What is with these intolerant hateful Canadians?


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
Last week it was the most vicious hate-filled hockey hit.

And now, this week, a man uses his truck to kill a whole family.
"There is evidence that this was a planned, premeditated act, motivated by hate. It is believed that these victims were targeted because they were Muslim," said Detective Superintendent Paul Waight of the London Police. "There is no known previous connection between the suspect and the victims."
I thought Canadians were better people.

Fuck you, Canada, fuck you! And your fucking cultist government. Fuck you!
I can explain without apologizing for the churches or Canada's government.

It's now become Canada taking responsibility for what happened to those children. No amount of apologizing can ever make it right for our aboriginal people.

But we can contrast that to Americans never accepting and taking responsibility for the massacres of hundreds of thousands of its black population. And in fact, signing onto Trump's attempts to renew the racist hate and bring it back. Or in fact, America's ongoing slaughter of little school children with the guns.

Canada needs to face the music, and is at least trying to do that.
America hasn't even come to accept that what it's doing to it's people is pure evil yet.

The brutal check in the hockey game?
Isn't that the whole object of US football? You can't be serious by trying to make your point by including that!
You'll still buy our maple syrup, bacon (which we call peameal bacon btw) and all of the other stuff we apparently make.

I dare you to cut ties with us, or your government demand human rights in Canada. I double dare you!
You'll still buy our maple syrup, bacon (which we call peameal bacon btw) and all of the other stuff we apparently make.

I dare you to cut ties with us, or your government demand human rights in Canada. I double dare you!
Canada has diversified our trade relations with the US, to include more trade with other countries that don't attempt to blackmail Canada on carrying out free trade. We're receiving a huge amount of food items from China, Australia, and other nations now that was formerly from the US.

If the US continues to play with blackmailing of other countries on trade relations then the US will lose much more in the future.

America is sidelining itself with the rest of the world and America doesn't carry enough weight anymore to back its unfair position.

Back on topic. The prof is just trying to return some of the hurt Americans have suffered since it left the rest of the world and turned to the Trump lunacy.
You'll still buy our maple syrup, bacon (which we call peameal bacon btw) and all of the other stuff we apparently make.

I dare you to cut ties with us, or your government demand human rights in Canada. I double dare you!
Canada has diversified our trade relations with the US, to include more trade with other countries that don't attempt to blackmail Canada on carrying out free trade. We're receiving a huge amount of food items from China, Australia, and other nations now that was formerly from the US.

If the US continues to play with blackmailing of other countries on trade relations then the US will lose much more in the future.

America is sidelining itself with the rest of the world and America doesn't carry enough weight anymore to back its unfair position.

Back on topic. The prof is just trying to return some of the hurt Americans have suffered since it left the rest of the world and turned to the Trump lunacy.

Canada has lost it's global influence. Victims like myself made it well known to Canadas allies after trying to have those in authority right the wrongs.

Canada signed a trade agreement with the E.U and our exports actually shrunk, while local businesses were swamped with new imports. This is one of many examples of other nations smiling in our faces, but knowing from the start that they will win any agreement.

Canada decided a long time ago to side with China as Canada loves a good race to the bottom while we ship junk to other countries that is actually from China and profit from the margins. Sadly, Canada has been more closely aligned systematically to China than the U.S for some time now. We love a strong, central system without accountability for creeps, cretins and undercovers and their families.

"Just leave me alone" whine the weak, spineless, immoral politicians. "Do what you will with the subjects of the state, they are your play things" So they are.

Ironically, Canada is also a plaything for China. We will try hard to get in their good books, but, the CCP always get their way. Toronto is now the most overpriced housing market on earth, Vancouver not far behind. Much of this thanks to "investment" from Chinese citizens. All of this, while police budgets are spiralling out of control as the least impressive among us write their own careers on the backs of others.

It's been really interesting to watch. No one can say that I didn't warn Canada. The same people today milking the system with lies and abuses citizens like cattle are the same people setting up their own children and future generations for failure.

Ironically, Canada is also a plaything for China. We will try hard to get in their good books, but, the CCP always get their way. Toronto is now the most overpriced housing market on earth, Vancouver not far behind. Much of this thanks to "investment" from Chinese citizens. All of this, while police budgets are spiralling out of control as the least impressive among us write their own careers on the backs of others.
That's of particular interest because of the truth it contains. China is a large and powerful nation that is going to be looking after it's own interests first. But China does it by peaceful means, as do most of Canada's trading partners. Canada is choosing to continue to trade with China because we find them desirable trading partners. We have lots of other choices but none will be putting Canada's interests above their own. We place the onus on our trading partners to act fairly, and we can expect nothing more.

Compare our other trading partners to the US which has started 40 wars of aggression since the end of WW2. Most, if not all of those wars were in US interests of gaining trade relations by force.

Are you suggesting that we don't allow people from China to buy our real estate? Are you maybe suggesting that we apply some restrictions on the free market by limiting prices of real estate?
Are you an isolationist?

Or are your concerns just mostly based on Chinese people being of the oriental 'race'?

America will be one of Canada's preferred trading partners if it can trade fairly in an open and free market. Canada has diversified away from the US for good reasons.
And I left out the school children mass buried in an unmarked pit.

The shame of it all. I think it is time we rethink our political relationship with Canada.
The Neanderthal Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

You don't understand evolution. The survival of the fittest would benefit the unfit, too, if they don't block our way. These races do that, so they must be eliminated in order for the human species to reach its potential, with the unfit or without them. Some genos need to be cided.
You'll still buy our maple syrup, bacon (which we call peameal bacon btw) and all of the other stuff we apparently make.

I dare you to cut ties with us, or your government demand human rights in Canada. I double dare you!
Canada has diversified our trade relations with the US, to include more trade with other countries that don't attempt to blackmail Canada on carrying out free trade. We're receiving a huge amount of food items from China, Australia, and other nations now that was formerly from the US.

If the US continues to play with blackmailing of other countries on trade relations then the US will lose much more in the future.

America is sidelining itself with the rest of the world and America doesn't carry enough weight anymore to back its unfair position.

Back on topic. The prof is just trying to return some of the hurt Americans have suffered since it left the rest of the world and turned to the Trump lunacy.

I'm saying in this race to the bottom, Canada is going to lose. "Bigly" as it were.

Canadas angle needed to be to retain and harness our most talented and driven. To let the free market run, not, a quasi-caste kakistocracy system. It's been quite the opposite.

We lose our best talent, we can't attract the best from elsewhere, and, we are a landing spot for labourers, usually on a temp. basis, while our own citizens are part of the "gimmick economy" (not gig). We probably have more people coming to Canada simply as a means to access and often leave for the U.S permanently.

Once foreign talent get a whiff of our system of nepotism and creeps, they leave. Hell we had people fleeing war in Syria actually go BACK to their home country rather than stay in Canada.

It starts with the creepy covert police, their offspring and sponsors, which spells doom for this nation.
Last week it was the most vicious hate-filled hockey hit.

And now, this week, a man uses his truck to kill a whole family.
"There is evidence that this was a planned, premeditated act, motivated by hate. It is believed that these victims were targeted because they were Muslim," said Detective Superintendent Paul Waight of the London Police. "There is no known previous connection between the suspect and the victims."
I thought Canadians were better people.

Fuck you, Canada, fuck you! And your fucking cultist government. Fuck you!

Yeah...that was one heck of a hit.
Last week it was the most vicious hate-filled hockey hit.

And now, this week, a man uses his truck to kill a whole family.
"There is evidence that this was a planned, premeditated act, motivated by hate. It is believed that these victims were targeted because they were Muslim," said Detective Superintendent Paul Waight of the London Police. "There is no known previous connection between the suspect and the victims."
I thought Canadians were better people.

Fuck you, Canada, fuck you! And your fucking cultist government. Fuck you!

Yeah...that was one heck of a hit.

It was a brutal hit and a full ice charge.

NHL has remained in he stone ages. Fittingly enough, sort of like Canada.

I'm saying in this race to the bottom, Canada is going to lose. "Bigly" as it were.

Canadas angle needed to be to retain and harness our most talented and driven. To let the free market run, not, a quasi-caste kakistocracy system. It's been quite the opposite.

We lose our best talent, we can't attract the best from elsewhere, and, we are a landing spot for labourers, usually on a temp. basis, while our own citizens are part of the "gimmick economy" (not gig). We probably have more people coming to Canada simply as a means to access and often leave for the U.S permanently.

Once foreign talent get a whiff of our system of nepotism and creeps, they leave. Hell we had people fleeing war in Syria actually go BACK to their home country rather than stay in Canada.

It starts with the creepy covert police, their offspring and sponsors, which spells doom for this nation.

You have a lot of issues with Canada but you seem to lack any notion of being specific and explaining them.

The best I can do with what you said is to assume that you think that Canada is racing to the bottom? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Your personal gripes need to be better explained somehow. So far you make no sense.
Last week it was the most vicious hate-filled hockey hit.

And now, this week, a man uses his truck to kill a whole family.
"There is evidence that this was a planned, premeditated act, motivated by hate. It is believed that these victims were targeted because they were Muslim," said Detective Superintendent Paul Waight of the London Police. "There is no known previous connection between the suspect and the victims."
I thought Canadians were better people.

Fuck you, Canada, fuck you! And your fucking cultist government. Fuck you!

Canada is one of the most racist countries on earth. Their prime minister dressed in blackface and they love him! They treat their indigenous population like slaves.

I'm saying in this race to the bottom, Canada is going to lose. "Bigly" as it were.

Canadas angle needed to be to retain and harness our most talented and driven. To let the free market run, not, a quasi-caste kakistocracy system. It's been quite the opposite.

We lose our best talent, we can't attract the best from elsewhere, and, we are a landing spot for labourers, usually on a temp. basis, while our own citizens are part of the "gimmick economy" (not gig). We probably have more people coming to Canada simply as a means to access and often leave for the U.S permanently.

Once foreign talent get a whiff of our system of nepotism and creeps, they leave. Hell we had people fleeing war in Syria actually go BACK to their home country rather than stay in Canada.

It starts with the creepy covert police, their offspring and sponsors, which spells doom for this nation.

You have a lot of issues with Canada but you seem to lack any notion of being specific and explaining them.

The best I can do with what you said is to assume that you think that Canada is racing to the bottom? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Your personal gripes need to be better explained somehow. So far you make no sense.

Our wages haven't moved in 35 years. We have more part-time, temp, contract, pensionless, healthcare-less jobs in the the "private sector" than any other Western nation. We lose our top talent, mostly to the U.S and they care little for loyalty to Canada. See how it works in this racket?

We are in fact, a nation of nepotism. You work for the government and schlep for them, or, you get pushed into perpetual poverty in the private sector. Which is not very private due to the immense covert apparatus operating in it, for our own "security" of course. You are born poor, you become a plaything for the apparatus and you die poor.

My circumstances are well documented on here. I am under no obligation to rehash it all again. Bottom line, Canada has done itself great harm by allowing a system of unaccountable, creepy, dishonest Canadian cops do as they please. I have no record nor charges against me. I am though, one major pain in the ass to those who did what they did and I refuse to stand down.

TPS, OPP, RCMP....no wonder our allies don't trust us...
And I left out the school children mass buried in an unmarked pit.

The shame of it all. I think it is time we rethink our political relationship with Canada.
The Neanderthal Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

You don't understand evolution. The survival of the fittest would benefit the unfit, too, if they don't block our way. These races do that, so they must be eliminated in order for the human species to reach its potential, with the unfit or without them. Some genos need to be cided.
Are you under the care of a professional?

I'm saying in this race to the bottom, Canada is going to lose. "Bigly" as it were.

Canadas angle needed to be to retain and harness our most talented and driven. To let the free market run, not, a quasi-caste kakistocracy system. It's been quite the opposite.

We lose our best talent, we can't attract the best from elsewhere, and, we are a landing spot for labourers, usually on a temp. basis, while our own citizens are part of the "gimmick economy" (not gig). We probably have more people coming to Canada simply as a means to access and often leave for the U.S permanently.

Once foreign talent get a whiff of our system of nepotism and creeps, they leave. Hell we had people fleeing war in Syria actually go BACK to their home country rather than stay in Canada.

It starts with the creepy covert police, their offspring and sponsors, which spells doom for this nation.

You have a lot of issues with Canada but you seem to lack any notion of being specific and explaining them.

The best I can do with what you said is to assume that you think that Canada is racing to the bottom? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Your personal gripes need to be better explained somehow. So far you make no sense.

Our wages haven't moved in 35 years. We have more part-time, temp, contract, pensionless, healthcare-less jobs in the the "private sector" than any other Western nation. We lose our top talent, mostly to the U.S and they care little for loyalty to Canada. See how it works in this racket?

We are in fact, a nation of nepotism. You work for the government and schlep for them, or, you get pushed into perpetual poverty in the private sector. Which is not very private due to the immense covert apparatus operating in it, for our own "security" of course. You are born poor, you become a plaything for the apparatus and you die poor.

My circumstances are well documented on here. I am under no obligation to rehash it all again. Bottom line, Canada has done itself great harm by allowing a system of unaccountable, creepy, dishonest Canadian cops do as they please. I have no record nor charges against me. I am though, one major pain in the ass to those who did what they did and I refuse to stand down.

TPS, OPP, RCMP....no wonder our allies don't trust us...

What are the chances of Alberta joining the United States? After we eject the UN states, that is. Canada can have those.

Our wages haven't moved in 35 years. We have more part-time, temp, contract, pensionless, healthcare-less jobs in the the "private sector" than any other Western nation. We lose our top talent, mostly to the U.S and they care little for loyalty to Canada. See how it works in this racket?

We are in fact, a nation of nepotism. You work for the government and schlep for them, or, you get pushed into perpetual poverty in the private sector. Which is not very private due to the immense covert apparatus operating in it, for our own "security" of course. You are born poor, you become a plaything for the apparatus and you die poor.

My circumstances are well documented on here. I am under no obligation to rehash it all again. Bottom line, Canada has done itself great harm by allowing a system of unaccountable, creepy, dishonest Canadian cops do as they please. I have no record nor charges against me. I am though, one major pain in the ass to those who did what they did and I refuse to stand down.

TPS, OPP, RCMP....no wonder our allies don't trust us...

Canada is #1 on quality of life and has been for 3 years running. Possibly 4.

And that's regardless of Alberta constantly pulling us down.

The US is already down to #15 and the link lists the parameters on which they're rated. Canadians aren't fooled by them madly waving their flags and still claiming they're the greatest. In fact, with their Trump politics they've become a joke to the rest of the world's modern democracies.

I've advised elsewhere on this board that those wanting to understand the US situation should tune in to someting by Chris Hedges. "America: the Farewell Tour" covers most of the issues.

Our wages haven't moved in 35 years. We have more part-time, temp, contract, pensionless, healthcare-less jobs in the the "private sector" than any other Western nation. We lose our top talent, mostly to the U.S and they care little for loyalty to Canada. See how it works in this racket?

We are in fact, a nation of nepotism. You work for the government and schlep for them, or, you get pushed into perpetual poverty in the private sector. Which is not very private due to the immense covert apparatus operating in it, for our own "security" of course. You are born poor, you become a plaything for the apparatus and you die poor.

My circumstances are well documented on here. I am under no obligation to rehash it all again. Bottom line, Canada has done itself great harm by allowing a system of unaccountable, creepy, dishonest Canadian cops do as they please. I have no record nor charges against me. I am though, one major pain in the ass to those who did what they did and I refuse to stand down.

TPS, OPP, RCMP....no wonder our allies don't trust us...

Canada is #1 on quality of life and has been for 3 years running. Possibly 4.

And that's regardless of Alberta constantly pulling us down.

The US is already down to #15 and the link lists the parameters on which they're rated. Canadians aren't fooled by them madly waving their flags and still claiming they're the greatest. In fact, with their Trump politics they've become a joke to the rest of the world's modern democracies.

I've advised elsewhere on this board that those wanting to understand the US situation should tune in to someting by Chris Hedges. "America: the Farewell Tour" covers most of the issues.

Canada excels at hockey (less often than in the past), unpatriotic citizens and in creepy, covert activities against it's citizens. All while having by far the highest non-mortgage consumer debt on the planet in a declining, dead-end, horse and buggy economy.

Sorry, but the quality of life racket doesn't add up. It's a great rouse for an international community that is dying for the U.S to turn socialist like Canada though to provide such "objective findings". The same nation that is apparently so admired has few fewer U.S citizens heading to Canada to live than vice versa.

There were many like me willing to risk their lives for Canada and what we stood for. I respect the men and women in our military and those leaders who actually genuinely care about their countries direction, due process, human rights and accountabilty for abuses TODAY, not just those from 100 years ago. If more of these citizens had rose to address these issues, Canada might be a global powerhouse.

Instead, far too many are in positions of authority who don't give two shytes about Canada and they have jaded and harmed citizens like myself. They are ok with Canadas failings, because it's the gene they inherited from their parents, as long as they steal a piece of the pie for themselves, "who cares if the country collapses"? I've heard this cowardly attitude often. It's a chicken shyte, spineless position, but it's quite prevalent.

Go ahead and march out any global ranking index you'd like. I know the facts on the ground, behind the curtain, and, I know our global reputation as I've communicated with many outside the country. No honest person is bullish on Canada. I would be quite surprised if Canada is still in an organization called the G7 in 25 years.

By the way, don't blame me for my positions, blame those who opened my eyes and forced my exposing of what is truly going on in this creepy nation.

By the way, don't blame me for my positions, blame those who opened my eyes and forced my exposing of what is truly going on in this creepy nation.
Sorry pal but you're faced with the facts on the US, and the entire world is telling you that it's corrupt and on a steep descent to fascism. (it's Alberta's wetdream)

As to Canada?
And note too that the entire top ten are socially responsible democracies too!

Who ya going to believe? The Fraser Institute?

I would accuse you of being an American poser if I didn't know that about half of Alberta's people are equally as headfucked.
Here are the parameters on which 'quality of life' is judged and determined:

  • A good job market
  • Affordability
  • Economic stability
  • Family friendly
  • Income equality
  • Politically stable
  • Safety
  • Well-developed public health system
  • Well-developed public education system
Try any of those on for size with the current American political clusterfuk!

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