What if Hollywood was obsessed with creating a clean air utopia than drowning themselves in excessive materialism?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
What if instead of mansions, yachts, and private jets the people of Hollywood in the 90s and 2000s were more interested in turning their smog covered city

into a utopia with electric cars and green public transport powered by solar, fusion, and nuclear power?

They were also inspired by the French to improve management of nuclear technology.


Why The French Like Nuclear Energy | Nuclear Reaction | FRONTLINE | PBS

What if instead of being obsessed with owning BMWs and Porsches they supported the funding of electric car development much earlier causing Tesla like cars to be as common in the late 2000s as they are in our timeline's 2023 America

What if they redirected the world's space program funding into asteroid mining?

And they were excited about funding fusion and 3d printed houses as well leading to those things being commonplace in 2030s American society.

America would also have to improve it's education system to make all of that happen.

That has been done before.
How Sputnik changed U.S. education

It seemed like 90s and 2000s American high school youth were more excited by materialism rather than being excited to build a better future like 60s kids were

Has materialism distracted people from building a better world?

Should the world have committed to this vision back in the 90s regardless of economic cost?

Perhaps Disney can use "EPCOT" to promote this vision.

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