when you write off an entire population of people as "filthy brown cockroaches". It justifies your hatred and ignorance. Makes it easier to go march with your nationalist buddies in the protest parade.

Look bud...applying logic and reason based on likelihood and plausibility isn’t for everyone...we need nutless pussies with big bleeding hearts to play stupid and pretend the piece of shits all around us aren’t really the piece of shits they are.

From the nutrients in shit beautiful flowers spring. In many Asian countries shit is valued as fertilizer to produce vibrant green crops.
Given the power nature has given shit..I wonder if calling people you hate "pieces of shit" is. really applicable.

Those same countries are where the flu emenates from every winter.
i'm married to a (R). he's fiscally conservative & socially liberal... he is also smart enough to stay outside the 'GOP' bubble of extreme rw whackadoodles that party has become.
Those whackadoodles are calling the shots in the GOP

yep they are. the main reason why he satys a (R) is for voting in the primaries. he has voted (R) locally, but on the state & federal level- he hasn't voted (R) since W's first term. & he regrets that every day.

He sounds like a Dim, not a Republican.

he's not a partisan stooge. nor poorly educated like president marmalade wants you.
he sounds like a moron.

lol.... irony is so lost on you.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

Mainly, the social safety nets.

Healthcare is broken. Other countries have better outcomes with socialized medicine.

Education is more valued by democrats, who support Head Start through college. Again, something other countries do with better outcomes.

I see very little, to no, scapegoating of minorities and the poor by Democrats. That matters to me.

Democrats do not support policies meant to make voting more difficult for poor people.

It’s down on my list, but the pro-choice abortion position of Democrats also is a factor.

I also want my government to regulate industries so that they don’t pollute our Earth, or harm workers through negligent practices.

In short, from Republicans I see the agenda of “me, me, me” and from Democrats, “us, us, us.”

Healthcare was never broken.
There never were 46 million uninsured Americans or were there 160 million Americans with Pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.
Both lies.
Proof that there never were 46 million uninsured...

There never were 160 million with pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.

So your first premise i.e. Health care is broken was totally a fabrication that obviously you never took the time to research to find out if true.
A characteristic of emotionally driven politically ideologically driven opinions.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

Mainly, the social safety nets.

Healthcare is broken. Other countries have better outcomes with socialized medicine.

Education is more valued by democrats, who support Head Start through college. Again, something other countries do with better outcomes.

I see very little, to no, scapegoating of minorities and the poor by Democrats. That matters to me.

Democrats do not support policies meant to make voting more difficult for poor people.

It’s down on my list, but the pro-choice abortion position of Democrats also is a factor.

I also want my government to regulate industries so that they don’t pollute our Earth, or harm workers through negligent practices.

In short, from Republicans I see the agenda of “me, me, me” and from Democrats, “us, us, us.”

In short, from Republicans I see the agenda of “me, me, me” and from Democrats, “us, us, us.”
Haha...Come on...let’s be totally honest...you see the parties as one being the “Gimme Free Shit Party” and the other being the “Work For Your Own Shit Party” and you side with the FSA (Free Shit Army) for “obvious reasons”...right?

F.S.A. (Free Shit Army)
The F.S.A. is used primarily to describe "the 47%" of US citizens who not only pay nothing in federal taxes, but actually believe that they are entitled to the fruits of the labors of others. It is also used to describe a large portion of the Democratic Party who rely on the government to provide food stamps, subsidized housing allotments (Section 8), and sign themselves up for every bit of free stuff possible (also see "Ghetto Breeding Machines.").
You can often identify members of the F.S.A. (Free Shit Army) by their SNAP/Food Stamp cards, latest urban fashions, Section 8 Housing voucher-stubs, their $300. Nike tennis shoes, Apple Smartphones, and their 60" Plasma televisions.
Urban Dictionary: F.S.A. (Free Shit Army)
The face of poverty in America is a white one.
I'm just making sure you are aware of that.
YES....stereotyping is a GREAT thing...it’s what good quality smart people do.
My beautiful young daughter drives home from USC at night once in a while...she could take a route through Compton to get home....but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite high.....Compton is predominantly inhabited by low grade Blacks. See how this works?
You’d be paranoid to give your daughter the same advice...wouldn’t you? You’d let her drive through there and get car jacked, raped or murdered before you’d catch yourself “stereotyping”......am I right?
I don't think you know what stereotyping means. To advise someone,to avoid a bad neighborhood is right. But to presume everyone in that neighborhood are "low grade Blacks" is stereotyping.

It reminds me of the Conservative attitude about political correctness. By dismissing PC, Conservatives seem to think they have a renewed license to be rude. That's because they never understood what political correctis all about. Misunderstanding, or worse, rationalizing definitions to justify ignoble behavior seems to be part and parcel of today's Conservatism.

You’re playing word games now....let’s not split hairs.
Are you sure you know what stereotyping is?
See, one does not have to presume that ALL are “low grade blacks” to logically stereotype....one can simply presume the odds are high that one will encounter “low grade blacks” in said neighborhood. This is part of what makes us human...the ability to reason and be intuitive.

OK, I think I get stereotyping now. It's like when you write off an entire population of people as "filthy brown cockroaches". It justifies your hatred and ignorance. Makes it easier to go march with your nationalist buddies in the protest parade.

Look bud...applying logic and reason based on likelihood and plausibility isn’t for everyone...we need nutless pussies with big bleeding hearts to play stupid and pretend the piece of shits all around us aren’t really the piece of shits they are.

From the nutrients in shit beautiful flowers spring. In many Asian countries shit is valued as fertilizer to produce vibrant green crops.
Given the power nature has given shit..I wonder if calling people you hate "pieces of shit" is. really applicable.

Are you 8 years old?
Those whackadoodles are calling the shots in the GOP

yep they are. the main reason why he satys a (R) is for voting in the primaries. he has voted (R) locally, but on the state & federal level- he hasn't voted (R) since W's first term. & he regrets that every day.

He sounds like a Dim, not a Republican.

he's not a partisan stooge. nor poorly educated like president marmalade wants you.
he sounds like a moron.

lol.... irony is so lost on you.

Simple logic is lost on you. Trump isn't poorly educated. However, you are obviously stupid.
As a minority it's a no brainer to vote anti GOP....why I said anti. Simply because although i'm conservative, I can't vote with a party that hates me. Or at least less accepting...The GOP is the party of the racists and it clearly is now, with Trump being its official clown leader....The cons can deny it all day long, but stats here, most minorities although they are conservatives vote Democrats....except maybe the Cubans of Florida which is a bit puzzling.

i'm married to a (R). he's fiscally conservative & socially liberal... he is also smart enough to stay outside the 'GOP' bubble of extreme rw whackadoodles that party has become.
Those whackadoodles are calling the shots in the GOP

yep they are. the main reason why he satys a (R) is for voting in the primaries. he has voted (R) locally, but on the state & federal level- he hasn't voted (R) since W's first term. & he regrets that every day.
I tend to vote (R) in local elections
Haven't voted (R) in a national election since the 90s
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

Mainly, the social safety nets.

Healthcare is broken. Other countries have better outcomes with socialized medicine.

Education is more valued by democrats, who support Head Start through college. Again, something other countries do with better outcomes.

I see very little, to no, scapegoating of minorities and the poor by Democrats. That matters to me.

Democrats do not support policies meant to make voting more difficult for poor people.

It’s down on my list, but the pro-choice abortion position of Democrats also is a factor.

I also want my government to regulate industries so that they don’t pollute our Earth, or harm workers through negligent practices.

In short, from Republicans I see the agenda of “me, me, me” and from Democrats, “us, us, us.”

Healthcare was never broken.
There never were 46 million uninsured Americans or were there 160 million Americans with Pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.
Both lies.
Proof that there never were 46 million uninsured...
View attachment 174865

There never were 160 million with pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.
View attachment 174867
So your first premise i.e. Health care is broken was totally a fabrication that obviously you never took the time to research to find out if true.
A characteristic of emotionally driven politically ideologically driven opinions.

Actually, countries with universal healthcare have better outcomes than the US. So, compared to what it could be.....healthcare in the US is broken.
yep they are. the main reason why he satys a (R) is for voting in the primaries. he has voted (R) locally, but on the state & federal level- he hasn't voted (R) since W's first term. & he regrets that every day.

He sounds like a Dim, not a Republican.

he's not a partisan stooge. nor poorly educated like president marmalade wants you.
he sounds like a moron.

lol.... irony is so lost on you.

Simple logic is lost on you. Trump isn't poorly educated. However, you are obviously stupid.
Trump may have attended top schools, but he is clearly not educated
Believe me
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

Mainly, the social safety nets.

Healthcare is broken. Other countries have better outcomes with socialized medicine.

Education is more valued by democrats, who support Head Start through college. Again, something other countries do with better outcomes.

I see very little, to no, scapegoating of minorities and the poor by Democrats. That matters to me.

Democrats do not support policies meant to make voting more difficult for poor people.

It’s down on my list, but the pro-choice abortion position of Democrats also is a factor.

I also want my government to regulate industries so that they don’t pollute our Earth, or harm workers through negligent practices.

In short, from Republicans I see the agenda of “me, me, me” and from Democrats, “us, us, us.”

In short, from Republicans I see the agenda of “me, me, me” and from Democrats, “us, us, us.”
Haha...Come on...let’s be totally honest...you see the parties as one being the “Gimme Free Shit Party” and the other being the “Work For Your Own Shit Party” and you side with the FSA (Free Shit Army) for “obvious reasons”...right?

F.S.A. (Free Shit Army)
The F.S.A. is used primarily to describe "the 47%" of US citizens who not only pay nothing in federal taxes, but actually believe that they are entitled to the fruits of the labors of others. It is also used to describe a large portion of the Democratic Party who rely on the government to provide food stamps, subsidized housing allotments (Section 8), and sign themselves up for every bit of free stuff possible (also see "Ghetto Breeding Machines.").
You can often identify members of the F.S.A. (Free Shit Army) by their SNAP/Food Stamp cards, latest urban fashions, Section 8 Housing voucher-stubs, their $300. Nike tennis shoes, Apple Smartphones, and their 60" Plasma televisions.
Urban Dictionary: F.S.A. (Free Shit Army)
The face of poverty in America is a white one.
I'm just making sure you are aware of that.

The face of America is White as 72% of the nation is White...weird how number work like that huh?
Do what smart people do and think per capita.

21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
As a minority it's a no brainer to vote anti GOP....why I said anti. Simply because although i'm conservative, I can't vote with a party that hates me. Or at least less accepting...The GOP is the party of the racists and it clearly is now, with Trump being its official clown leader....The cons can deny it all day long, but stats here, most minorities although they are conservatives vote Democrats....except maybe the Cubans of Florida which is a bit puzzling.

i'm married to a (R). he's fiscally conservative & socially liberal... he is also smart enough to stay outside the 'GOP' bubble of extreme rw whackadoodles that party has become.
Those whackadoodles are calling the shots in the GOP

yep they are. the main reason why he satys a (R) is for voting in the primaries. he has voted (R) locally, but on the state & federal level- he hasn't voted (R) since W's first term. & he regrets that every day.
I tend to vote (R) in local elections
Haven't voted (R) in a national election since the 90s

Yeah, sure you do.
He sounds like a Dim, not a Republican.

he's not a partisan stooge. nor poorly educated like president marmalade wants you.
he sounds like a moron.

lol.... irony is so lost on you.

Simple logic is lost on you. Trump isn't poorly educated. However, you are obviously stupid.
Trump may have attended top schools, but he is clearly not educated
Believe me

Why would a believe a certified moron?
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

Mainly, the social safety nets.

Healthcare is broken. Other countries have better outcomes with socialized medicine.

Education is more valued by democrats, who support Head Start through college. Again, something other countries do with better outcomes.

I see very little, to no, scapegoating of minorities and the poor by Democrats. That matters to me.

Democrats do not support policies meant to make voting more difficult for poor people.

It’s down on my list, but the pro-choice abortion position of Democrats also is a factor.

I also want my government to regulate industries so that they don’t pollute our Earth, or harm workers through negligent practices.

In short, from Republicans I see the agenda of “me, me, me” and from Democrats, “us, us, us.”

Healthcare was never broken.
There never were 46 million uninsured Americans or were there 160 million Americans with Pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.
Both lies.
Proof that there never were 46 million uninsured...
View attachment 174865

There never were 160 million with pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.
View attachment 174867
So your first premise i.e. Health care is broken was totally a fabrication that obviously you never took the time to research to find out if true.
A characteristic of emotionally driven politically ideologically driven opinions.

Actually, countries with universal healthcare have better outcomes than the US. So, compared to what it could be.....healthcare in the US is broken.

Are you referring to those nations with a 40% tax rate where most contribute?
Our healthcare system is broken because we have way too many bottom feeders dragging us down and simply not enough positive contributors...third graders know this.
yep they are. the main reason why he satys a (R) is for voting in the primaries. he has voted (R) locally, but on the state & federal level- he hasn't voted (R) since W's first term. & he regrets that every day.

He sounds like a Dim, not a Republican.

he's not a partisan stooge. nor poorly educated like president marmalade wants you.
he sounds like a moron.

lol.... irony is so lost on you.

Simple logic is lost on you. Trump isn't poorly educated. However, you are obviously stupid.

because he knows words?
the BEST words? :lmao:
I don't think you know what stereotyping means. To advise someone,to avoid a bad neighborhood is right. But to presume everyone in that neighborhood are "low grade Blacks" is stereotyping.

It reminds me of the Conservative attitude about political correctness. By dismissing PC, Conservatives seem to think they have a renewed license to be rude. That's because they never understood what political correctis all about. Misunderstanding, or worse, rationalizing definitions to justify ignoble behavior seems to be part and parcel of today's Conservatism.

You’re playing word games now....let’s not split hairs.
Are you sure you know what stereotyping is?
See, one does not have to presume that ALL are “low grade blacks” to logically stereotype....one can simply presume the odds are high that one will encounter “low grade blacks” in said neighborhood. This is part of what makes us human...the ability to reason and be intuitive.

OK, I think I get stereotyping now. It's like when you write off an entire population of people as "filthy brown cockroaches". It justifies your hatred and ignorance. Makes it easier to go march with your nationalist buddies in the protest parade.

Look bud...applying logic and reason based on likelihood and plausibility isn’t for everyone...we need nutless pussies with big bleeding hearts to play stupid and pretend the piece of shits all around us aren’t really the piece of shits they are.

From the nutrients in shit beautiful flowers spring. In many Asian countries shit is valued as fertilizer to produce vibrant green crops.
Given the power nature has given shit..I wonder if calling people you hate "pieces of shit" is. really applicable.

Those same countries are where the flu emenates from every winter.
Which strain of flu? The Asian flu? Or is it the cuckoo's nest flu?...The one you spread every time you post.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

Mainly, the social safety nets.

Healthcare is broken. Other countries have better outcomes with socialized medicine.

Education is more valued by democrats, who support Head Start through college. Again, something other countries do with better outcomes.

I see very little, to no, scapegoating of minorities and the poor by Democrats. That matters to me.

Democrats do not support policies meant to make voting more difficult for poor people.

It’s down on my list, but the pro-choice abortion position of Democrats also is a factor.

I also want my government to regulate industries so that they don’t pollute our Earth, or harm workers through negligent practices.

In short, from Republicans I see the agenda of “me, me, me” and from Democrats, “us, us, us.”

Healthcare was never broken.
There never were 46 million uninsured Americans or were there 160 million Americans with Pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.
Both lies.
Proof that there never were 46 million uninsured...
View attachment 174865

There never were 160 million with pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance.
View attachment 174867
So your first premise i.e. Health care is broken was totally a fabrication that obviously you never took the time to research to find out if true.
A characteristic of emotionally driven politically ideologically driven opinions.

Actually, countries with universal healthcare have better outcomes than the US. So, compared to what it could be.....healthcare in the US is broken.

Are you referring to those nations with a 40% tax rate where most contribute?
Our healthcare system is broken because we have way too many bottom feeders dragging us down and simply not enough positive contributors...third graders know this.

Yeah, those nations, where most contribute because more are healthy enough to work.....because they have reliable access to healthcare and preventative care.

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