What is the Democrat plan to fix Obamacare?


Feb 14, 2011
What is the Democrat plan to fix Obamacare? Give me specifics.

This is probably a moot question, since I doubt many specifics will be posted in this thread, but how much will the fixes cost? And while we're at it, what is the actual cost of Obamacare so far and projected for the next ten years? Don't give me outdated and debunked figures from 2009 or 2010. What are the real costs based on current information?

Democrats keep saying Republicans need to move on from complaining about the dishonesty and disrespect for the democratic process which saddled us with the ACA, and instead we need to start helping fix the ACA. Well, what ideas are Democrats proposing for fixing it?
Take a vacation, blame Bush, take another vacation, blame republican opposition, take another vacation, blame the rich, take another vacation, blame wall street, take yet another vacation, hold a fundraiser blaming all of the above, take some time off, hold the state of the union address claiming you solved all the problems and any remaining problems are those guys fault cause they lied about it (while nodding to the left indicating the republican side of the aisle), celebrate the speech with a vacation.
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Here's the thing, Obamacare isn't "broke", so it doesn't need to be fixed.

It's designed to leave millions without private insurance, raise costs, and fuck over the middle class by making them pay for (i.e. "subsidize") poor people's health insurance.

Why would a Democrat want to change this? This is exactly what the Marxist loving assholes want.
Great thread!

Lets identify what needs fixing, shall we?

Do we need to fix the part about insurance companies not being able to deny claims due to preexisting conditions?

Do we need to fix the part about young people being able to stay on their parents plan until age 26?

Do we need to fix the part about not having lifetime limits on coverage?

Do we need to fix the part about preventive care services being covered?

Do we need to fix the part about helping low income people afford to get insurance and stop using the ER?

Do we need to fix the part where it is paid for? That it does not increase the deficit?

Or.....are you referring to fixing the issue that 1-2% of those who had piss poor plans on the individual market and now will need to pay a little more for much better coverage?


The above post is not an attempt to have a serious discussion about "fixing" The Affordable Care Act. That is because we cannot be expected to acknowledge that the law is deeply flawed until it has been IN PLACE, IN FULL for longer than a fucking week.

The desire on the part of nutters to legitimize their claims that the ACA needs an overhaul pervades the OP. The OP is not a serious call for honest discussion. It is just another thread in the 5 year long episode in which nutters have pilloried this attempt to solve our health care problem So, you will get shit like I just gave you....a push back against your bullshit. Isn't this productive and fun??!!

When the OP wishes to discuss a particular problem with the law...one that has been acknowledged by supporters of the law as well as detractors.....maybe she can try this again.
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I hoped for more from LL. Sometimes LL delivers serious discourse. Sometimes LL delivers bullsh*t. You roll the dice and take your chances. Today was not my lucky day.
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So my invitation stays open for response from those who claim that Republicans should help fix the law instead of fighting the law.

What are the flaws those people are willing to acknowledge? What fixes do they hope Republicans will get behind instead of fighting the law? What would be the cost of those fixes? And what are the actual costs of the law as it stands?
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I hoped for more from LL. Sometimes LL delivers serious discourse. Sometimes LL delivers bullsh*t. You roll the dice and take your chances. Today was not my lucky day.

Is that right? You rolled dice?

Why not roll a question....instead of a statement with a question mark at the end?

What liberals have been asking for is cooperation from conservatives....just a little. Liberals are not asking for the GOP to help fix the ACA in the way you are phrasing it. As though it is a proven failure. That is disingenous.

How about an anecdote?

One of my customers.....a 53 year old artist....told me today that he signed up for insurance on Healthcare.gov. He has gone without insurance of any kind for decades.....first because it was too costly for him...and more recently because he gets frequent migraines and has been denied coverage.

He bought a BCBS plan with dental for just under $200 per month....$500 deductible, $5 office visit and $4 prescriptions.

Last year, he dropped a massive table top on his foot..smashed that sucker good....and it cost him 4 months earnings to get fixed. He has been scraping by and did not finish his rehab due to the cost.

This year...he is covered. Dude has been working his entire life just an illness away from financial ruin. Not any more.

Your turn.
I hoped for more from LL. Sometimes LL delivers serious discourse. Sometimes LL delivers bullsh*t. You roll the dice and take your chances. Today was not my lucky day.

Is that right? You rolled dice?

Why not roll a question....instead of a statement with a question mark at the end?

What liberals have been asking for is cooperation from conservatives....just a little. Liberals are not asking for the GOP to help fix the ACA in the way you are phrasing it. As though it is a proven failure. That is disingenous.

How about an anecdote?

One of my customers.....a 53 year old artist....told me today that he signed up for insurance on Healthcare.gov. He has gone without insurance of any kind for decades.....first because it was too costly for him...and more recently because he gets frequent migraines and has been denied coverage.

He bought a BCBS plan with dental for just under $200 per month....$500 deductible, $5 office visit and $4 prescriptions.

Last year, he dropped a massive table top on his foot..smashed that sucker good....and it cost him 4 months earnings to get fixed. He has been scraping by and did not finish his rehab due to the cost.

This year...he is covered. Dude has been working his entire life just an illness away from financial ruin. Not any more.

Your turn.

Last year my friend had coverage which met her needs. For instance it paid for her pain management therapy. This grandmother can't afford the pain management therapy anymore because she can't afford the new deductible she would be forced to pay in order to get the therapy.

Her temporarily wheelchair-bound granddaughter had good insurance too, but now the ACA has forced the child onto Medicaid which is not accepted by the child's doctors and rehab clinic. Perhaps the new professionals and new facilities the granddaughter's parents eventually find for their child will provide her good care but this is not yet certain and even if they're fortunate in that regard it doesn't make it right that the gov't disrupted her healthcare regimen and took the choice away from the parents.
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I hoped for more from LL. Sometimes LL delivers serious discourse. Sometimes LL delivers bullsh*t. You roll the dice and take your chances. Today was not my lucky day.

Is that right? You rolled dice?

Why not roll a question....instead of a statement with a question mark at the end?

What liberals have been asking for is cooperation from conservatives....just a little. Liberals are not asking for the GOP to help fix the ACA in the way you are phrasing it. As though it is a proven failure. That is disingenous.

How about an anecdote?

One of my customers.....a 53 year old artist....told me today that he signed up for insurance on Healthcare.gov. He has gone without insurance of any kind for decades.....first because it was too costly for him...and more recently because he gets frequent migraines and has been denied coverage.

He bought a BCBS plan with dental for just under $200 per month....$500 deductible, $5 office visit and $4 prescriptions.

Last year, he dropped a massive table top on his foot..smashed that sucker good....and it cost him 4 months earnings to get fixed. He has been scraping by and did not finish his rehab due to the cost.

This year...he is covered. Dude has been working his entire life just an illness away from financial ruin. Not any more.

Your turn.

Last year my friend had coverage which met her needs. For instance it paid for her pain management therapy. This grandmother can't afford the pain management therapy anymore because she can't afford the new deductible she would be forced to pay in order to get the therapy.

Her temporarily wheelchair-bound granddaughter had good insurance too, but now the ACA has forced the child onto Medicaid which is not accepted by the child's doctors and rehab clinic. Perhaps the new professionals and new facilities the granddaughter's parents eventually find for their child will provide her good care but this is not yet certain and even if they're fortunate in that regard it doesn't make it right that the gov't disrupted her healthcare regimen and took the choice away from the parents.

Have you any friends who have benefited from the ACA? Even one?
Have you any friends who have benefited from the ACA? Even one?

If I do, they haven't told me about it.

I did hear from a local acquaintance that two elderly couples he spoke with had significantly lowered premiums. He was happy for them. But he said he would not be able to afford the policies available to him. So I have hearsay knowledge of four local people who benefited.
Do you have any friends or acquaintances who have lost policies or are facing higher costs due to the ACA?

Nope. Not one.

that you know of

Isn't that a given? I can tell you this, though. I discuss this stuff all the time with people. I have a dozen or more conversations about the ACA every week. With all kinds of people......liberals and conservatives.

Outside of a relative of a neighbor who...somehow.....as a result of having no income....is not able to get a subsidy or enroll in Medicaid ( I am still not sure what the whole story is )...I have no horror stories to report.

Note please....that my customer base consists of a few hundred small businesses. Many of whom have gone without coverage due to the cost of individual plans. This law helps them. Lots of success stories.
Great thread!

Lets identify what needs fixing, shall we?

Good idea.

Do we need to fix the part about insurance companies not being able to deny claims due to preexisting conditions?

Yes. It's an irrational requirement that denies the nature of insurance. Should I be able to buy fire insurance after my house catches fire??

Do we need to fix the part about young people being able to stay on their parents plan until age 26?

Yes. Another dumb requirement that raises prices for a benefit many of us don't want or need.

Do we need to fix the part about not having lifetime limits on coverage?

See above.

Do we need to fix the part about preventive care services being covered?


Do we need to fix the part about helping low income people afford to get insurance and stop using the ER?

Yes. We should be helping low income people get health care, not health insurance - there's no need to channel all our money to Max Baucus's buddies in the insurance industry.

Do we need to fix the part where it is paid for? That it does not increase the deficit?

You mean where it forces us to pay the insurance industry for shitty insurance we don't want? Yes, that definitely needs fixing.

Or.....are you referring to fixing the issue that 1-2% of those who had piss poor plans on the individual market and now will need to pay a little more for much better coverage?

Yep. That too.
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