What is it the anti-American, anarchist, liberal enemies of the statehope to accomplish?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Burning the American Flag

Calling for the overthrow of the government...

Calling for racist murders...

Calling for the assassination of the new President...

What is it they hope to accomplish?

Hillary be GIVEN the Presidency?

It ain't going to happen...


She was REJECTED by the American people....TWICE

No matter what their intent is, Obama has succeeded in his - the complete division of this nation to the point of near civil war.
I'd get used to civil unrest if I were you, the societal wealth extraction paradigm will continue unabated and that underlies all of this; it's not going away under Trump, it's not going away via voting alone.

Burning the American Flag

Calling for the overthrow of the government...

Calling for racist murders...

Calling for the assassination of the new President...

What is it they hope to accomplish?

Hillary be GIVEN the Presidency?

It ain't going to happen...


She was REJECTED by the American people....TWICE

No matter what their intent is, Obama has succeeded in his - the complete division of this nation to the point of near civil war.
I guess they're just letting off steam. I don't know what they're trying to accomplish.

Nothing of substance is accomplished until and unless both sides of any issue sit with the other, behave like adults, and find common ground.
I guess they're just letting off steam. I don't know what they're trying to accomplish.

Nothing of substance is accomplished until and unless both sides of any issue sit with the other, behave like adults, and find common ground.
It's Astroturf. They're being bused in. That's not "blowing off steam", that's deliberately caused rabble rousing and mayhem.
Anarchists would not use aggressive violence. It goes against the key elements of anarchist thought.

Burning the American Flag

Calling for the overthrow of the government...

Calling for racist murders...

Calling for the assassination of the new President...

What is it they hope to accomplish?

Hillary be GIVEN the Presidency?

It ain't going to happen...


She was REJECTED by the American people....TWICE

No matter what their intent is, Obama has succeeded in his - the complete division of this nation to the point of near civil war.

take a breath, Trump was elected.

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