What is wrong with Merrick Garland? Is he asleep at the wheel - or just afraid?

Since when is the "judicial dept" required to support the majority party in congress political agenda? Don't democrats have enough on their plate without worrying about some criminal trespass offenders?
If our side can't be honest and admit there were people guilty of far more than trespassing that day we're no better than democrats.

If that had been a BLM/Antifa riot that got out of hand we'd not be pretending they didn't assault cops, break into the building, or try to unlawfully stop the congress from accepting the votes of the EC that day.

No, it certainly wasn't an "insurrection" but it was damned sure a riot with some serious criminal actors.

It was a lawful and proper protest anyone can fully support up to a point and that point was when they started attacking the cops.

It ceased being a legitimate or lawful protest at that moment.

Find all the bad actors and prosecute them fully and send the rest home with a fine and be done with it so we can move on as a country.
No incoming administration has EVER prosecuted the outgoing administration for crimes committed while in office. That's as much slack as I'm prepared to cut Garland on this one. He is a very conservative person. Most judges are centrists and only lean slightly one way or the other. Does this open the door for the next incoming administration to go after Biden and company?

The whole Bill Clinton impeachment was payback for Nixon's Watergate impeachment and removal from office. The Republicans had been in a white heat to go after a Democrat since Nixon left office, but there was no way to attack Jimmy Carter, possibly the most clean living, moral President in history. Clinton was a tough target, but he was always vulnerable on the women. Look at how many Republicans are calling for Biden's impeachment as revenge for Trump's two impeachments.

Having said all that, this bullshit has to be prosecuted. NOW.
Clinton was a serial abuser of women who committed perjury in a federal court case.
Not exactly.

We'd like to see an equal if not greater effort put into finding and prosecuting those responsible for the Summer 2020 "protests" in many of our cities, running as long as 120 days in some locales, where we saw repeated acts of arson, vandalism, riot, assaults, rapes, and murders; collectively dozens of times in excess of that one day on Jan. 6,2021.

Interesting that the FBI and other jackboots of the Federal Guv'mint could find so many to charge for that one day but so few for the months of insurrection in our Nation during that Summer of 2020 with it's CHAZs and CHOPs. More disturbing is how many of those whom were arrested had their charges dropped on orders from the NaziDems whom are the mayors and governors of the impacted and attacked cities/states.

Traitors like you are the ones whom are trying to sweep that multi-cities insurrection under the rug and pretend it never happened, and/or was all just "peaceful protest". Your case isn't one of ignorance, but of malicious and seditious intent via criminal actions.
Gonna have a real hard time making that happen with all the democrat politicians that fully supported them and even marched with them.
Not true at all. In fact expect the committee next year under leadership of MTG to look further into Nancy Pelosi's failures as well as alleged election rigging by Hunter Biden who refused to turn over his laptop before the 2020 election.
If there's any common sense left in GOP leadership MTG isn't going to be leading anything but the cheerleading squad.

Putting a conspiracy nut in charge of any congressional committee would turn the GOP into a joke naitonally and she'd be sucking the air out of the room constantly keeping issues of substance from being discussed and acted on.

Extremism and Hate breed Extremism and Hate. It's time to break that cycle and get some adults back in charge for a change so we can start pulling this country back together before it's too late.
No incoming administration has EVER prosecuted the outgoing administration for crimes committed while in office. That's as much slack as I'm prepared to cut Garland on this one. He is a very conservative person. Most judges are centrists and only lean slightly one way or the other. Does this open the door for the next incoming administration to go after Biden and company?

The whole Bill Clinton impeachment was payback for Nixon's Watergate impeachment and removal from office. The Republicans had been in a white heat to go after a Democrat since Nixon left office, but there was no way to attack Jimmy Carter, possibly the most clean living, moral President in history. Clinton was a tough target, but he was always vulnerable on the women. Look at how many Republicans are calling for Biden's impeachment as revenge for Trump's two impeachments.

Having said all that, this bullshit has to be prosecuted. NOW.
The whole Bill Clinton impeachment was payback for Nixon's Watergate impeachment and removal from office.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

HOLY COW! Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber.

You are a fucking moron Dragonlady Why don't you try to fix your fascist dictatorship up there in KKKanada and mind your own business, Fuckwit?
There is no ‘if’ – and it’s already over; Trump and his co-conspirators in the 1/6 coup attempt need only run out the clock.
You people need to find some new buzz words, you've worn "coup" and "insurrection" out to the point they no longer have any meaning.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of Justice to act as Congress’ ‘enforcer’ – threatening those who refuse to testify with empty threats of contempt charges.

It doesn’t make any difference what Garland does, if someone is determined to not testify, he won’t – and it’s naïve to believe otherwise.

Indeed, it’s naïve to believe that Trump and his fellow traitors would be subject to criminal charges or otherwise be brought to justice.

The best that can be hoped for is that the Committee presents the facts of Trump’s treason and the treason of his henchmen as a cautionary tale for the American people, so they understand that our democracy is in jeopardy from the tyranny of the anti-democratic right.
We're a republic you nitwit not anything resembling a direct democracy.

Democracy is mob rule and the founders were wise enough to realize that so they built in buffers into the system to ensure we didn't eat our own and destroy the nation by majority vote.
Lol at the dumb fuckstains who cried about Garland being denied a seat on the SCOTUS and now cry again because he isn't the f'n extremist hack they want as AG.
Did Barry Hussein's DOJ go after his "Wingman" AG Eric Holder when Holder was held in Contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over any documents regarding his gun running scheme to the Mexican Drug Cartels?


Did Barry Hussein's DOJ go after his IRS lackey when Lois Lerner refused to cooperate with Congress for her targeting Conservative groups using the full force of the IRS?


Did Barry Hussein's DOJ go after his "Wingman" AG Eric Holder when Holder was held in Contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over any documents regarding his gun running scheme to the Mexican Drug Cartels?


They really couldn't without first going after the entire Administration which was held in contempt repeatedly.

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot​

Contempt of Congress charges languish with the Department of Justice as the select committee's members fume at the attorney general.

Members of the House select committee investigating last year’s riot at the U.S. Capitol expressed frustration Monday over an apparently inattentive and slow-moving Justice Department, with one lawmaker telling Attorney General Merrick Garland in a speech: “Do your job.”

Members complained of a lack of support from the Justice Department and were annoyed that criminal contempt of Congress charges have not yet been filed against former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows for failure to comply with a subpoena from the committee.

The backlog is likely to grow with the expected recommendation by the House panel to bring criminal contempt of Congress charges against Donald Trump’s former trade adviser Peters Navarro and ally Dan Scavino.

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot

I hope AG Garland isn't as worthless as I think he is. He seems like a dud so far. What do you think?

DOJ has been sitting on the Meadows contempt referral since December because he's one of the boys. If he walks they may as well drop the charges against Bannon.

It's time for Biden to get rid of Garland & appoint an AG with a set. This is the same shit that DA Cyrus Vance pulled who punted on charges against Trump to his successor who is letting the bastard walk.
Did Barry Hussein's DOJ go after his IRS lackey when Lois Lerner refused to cooperate with Congress for her targeting Conservative groups using the full force of the IRS?


Who's Barry Hussein, mouth breather.

Keep stepping on that same rake, clown.
DOJ has been sitting on the Meadows contempt referral since December because he's one of the boys. If he walks they may as well drop the charges against Bannon.

It's time for Biden to get rid of Garland & appoint an AG with a set. This is the same shit that DA Cyrus Vance pulled who punted on charges against Trump to his successor who is letting the bastard walk.

Cyrus Vance and Merrick Garland would be the ones who would look like horse's asses and probably get disbarred for bullshit charges. Remember they are officers of the court, not just bullshit political operatives.

Not you.

Unless you are personally willing to support the Vance and Garland families, you are out of line talking about them.

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