What is the ideal candidate for the GOP?


Pentheus torn apart
Nov 1, 2008
I'm trying to understand what is really happening for the GOP this election.

To me, it seems like the ideal candidate for conservatives is:

1.Someone economically to the right

2.Support a strong foreign policy(peace through strength at least)

3.Has strong religious(christian) convictions.

After this, it seems the GOP gets bogged down into specific topics that may or may not be relevant for 2016 thru 2020. The most important topic that keeps popping up is immigration and it seems like some laws that conservatives dislike is going to get past regardless who takes office.

However, the ironic thing about the 3 points listed is that most candidates satisfy all three points. So why is there so much dislike towards their candidates?

Is it possible that conservatives are spoiled with too much choice? Or are the specific issues so important to conservatives that 'compromise' is just out of the question?
Someone that supports the traditional family and fights for morality...but this person shouldn't be opposed to spending money to build America's infrastructure, science institutions or best tech. The difference comes down to accountability and demanding that things are done right.

The slash, cut and burn attitude is one of pure idiocy that attacks successful needed programs with the unneeded. It is blind and foolish.
I'm trying to understand what is really happening for the GOP this election.

To me, it seems like the ideal candidate for conservatives is:

1.Someone economically to the right

2.Support a strong foreign policy(peace through strength at least)

3.Has strong religious(christian) convictions.

After this, it seems the GOP gets bogged down into specific topics that may or may not be relevant for 2016 thru 2020. The most important topic that keeps popping up is immigration and it seems like some laws that conservatives dislike is going to get past regardless who takes office.

However, the ironic thing about the 3 points listed is that most candidates satisfy all three points. So why is there so much dislike towards their candidates?

Is it possible that conservatives are spoiled with too much choice? Or are the specific issues so important to conservatives that 'compromise' is just out of the question?
The purist influence from the libertarian wing of the party is really problematic for the GOP.

Anyone who doesn't score 100% will be attacked as unacceptable.

Walker (especially with all the help from Limbaugh) is probably the most acceptable candidate to them overall, but who knows how he translates nationally.

I'd only vote if they swore not to get involved in military adventures over seas, would not enter into the TPP and the TIPP, got rid of the Federal Reserve (manipulation of the economy and redistribution of wealth, picking winners and losers), and swore not to get involved in Agenda 21 nonsense (Climate Change laws etc.) These are all things I know that the globalist Democrats are going to do.

But, since I know the globalists own both parties, and this is at the top of their agenda, they don't give a damn WHAT the Democrats or Republicans do with their little pet projects, both parties will support these issues, and these issues will go through in the end. So fuck it, our country is no longer our own. Count me out, I won't be responsible for this charade. The blood of millions, and the theft of millions won't be on my hands.

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