What is $400B jobs bill for if Obama speeds up EPA??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama yells stomps his feet "pass the bill" YET he ADMITS EPA,etc. has slowed the creation of jobs! If all it takes is to REDUCE RED TAPE when another $400B "Jobs bill"?

"Obama also said that he was instructing his staff to move forward on job-creating initiatives without congressional approval where possible.
The White House announced steps to speed environmental and other regulatory approvals for 14 public works projects across the country."

Obama pushes for jobs bill in Pittsburgh - Timesonline.com: Local News

Then what was the below??
Why is it 6 weeks later when Obama says the above?

For Immediate Release August 31, 2011
White House Announces Steps to Expedite High Impact Infrastructure Projects to Create Jobs

WASHINGTON – Today, President Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum directing departments and agencies to identify high impact, job-creating infrastructure projects that can be expedited through outstanding review and permitting processes. At the President’s direction, the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Housing and Urban Development, Interior and Transportation will each select up to three high priority infrastructure projects that will create a significant number of jobs, have already identified necessary funding, and where the significant steps remaining before construction – including permit decisions, reviews, and consultations – are within the control and jurisdiction of the federal government and can be completed within 18 months.

White House Announces Steps to Expedite High Impact Infrastructure Projects to Create Jobs | The White House
So it appears it doesn't bother any of you that Obama ADMITS that he doesn't need the $400B because by speeding up EPA et.al. more people can be employed?

It appears this statement by Obama has gone over everyone's head that Obama admits that by reducing EPA,et.al. job killing massive rules and regulations!
So it appears it doesn't bother any of you that Obama ADMITS that he doesn't need the $400B because by speeding up EPA et.al. more people can be employed?

It appears this statement by Obama has gone over everyone's head that Obama admits that by reducing EPA,et.al. job killing massive rules and regulations!

Nobody would argue that it can be a small burden to be a responsible business owner.

Heck, if we had no rules about anything then more wokers would get killed every day, more workers would be paid less than they're worth, more lakes and streams would die out due to pollution, children would be sent back into the factories and fewer minorities would get jobs.

If Obama relaxes some rules and expedites some approvals in the name of job creation during a bad recession who would argue with him? Hell, he said as much during his last speech to congress, right?
It is more then relaxing a few rules especially with the EPA/OSHA et.al.

And more importantly are you telling me the ONLY reason you follow rules is because someone enforces them?
Are you the kind of person that speeds in a 20mph school zone IF no cop around?
Where is your personal responsibility?

NO the hyper-regulation nanny state evidently is OK with you but what will you do when a cop on every corner can't be afforded? Wait we have that now!
And what we have is Occupy Wall Street ignorant people!
Have no idea that the attempt to regulate to death when personal responsibility is the MOST efficient method but evidently people like you have forgotten the Golden Rule
and cynically perverted the concept of doing unto others what you would have others do unto you! This is what the world and you need is to be more personally responsible and not depend on the nanny state to provide the difference between right and wrong!
It just seems so clear that Obama ADMITS the rules and regulations are holding back jobs! Why else would he "speed up " the processes?

Where is the MSM on this admission from Obama that simply getting the EPA,et.al. out of the way would create jobs therefore NOT needing the additional $400B!

It is that simple but why is that not being publicized by Obama critics?

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