*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

*What Is Death To An Atheist*?
I do not know what an Atheist thinks about THE END. I only know what I've seen and THE END is not THE END.

There's always a sequel these days.

In a way you, will never cease to exist. The stuff that was your body will be recycled and used again. The electrical energy that powered your mind and muscles cannot be destroyed but can only be transformed. These are basic undisputed laws of nature and physics.

So for all of you that are afraid of death and must believe in heaven take heart that even when you stop believing in the myth of eternal life and paradise in the sky you can tell yourselves the truth that in fact what made you you will never completely disappear.
Sorry bout that,

1. I would think some of these posters were funny, but in reality they are sad people heading for the cliff that leads to the abyss, into the fireball hell.
2. This is serious, sure they joke, I tell funny stories they can't grasp, but I think that they are smart enough to understand them, not totally dumb as a rock, but who knows, maybe they don't get it.
3. When *Deaths Door*, comes open and closes, its too late then.
4. Heck of a time to realize they were wrong.
5. I think it all goes back to the *Judas Factor*.
6. They can't help themselves, if Jesus came walking on the water to their beach house, they still wouldn't believe.
7. Not saying that anyone of them here against what I'm saying is rich enough to own a beach house, much less any house, but was just drawing an analogy again.:eusa_pray:


People who post nonsense like this think they are getting into heaven :lol:

Can you imagine God having to read your shit every day?
Sorry bout that,

*What Is Death To An Atheist*?
I do not know what an Atheist thinks about THE END. I only know what I've seen and THE END is not THE END.

There's always a sequel these days.

In a way you, will never cease to exist. The stuff that was your body will be recycled and used again. The electrical energy that powered your mind and muscles cannot be destroyed but can only be transformed. These are basic undisputed laws of nature and physics.

So for all of you that are afraid of death and must believe in heaven take heart that even when you stop believing in the myth of eternal life and paradise in the sky you can tell yourselves the truth that in fact what made you you will never completely disappear.

1. So you are hedging your bets now?:clap2:
2. Beforenow, to you, death was just simply *the end*, *game over*, *cease to exist*, *no blackness no nothingness*, *pre-creation*, now, you say *nothing ever really dies*?
3. So now your saying my energy goes into the power grid and I get to light up some granny's porch?
4. I know you have no clue as to what will take place with your reality after death, hell we all know your clueless.
5. But lemme ask you a question.
6. IF and I mean IF there is a heaven and a hell, which *one* sounds like a better place to retire from this world too?
7. And you atheists are betting a lot on there not being either, whats making it worth it too you, whats the pay off now?
8. Is it the fact you are going it alone in this reality, shunning God, does that make you feel like a *big man*?
9. I don't understand atheism, but I am aware I am winning this debate, from all the personal attacks coming from the atheists, they are attacking me, as a person, and have no way whatsoever to attack or defeat what I'm saying, my words are like a *steam roller*, *nothing* stands in the way.:lol:
10. And this is marvelous in our eyes.:eusa_pray:
11. In other words, you already got, *nothingness*.
12. And we have heard, and have wondered if it is true, *Nothing from nothing leaves nothing*.:lol:

Sorry bout that,

1. I would think some of these posters were funny, but in reality they are sad people heading for the cliff that leads to the abyss, into the fireball hell.
2. This is serious, sure they joke, I tell funny stories they can't grasp, but I think that they are smart enough to understand them, not totally dumb as a rock, but who knows, maybe they don't get it.
3. When *Deaths Door*, comes open and closes, its too late then.
4. Heck of a time to realize they were wrong.
5. I think it all goes back to the *Judas Factor*.
6. They can't help themselves, if Jesus came walking on the water to their beach house, they still wouldn't believe.
7. Not saying that anyone of them here against what I'm saying is rich enough to own a beach house, much less any house, but was just drawing an analogy again.:eusa_pray:


People who post nonsense like this think they are getting into heaven :lol:

Can you imagine God having to read your shit every day?

Only God can read the hearts of men and has the right to judge.
Sorry bout that,

1. I would think some of these posters were funny, but in reality they are sad people heading for the cliff that leads to the abyss, into the fireball hell.
2. This is serious, sure they joke, I tell funny stories they can't grasp, but I think that they are smart enough to understand them, not totally dumb as a rock, but who knows, maybe they don't get it.
3. When *Deaths Door*, comes open and closes, its too late then.
4. Heck of a time to realize they were wrong.
5. I think it all goes back to the *Judas Factor*.
6. They can't help themselves, if Jesus came walking on the water to their beach house, they still wouldn't believe.
7. Not saying that anyone of them here against what I'm saying is rich enough to own a beach house, much less any house, but was just drawing an analogy again.:eusa_pray:


People who post nonsense like this think they are getting into heaven :lol:

Can you imagine God having to read your shit every day?

Only God can read the hearts of men and has the right to judge.

Absolutely....and God knows who really believes in him and who just practices religion for show
Sorry bout that,

People who post nonsense like this think they are getting into heaven :Lil:

Can you imagine God having to read your shit every day?

Only God can read the hearts of men and has the right to judge.

Absolutely....and God knows who really believes in him and who just practices religion for show

1. Oh what a *Crack Pot* only believes in *A* God when *The God* is judging supposedly hypocritical Christians, who are only believing too escape the torments of hell, and faking a good show of sanctimonious bullshit, for profit.
2. Boy will you be surprised.:eek:
3. I can hear you thinking, when its your time to face the judgment of Jesus, you will be saying in your defense,"I'm an atheist, Jesus, and I never believed in God, till now, seeing I'm before you now, but can you just give me a break, I knew you were going to judge those fake Christians who went to Church in their fine cloths every Sunday, just so to look good for the other fake Christians there, and I never did that to you, infact I never even showed up, keeping myself clean from all things Christian, so we can be buds am I right? I was never a fake, hell I didn't even go to church one time after I was twelve years old, when I caused all that trouble that time with my parents, so we're cool right, wassup man!":lol:
4. Yeah you really got a handle on this man, go with it.:clap2:

Sorry bout that,

Only God can read the hearts of men and has the right to judge.

Absolutely....and God knows who really believes in him and who just practices religion for show

1. Oh what a *Crack Pot* only believes in *A* God when *The God* is judging supposedly hypocritical Christians, who are only believing too escape the torments of hell, and faking a good show of sanctimonious bullshit, for profit.
2. Boy will you be surprised.:eek:
3. I can hear you thinking, when its your time to face the judgment of Jesus, you will be saying in your defense,"I'm an atheist, Jesus, and I never believed in God, till now, seeing I'm before you now, but can you just give me a break, I knew you were going to judge those fake Christians who went to Church in their fine cloths every Sunday, just so to look good for the other fake Christians there, and I never did that to you, infact I never even showed up, keeping myself clean from all things Christian, so we can be buds am I right? I was never a fake, hell I didn't even go to church one time after I was twelve years old, when I caused all that trouble that time with my parents, so we're cool right, wassup man!":lol:
4. Yeah you really got a handle on this man, go with it.:clap2:


I've already explained to you why Jesus would prefer to hang out with atheists than a bunch of lame assed, judgemental Christians.

Do you really think Jesus wants to read your stupid lists?

He will send you packing
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Absolutely....and God knows who really believes in him and who just practices religion for show

1. Oh what a *Crack Pot* only believes in *A* God when *The God* is judging supposedly hypocritical Christians, who are only believing too escape the torments of hell, and faking a good show of sanctimonious bullshit, for profit.
2. Boy will you be surprised.:eek:
3. I can hear you thinking, when its your time to face the judgment of Jesus, you will be saying in your defense,"I'm an atheist, Jesus, and I never believed in God, till now, seeing I'm before you now, but can you just give me a break, I knew you were going to judge those fake Christians who went to Church in their fine cloths every Sunday, just so to look good for the other fake Christians there, and I never did that to you, in-fact I never even showed up, keeping myself clean from all things Christian, so we can be buds am I right? I was never a fake, hell I didn't even go to church one time after I was twelve years old, when I caused all that trouble that time with my parents, so we're cool right, wassup man!":lol:
4. Yeah you really got a handle on this man, go with it.:clap2:


I've already explained to you why Jesus would prefer to hang out with atheists than a bunch of lame assed, judgmental Christians.

Do you really think Jesus wants to read your stupid lists?

He will send you packing

1. Oh so now, you being an atheist, have some newly acquired gift from God giving you some authority to speak for God, in claiming I'm for sure going to hell?:confused:
2. Just wondering, is that *new found* or have you always had this ability?:eek:
3. As far as God having a problem with lists,...humm,...I don't think I have an issue here, he made the first list, maybe you heard of it, its called, *The Ten Commandments*.
4. So in fact God and I agree on lots of stuff, even how we write our words.
5. Perhaps you are wrong again ol chap.:lol:

Atheist arguing religion. That's a laugh.

Some of us know more about it than some so called christians.
I spent the first 16 years of my life heavially involved in religion.

And still have friends in the theological seminary in Wilmore whom I meet with and have lunch. We have some darned interesting conversations.
Atheist arguing religion. That's a laugh.

Some of us know more about it than some so called christians.
I spent the first 16 years of my life heavially involved in religion.

And still have friends in the theological seminary in Wilmore whom I meet with and have lunch. We have some darned interesting conversations.

What's the point in debating a subject you no longer believe in?

What do you hope to achieve?
Sorry bout that,

*What Is Death To An Atheist*?
I do not know what an Atheist thinks about THE END. I only know what I've seen and THE END is not THE END.

There's always a sequel these days.

In a way you, will never cease to exist. The stuff that was your body will be recycled and used again. The electrical energy that powered your mind and muscles cannot be destroyed but can only be transformed. These are basic undisputed laws of nature and physics.

So for all of you that are afraid of death and must believe in heaven take heart that even when you stop believing in the myth of eternal life and paradise in the sky you can tell yourselves the truth that in fact what made you you will never completely disappear.

1. So you are hedging your bets now?:clap2:

How is it hedging bets to acknowledge indisputable laws of nature? Everything I said was true. It's the fantasy that you will continue on in the sky paradise just as you are today and be reunited with all your loved ones that is the myth.

I will be gone when I die but the stuff that I am made of will be recycled into the universe. I will have no consciousness of anything that happens after i die.

2. Beforenow, to you, death was just simply *the end*, *game over*, *cease to exist*, *no blackness no nothingness*, *pre-creation*, now, you say *nothing ever really dies*?

No I said the stuff your body was made of will be recycled. That is a far cry dfronm saying nothing ever dies.

3. So now your saying my energy goes into the power grid and I get to light up some granny's porch?

I doubt if the few milivolts of electricity scurrying along your neurons would light anything.

I was merely stating a law of physics that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can only be transformed.

Of course you don't believe in freedom of thought so how could you believe in scientific pursuits?

4. I know you have no clue as to what will take place with your reality after death, hell we all know your clueless.

You have no clue either. I only mentioned the raw material that makes up your body. You can find the list of ingredients here

Chemical Composition of the Human Body When you die all these ingredients still exist do they not? They will be reincorporated into the environment will they not?

5. But lemme ask you a question.
6. IF and I mean IF there is a heaven and a hell, which *one* sounds like a better place to retire from this world too?

Hypotheticals are a waste of time. If wishes were ponies would you ride?

7. And you atheists are betting a lot on there not being either, whats making it worth it too you, whats the pay off now?

There is no pay off to life. It is what it is and you must make the conscious choice to live it to the fullest extent you want. If you're only living like a good sheep for a pay off then everything you do is based in selfishness.
8. Is it the fact you are going it alone in this reality, shunning God, does that make you feel like a *big man*?

I'm not alone. i have my wife and friends.

9. I don't understand atheism, but I am aware I am winning this debate, from all the personal attacks coming from the atheists, they are attacking me, as a person, and have no way whatsoever to attack or defeat what I'm saying, my words are like a *steam roller*, *nothing* stands in the way.:lol:

I do not think you have disputed any of my arguments. And I have not personally attacked you once.

10. And this is marvelous in our eyes.:eusa_pray:
11. In other words, you already got, *nothingness*.
12. And we have heard, and have wondered if it is true, *Nothing from nothing leaves nothing*.:lol:

Your logic is circular.

So you think that nothing is better than god.

But we all know that half a loaf is better than nothing so using your logic a half a loaf must be better than god.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Oh what a *Crack Pot* only believes in *A* God when *The God* is judging supposedly hypocritical Christians, who are only believing too escape the torments of hell, and faking a good show of sanctimonious bullshit, for profit.
2. Boy will you be surprised.:eek:
3. I can hear you thinking, when its your time to face the judgment of Jesus, you will be saying in your defense,"I'm an atheist, Jesus, and I never believed in God, till now, seeing I'm before you now, but can you just give me a break, I knew you were going to judge those fake Christians who went to Church in their fine cloths every Sunday, just so to look good for the other fake Christians there, and I never did that to you, in-fact I never even showed up, keeping myself clean from all things Christian, so we can be buds am I right? I was never a fake, hell I didn't even go to church one time after I was twelve years old, when I caused all that trouble that time with my parents, so we're cool right, wassup man!":lol:
4. Yeah you really got a handle on this man, go with it.:clap2:


I've already explained to you why Jesus would prefer to hang out with atheists than a bunch of lame assed, judgmental Christians.

Do you really think Jesus wants to read your stupid lists?

He will send you packing

1. Oh so now, you being an atheist, have some newly acquired gift from God giving you some authority to speak for God, in claiming I'm for sure going to hell?:confused:
2. Just wondering, is that *new found* or have you always had this ability?:eek:
3. As far as God having a problem with lists,...humm,...I don't think I have an issue here, he made the first list, maybe you heard of it, its called, *The Ten Commandments*.
4. So in fact God and I agree on lots of stuff, even how we write our words.
5. Perhaps you are wrong again ol chap.:lol:


I am as knowledgeable about the true nature of God as you are

God is basicaly bored with devout Christians...

Damn.....Does anyone enjoy hanging around with devout Christians?

What would make you think God does? Atheists are much more fun to be around. Looks like when it comes time to get into Heaven, Atheists will get a free pass while pompous, judgemental Christians will be sent packing

Last edited:
Atheist arguing religion. That's a laugh.

Some of us know more about it than some so called christians.
I spent the first 16 years of my life heavially involved in religion.

And still have friends in the theological seminary in Wilmore whom I meet with and have lunch. We have some darned interesting conversations.

My fellow Christians may have a hard time with what i am abvout to say,but did Abraham need a religion ? how bout Noah did he need a religion ? How bout Moses ?

I believe mans religion gets in the way of a relationship between man and God.

God gave us his word and spirit to guide us why do we let religion get in the way ?
Atheist arguing religion. That's a laugh.

Some of us know more about it than some so called christians.
I spent the first 16 years of my life heavially involved in religion.

And still have friends in the theological seminary in Wilmore whom I meet with and have lunch. We have some darned interesting conversations.

My fellow Christians may have a hard time with what i am abvout to say,but did Abraham need a religion ? how bout Noah did he need a religion ? How bout Moses ?

I believe mans religion gets in the way of a relationship between man and God.

God gave us his word and spirit to guide us why do we let religion get in the way ?

Abraham and his children were commanded to be circumcised as a "sign of covenant" between them and God (Gen. 17:10-11).

At Sinai, Moses sprinkled the blood of animals on the altar and upon the people who entered into covenant with God (Exo. 24:3-8).

Centuries before the time of Abraham, God made a covenant with Noah, assuring Noah that He would never again destroy the world by flood (Gen. 9).

They were not religious in the sense we view religion today. But each had a personal relationship with God.
Some of us know more about it than some so called christians.
I spent the first 16 years of my life heavially involved in religion.

And still have friends in the theological seminary in Wilmore whom I meet with and have lunch. We have some darned interesting conversations.

My fellow Christians may have a hard time with what i am abvout to say,but did Abraham need a religion ? how bout Noah did he need a religion ? How bout Moses ?

I believe mans religion gets in the way of a relationship between man and God.

God gave us his word and spirit to guide us why do we let religion get in the way ?

Abraham and his children were commanded to be circumcised as a "sign of covenant" between them and God (Gen. 17:10-11).

At Sinai, Moses sprinkled the blood of animals on the altar and upon the people who entered into covenant with God (Exo. 24:3-8).

Centuries before the time of Abraham, God made a covenant with Noah, assuring Noah that He would never again destroy the world by flood (Gen. 9).

They were not religious in the sense we view religion today. But each had a personal relationship with God.

Church doctrine becomes over bearing and that is why Gods people are divided.

We can get the same message as the men that had a great relationship with God if we just read his word do our best to obey and remain in prayer.

We can't earn our way to eternal life we are not worthy nor is any of mans religions worthy.

When i attend a place of worship, i do so where church doctrine is not the main focus.

God made it fairly simple just believe and be the best you can be, and love your fellow man.
Sorry bout that,

1. I can't imagine how dark and empty death must seem to an atheist?
2. Does anyone who is an atheist want to share their thoughts about this?
3. And can you explain why I would want what you believe in about death, and being dead?


Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah, it's dark and empty.
2. That's why you give so much respect to life..yours and everything alive around you.
3. That's why you live each and every day with as robustly as possible.
4. This ain't a dress rehearsal.

Sallow of the wolf's den.
Sorry bout that,

1. A religious zealot like the Westboro crowd are a shame to Christ.
2. They are over the top, and in so being, turn against Christ, and become Anti-Christ.
3. The sign they have gone to far is their protesting at American Soldiers Funerals, about homo's.
4. That kind of fervor, doesn't support their beliefs, they tend to turn into the thing they hate.
5. Despicable living.
6. How do you love the sinner and hate the sin on this?
7. It is rather difficult.


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