What is the most interesting Senate race?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
It's interesting; neither presidential candidate has seemed to have campaigned for senatorial candidates like in years past.

Anyhow, I haven't followed the Senate races much at all. I'm looking at some close poll numbers though on some races though.

What is the most interesting Senate Race?
Indiana is fascinating. It gives a window of how crazy the GOP has become.

They've taken a seat that was an easy and safe return, nominated a crazy TeaBagger who says crazy shit about rape being a gift from God, and now it's going to be a Democratic Pickup.

Keep in mind, this one was supposed to be shooting fish in a barrel for the GOP. The Democrats were defending 23 seats, the Republicans only 10 because they took such a bath in 2006. Not helping were vacancies in SD, NE, VA, WI, and weak candidates in MI and MO.

But Olympia Snowe quit because the Teabaggers were threatening her. They knocked off Dick Lugar for not being crazy enough. I really like in Michigan, where Pete Hoekstra ruined a good chance to win by running a racist commercial.

The GOP needs to stop pandering to the religous crazies and the "Gummit is Evil" crowd and get back to the sensible center. Otherwise, simple demagraphics will crush it.

Weird, I responded to a post, and now that post is gone.


Post isn't 'gone', but JoeyBoy has a habit of altering his posts to suit whatever the new voice in his head tells him. He's a tad unstable, mentally.

My post is still there... and I didn't alter it...

I'm not sure what glitch Mac is talking about, but nothing to do with me.

But it's okay, Cali... I know you are going to be very upset on Wednesday when Romney loses and I say, "I told you so!"
Indiana is fascinating. It gives a window of how crazy the GOP has become.

They've taken a seat that was an easy and safe return, nominated a crazy TeaBagger who says crazy shit about rape being a gift from God, and now it's going to be a Democratic Pickup.

Keep in mind, this one was supposed to be shooting fish in a barrel for the GOP. The Democrats were defending 23 seats, the Republicans only 10 because they took such a bath in 2006. Not helping were vacancies in SD, NE, VA, WI, and weak candidates in MI and MO.

But Olympia Snowe quit because the Teabaggers were threatening her. They knocked off Dick Lugar for not being crazy enough. I really like in Michigan, where Pete Hoekstra ruined a good chance to win by running a racist commercial.

The GOP needs to stop pandering to the religous crazies and the "Gummit is Evil" crowd and get back to the sensible center. Otherwise, simple demagraphics will crush it.

Yea. I don't find your hate speech interesting, but no thanks anyways.
It's interesting; neither presidential candidate has seemed to have campaigned for senatorial candidates like in years past.

Anyhow, I haven't followed the Senate races much at all. I'm looking at some close poll numbers though on some races though.

What is the most interesting Senate Race?


Not because the race is close, I expect KING to win by a landslide.

But because KING is an independent and will have no problem playing the Dems off the Reps when he's in the Senate.

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