What is the difference between a rich man and the government ?


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
None, and I will give my reason for that opinion next.

The newest rich man profile (according to many these days) is willing to or has all but destroyed the true working middle class sadly enough in this nation, and wildly he has done it over these seemingly few short years to (i.e. taking to much of the spoils, not putting enough back for a rainey day, not investing as he should be in the future of his country, working illegals over Americans when they would do the job etc.). He has done a pretty good job of bringing about the ills that we have today in evidence there of (poor people can't cause these kinds of ill's, as they are powerless to do so, except maybe via the federal government), just as it is proven out now in society when we all look around and do see the devastation in America as a result of his & their (the feds) direct actions taken over the years looking back on it all now.

What he had learned and they had learned, is how to take what was given unto him by either his parents or by the tax payers in the governments case, in which was in the way of inheritance via either by way of major corporations being passed down unto him or by major businesses being passed down unto him and/or unto a group who had not the best interest of America in their minds when receiving this inheritance or these taxes from those in which they have recieved these revenue's from. Now in them was rather this new way of looking at the huge value of these companies or taxes at the time they received them, in which made them think in many ways as to how to exploit the situation to gain themselves quick untold riches or power once they had taken full control of the situation finally. Once gained control many began causing a lot of pain and suffering to others when conducting themselves in a greedy way of thinking or a dictatorial way of thinking, as well as it all going along with the actions they had willingly taken afterwards. In summary my point to this, is by what is found in the passing down of wealth to the wrong set of individuals and/or groups in which can be totally devastating to our nation and/or taking to much from the citizens in which also is very devastating to our nation, especially if trends among these two begin to think in unison upon how to get FILTHY rich or powerful by doing certain things, and in certain ways, yet all the while destroying the strength of this nation within, and also all around them when doing these certain things in ways in which they had begun to think like and act like in such thinking.

The Federal Government is no different, where as they are all one in the same anymore in this bad way of thinking also, because what it does now, is it takes in these big amounts from us (in the form of taxes) from we the working people, and they do this without much value of a return anymore back to us for what we have given them. They take to much in which much of it should be kicked back to us (the working people) just as it should be at the end of each year (anyone like their returns on their taxes this year?), anyone missing much money as opposed to the other years on their returns? I'm hearing many horror stories from the working people now, on how they got duped this year on taxes returns.. Thanks Obama..

They (the feds) are doing these things in a most greedy way also these days (empowering themselves to levels that are scary anymore), and making many people either reliant upon or hugely dependent upon them afterwards (enslavement). They are redistributing some of it precisely to the wrong crowd or people on purpose, just as the rich man has done from days gone by to whom he thought was precisely the right people (his own family/the clique for example), in which also ended up being the wrong people now as seen in many cases these days. The government is doing just as is the rich man is doing (taking and then spending it all in the wrong places) in order to gain support by those who are being given small amounts to or big amounts to all depending, and for whom are receiving these amounts in ways that in many cases they had not actually earned these amounts as were given unto them, but it was all for a reason it was given specifically to them, in whcih only the rich man and the government knows that specific reason. Now what does this all cause? It breeds a corrupt thinking people or individual as found within large groups or as within a single person that has benefited from all of this to date, and thus it determines next where their loyalties lie, and for whom next will get up to no good just as well next themselves as a result of it all. They have become dependent in their ways, so they will follow the devil in to hell if need be as a result of it all.

What ever happened to empowering the people on every level and at every turn, instead of making sheep out of everyone of us in America now ?

The rich have had a problem of passing down wealth to people whom did not deserve it, and whom saw it as a way to enrich themselves to untold levels once got their hands on this wealth. The Feds are guilty of the same, where as they are also not very good parents for the nation either, so the middle who works for them all, gets the hammer in the end, just as we have been seeing for quite sometime now.

Nothing should be just a given, except to the true needy ones whom truly need, but rather everything else should be earned and earned honestly by everyone who can work and earn it honestly. This way America may get back on track once again, but not until these crucial issues are resolved and addressed in this nation once and for all.

The problem now, is that the feds think they have the answers to it all, yet they are no better than the ones for whom they are accusing in all of this to date..
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