What is wrong with this Chart?? (a bit of a test)


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Below is the chart that the illustrious Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah presented to Planned Parenthood President, Cecile Richards......

Can you spot anything wrong with this chart? (and please note the source that Rep. Chaffetz forgot to erase before his wanna-be "gotcha" moment.)

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Anyone else have the feeling that someone on Chaffetz's staff is in trouble??? LOL
Below is the chart that the illustrious Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah presented to Planned Parenthood President, Cecile Richards......

Can you spot anything wrong with this chart? (and please note the source that Rep. Chaffetz forgot to erase before his wanna-be "gotcha" moment.)

Shows exactly why they need more, not less, money from us...
the y axis scale is wrong, but his point is valid. abortions have increased and the other services have declined.
The slope of the abortion line is too steep relative to the slope of the cancer screenings line.

That's about all that is wrong with the chart.
Well if you look at the bottom right corner you would see that the chart was made by an anti-abortion group and the figures used are not substantiated.

Just like they put out all those faked / edited videos ( at least 8 so far ) they put out fake charts too.

There is no authentication of the numbers they used and consider the history of the anti-abortion people producing fake " evidence " there is no reason to presume the numbers they give are valid.


The slope of the abortion line is too steep relative to the slope of the cancer screenings line.

That's about all that is wrong with the chart.
The slope of the abortion line is too steep relative to the slope of the cancer screenings line.

That's about all that is wrong with the chart.

Considering they didn't even bother to put the scale on the Y axis, any sloping they used was more for presentation than any accuracy.
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Well if you look at the bottom right corner you would see that the chart was made by an anti-abortion group and the figures used are not substantiated.

Just like they put out all those faked / edited videos ( at least 8 so far ) they put out fake charts too.

There is no authentication of the numbers they used and consider the history of the anti-abortion people producing fake " evidence " there is no reason to presume the numbers they give are valid.

Agreed.......The scummy part is that the idiot congressman stated that the chart and numbers came from him after reviewing PP records.......and THAT was a lie since someone actually forgot to take the REAL authors' name from the bottom of the chart/slide.
Given the numbers, the lines are not suppose to cross!!

It is intentional misrepresentation. By the way--there is no y-scale, if there were, at what number do the two lines intersect at?

327<935 Get it? If you want to "paint a picture" with a graph in this manner, add in future projections!!
It is from the Americans United for Life group.
Totally biased info.

Below is the chart that the illustrious Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah presented to Planned Parenthood President, Cecile Richards......

Can you spot anything wrong with this chart? (and please note the source that Rep. Chaffetz forgot to erase before his wanna-be "gotcha" moment.)


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