What is just punishment for rioting?

What is just punishment for rioting?

Define rioting.

Basically the word means little more than three or more people causing some kind of disturbance.

So doesn't it depend on what KIND of behavior that "riot" takes?
The rioters should be punished for assault, vandalism, disturbing the peace, etc. But they're not the only ones who should be punished. Those riots were a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself.

Those cops that beat Rodney King should have been sent to prison for 28 years to life. The fact that the brain-dead Simi Valley jury let them off, showed justice was not served.

Rodney King showed us what happen s when you're high on drugs and resist arrest. I support the police on this on if you didn't guess that already. :eusa_whistle:

Actually..................he wasn't high on drugs, he was actually drunk.

Might wanna get your facts straight before spewing bullshit. You may be a NavyVet, but from your posts, you sound like you were a Marine.

Q: What do you call a Marine with half a brain?
A: Gifted.

Q: What do you call a Sailor with half a brain?
A: Marine.
Ha ! . Touche'
Rodney King showed us what happen s when you're high on drugs and resist arrest. I support the police on this on if you didn't guess that already. :eusa_whistle:

Actually..................he wasn't high on drugs, he was actually drunk.

Might wanna get your facts straight before spewing bullshit. You may be a NavyVet, but from your posts, you sound like you were a Marine.

Q: What do you call a Marine with half a brain?
A: Gifted.

Q: What do you call a Sailor with half a brain?
A: Marine.
Ha ! . Touche'

Drunk my ass. That dude was high on drugs. And even if it was alcohol, which it wasn't, he resisted arrest and got his ass handed to him as he should have.
Actually..................he wasn't high on drugs, he was actually drunk.

Might wanna get your facts straight before spewing bullshit. You may be a NavyVet, but from your posts, you sound like you were a Marine.

Q: What do you call a Marine with half a brain?
A: Gifted.

Q: What do you call a Sailor with half a brain?
A: Marine.
Ha ! . Touche'

Drunk my ass. That dude was high on drugs. And even if it was alcohol, which it wasn't, he resisted arrest and got his ass handed to him as he should have.

Right. Just like the following clip, where the suspect was on the ground, not resisting, yet, being kicked and beaten to within an inch of his life: Caught on Tape: Houston Teen Chad Holley Beaten By Police; Video Made Public by Activist Quanell X - ABC News
Ha ! . Touche'

Drunk my ass. That dude was high on drugs. And even if it was alcohol, which it wasn't, he resisted arrest and got his ass handed to him as he should have.

Right. Just like the following clip, where the suspect was on the ground, not resisting, yet, being kicked and beaten to within an inch of his life: Caught on Tape: Houston Teen Chad Holley Beaten By Police; Video Made Public by Activist Quanell X - ABC News

That doesn't look like Rodney King. Try to focus. Thanks.
There is no legal definition of rioting. 53 people were murdered during the Rodney King riots and about 7,000 fires were set. The charges are murder, arson and assault. An interesting note is that Van Jones was an organizer of an arson and looting rampage in Oakland and San Francisco and he was hired by Obama to some jobs board. Today he is the head of the "Occupy Wall Street" rabble.
Drunk my ass. That dude was high on drugs. And even if it was alcohol, which it wasn't, he resisted arrest and got his ass handed to him as he should have.

Right. Just like the following clip, where the suspect was on the ground, not resisting, yet, being kicked and beaten to within an inch of his life: Caught on Tape: Houston Teen Chad Holley Beaten By Police; Video Made Public by Activist Quanell X - ABC News

That doesn't look like Rodney King. Try to focus. Thanks.

Reading is fundamental. Try paying attention to what characterized the comparison. You're out of focus. Thanks.

I'm with Politico.

The guy who tries to pull me out of my truck...that's the last thing he's going to do in this world.
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Perhaps if you had seen the entire video as I did you might not be so quick to attack the police. They were just in doing what they did but this thread is not about Rodney king but about what would be just punishment for rioting.
Doesn't matter. There is nothing that justify's a man being brutally beaten while a dozen cops just stand around and watch. Nothing could possibly justify that.

You seem to stay on the Rodney King thing. You do realize the police were found not guilty on their first trial. The reason they were found not guilty was because the jury got to see all the evidence and the full video. The media wanted the public to go insane that is why you saw the media version with the cuts and splices. It worked and they got some major news stories out of it that we are still talking about today. Police Officers and Military are allowed to be tried for the same offense more than once. To appease the media stirred up masses the feds charged them again after they had been found innocent. They just changed the title of the charge. It worked.

Actually there is a reason to beat a man down sometimes and this was one of those times. Rodney King was a large man and when you get him down you can not allow him to get up until you have control of him.
Perhaps if you had seen the entire video as I did you might not be so quick to attack the police. They were just in doing what they did but this thread is not about Rodney king but about what would be just punishment for rioting.
Doesn't matter. There is nothing that justify's a man being brutally beaten while a dozen cops just stand around and watch. Nothing could possibly justify that.

You seem to stay on the Rodney King thing. You do realize the police were found not guilty on their first trial. The reason they were found not guilty was because the jury got to see all the evidence and the full video. The media wanted the public to go insane that is why you saw the media version with the cuts and splices. It worked and they got some major news stories out of it that we are still talking about today. Police Officers and Military are allowed to be tried for the same offense more than once. To appease the media stirred up masses the feds charged them again after they had been found innocent. They just changed the title of the charge. It worked.

Actually there is a reason to beat a man down sometimes and this was one of those times. Rodney King was a large man and when you get him down you can not allow him to get up until you have control of him.


Your last comment was so silly, it's ridiculous.

It is a particular subject that I have a lot of knowledge about and I am sure by your response you don't. It is ok to live your life in peace and not have to face individuals such as Rodney King but many have chosen a profession that requires them to face these hostile people to protect others. As an individual who expects that protection you should try to be more understanding to the techniques used to subdue these individuals.
Just punishment in the King riots was handed down to the "gang of four" that were part of dragging the person of the offending race out his truck, beating his head in with a block, and dancing over the body. The charges were for assault and mayhem. The punishment, no more than 10 years in jail. Most are walking the streets free today---excepting those who weren't killed or convicted of further gunplay.

At least President Bush Sr. didn't say, "If I had a son he'd look like Reginald Denny." That would have been fanning the fires of racism.

As for myself, I don't go into Indian Country without a loaded gun nearby. If I can't run away, I will consider other options.

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