What made Republicans distrust science and announce that science is a "faith"?

What made Republicans distrust science and announce that science is a "faith"?

Remember, Republicans started NASA.

What changed?

thanx for proving me right again Dean.....hundreds of threads in here talking about science.....and you just cant talk about it unless you throw the Republicans in there......:lol:
It's not all Republicans who think that way, just the Tea Party cultists. And just the dumber half of them. You can see that dumber half her on this board, raving that global warming is a socialist plot.

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What made Republicans distrust science and announce that science is a "faith"?

Remember, Republicans started NASA.

What changed?

Do you have to stink up every section in this forum with your nauseating trolling?

he even did it in the Humor section..... a thing about Republicans,and it wasnt a joke....thats what an Obsession does to you.....the guy should go and talk to Dr. Vinnie Boomba....

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