What is going on with Ukraine. They have an American transgender spokes person. And Zelensky is talking about climate change at the UN.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
The other point is that American CEOs from hotel companies have traveled to Ukraine. To Talk about business and things like that “rebuilding the country” while making millions perhaps billions of dollars doing so. The far left teachers union representative in America, who is a disgrace to unions of history , She is pro BLM, She has traveled to Ukraine three times. What in the world is happening? Why is she going to Ukraine?

Why do we have an American trans person who is representing the Ukrainian military? . That makes no sense. The same person attempts to denigrate conservative Christians in the USA. Yet This trans person is working with a Military that has open Nazis in their military. In fact, there was a neo-Nazi in ukraine who beat the living hell out of a Ukrainian trans person. This was reported on about a month ago or so.

Zelensky came to the United Nations talking about climate change. While hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers have died. This guy is coming to the United Nations urging people to be concerned about “climate change”. You gotta ask yourself what in the world is going on here.

Of course, many of the supporters of Ukraine in America have no idea that this conflict goes back to 2014. .. back in those days Ukraine had a pro Russian government that was violently thrown in a western orchestrated coup.

Ah to live as a brain dead zombie. Democrats use to question these things. Now it is the far left wing Fanatics, who will do whatever the government tells them to do who will support whatever country the Democrats tell them to support and their neoconservative Followers …. The support of Ukraine goes against the will of the American people 55% of the American people are against funding Ukraine. It is only the neoconservatives and far left wing BLM supporters that support Ukraine.

Why aren’t we sending our resources and leaders to impoverished African countries to help out those beautiful people? I know we have far left activists who are multi millionaires who claim to support BLM who are also supporting Nazism and Ukraine. Yes everybody knows that Nazis are a small part of Ukraine, but only people who support Hitler and people who willingly lie to themselves will try to dismiss this point.

It’s major grifting, grifting 101. It should be a class in like Harvard or something. Call it “Grifting 101”. All you have to do is look at what American politicians are doing with Ukraine. While poor people in this country starve go over to the state of Georgia, where the minimum wage is eight dollars an hour … homes in places right outside the Ark are half million. $500,000 for a 1600 square-foot home outside of Atlanta. That’s why people are living in tents outside and around the city of Atlanta.
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The biggest cheerleaders for the blank-check to Ukraine in the U.S. come from the left, so they're adjusting their propaganda accordingly.
As well as the neoconservatives. There’s actually tons of people in the US Congress or the Senate that go against the will of the American people. Most Republicans or democrats support Ukraine. So they don’t care that 55% of the American people are against funding Ukraine. It’s the uni party at its worst.
As well as the neoconservatives. There’s actually tons of people in the US Congress or the Senate that go against the will of the American people. Most Republicans or democrats support Ukraine. So they don’t care that 55% of the American people are against funding Ukraine. It’s the uni party at its worst.
The neoconservatives have largely migrated back to the left and the Democratic Party so my point still stands. Establishment Republicans, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Mitt Romney, and so forth, are certainly in favor of continuing the blank-check as well but they also won't be turned away from that policy by Ukraine adopting leftist propaganda. The people who would be upset by these things are already at the very least skeptical of the level of support the U.S. has been giving Ukraine and have no real power to do anything about it so Ukraine has nothing to lose by galvanizing their base on the left.
The neoconservatives have largely migrated back to the left and the Democratic Party so my point still stands. Establishment Republicans, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Mitt Romney, and so forth, are certainly in favor of continuing the blank-check as well but they also won't be turned away from that policy by Ukraine adopting leftist propaganda. The people who would be upset by these things are already at the very least skeptical of the level of support the U.S. has been giving Ukraine and have no real power to do anything about it so Ukraine has nothing to lose by galvanizing their base on the left.
Those are good points. That being said it seems that there’s only a few politicians in America that are against fighting Ukraine like those from what I believe it’s called the freedom caucus. People like Marjorie Green, and Matt Gaetz. And perhaps some others like Rand Paul.

But it seems like there’s tons of Republicans not only ones like Romney and McConnell, but many others who also support giving a blank check to Ukraine.
Those are good point. That being said it seems that there’s only a few politicians in America that are against fighting Ukraine like those from what I believe it’s called the freedom caucus. People like Marjorie Green, and Matt Gaetz. And perhaps some others like Rand Paul.

But it seems like there’s tons of Republicans not only ones like Romney and McConnell, but many others who also support given a blank check the Ukraine.
Yes, plenty of Republicans do. I'd call them establishment Republicans whether or not they're literally part of congressional leadership. And yes, Republicans like Rand Paul are against it. And they have no power.
Yes, plenty of Republicans do. I'd call them establishment Republicans whether or not they're literally part of congressional leadership. And yes, Republicans like Rand Paul are against it. And they have no power.
I would agree with that. I think it is worth noting one very prominent Democrat in Robert F Kennedy Junior has voiced his opposition to the war in Ukraine. He is a traditional democrat, actually talking about helping the American working class. Which is all but forgotten about by main stream Democrats. I can’t believe that the teachers union leader has gone to Ukraine three times.

Homelessness is at an all-time high in America since the great depression. I can look at the minimum wage in Georgia, eight dollars an hour yet the price of homes outside and around the Atlanta city area are half a million for a relatively small home. This is unsustainable. We need change for the better in America.
I would agree with that. I think it is worth noting that very prominent Democrat and Robert F Kennedy Junior has voiced his opposition to the war in Ukraine. He is a traditional democrat, actually talking about helping the American working class. Which is all button forgotten about by main stream Democrats. I can’t believe that the teachers union leader has gone to Ukraine three times.

Homelessness is at an all-time high in America since the great depression. I can look at the minimum wage in Georgia, eight dollars an hour yet the price of homes outside and around the Atlanta city area are half a million for a relatively small home. This is unsustainable. We need change for the better in America.
And RFK also has no power. The game is rigged in favor of the warmongers.
The biggest cheerleaders for the blank-check to Ukraine in the U.S. come from the left, so they're adjusting their propaganda accordingly.
Hilarious fuckup

When did our Democracy die for you. When the J6 riot failed to hang Mike pence?
I would agree with that. I think it is worth noting one very prominent Democrat in Robert F Kennedy Junior has voiced his opposition to the war in Ukraine. He is a traditional democrat, actually talking about helping the American working class. Which is all but forgotten about by main stream Democrats. I can’t believe that the teachers union leader has gone to Ukraine three times.

Homelessness is at an all-time high in America since the great depression. I can look at the minimum wage in Georgia, eight dollars an hour yet the price of homes outside and around the Atlanta city area are half a million for a relatively small home. This is unsustainable. We need change for the better in America.

People working for minimum wage have no business buying any house, anywhere.
Who but a trannie would be more likely to appeal to Biden to keep sending them money. Which he already said he would do even if the mean ol' Freedom Conference de-funds the whole government. He won't pay the border patrol, but he will pay Zelensky.

The only spokesperson even more appealing to Creepy Joe would be twelve year old "transgirl" on puberty blockers, but that would be a little to on the nosey.
Who but a trannie would be more likely to appeal to Biden to keep sending them money. Which he already said he would do even if the mean ol' Freedom Conference de-funds the whole government. He won't pay the border patrol, but he will pay Zelensky.

The only spokesperson even more appealing to Creepy Joe would be twelve year old "transgirl" on puberty blockers, but that would be a little to on the nosey.
The border patrol isn’t being paid?

Can they sell the former 1-term fuckups wall for scrap?
Hilarious fuckup

When did our Democracy die for you. When the J6 riot failed to hang Mike pence?
How long are you going to beat this drum which is fake news. And then not talk about the murderous BLM riots that cost billions of dollars worth of damage. You cannot compare January 6 to the fanatical violence of the far left wing.

Is this a tactic of you guys? . Completely ignore the original topic. Don’t care that 55% of the American people are against funding Ukraine ?

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