What if an Atheist baker refused to create a religious cake?

Christian baker doesn't make gay cakes

But they do make wedding cakes, and that is what gays want.

I have no idea what a "gay cake" is.

As the kids would say, wedding cakes are fucking gay...
Does Burger King discriminate if they refuse Big Mac order?
No, little moron. BK doesn't make Big Macs now do they? They discriminate if they say no burger for you, Jew.

BK doesn't make Big Macs, therefore I should go to McD to get one and not force BK to make it for me.

Let me see if analogy works here...

Christian baker doesn't make gay cakes, so gays should go to get their cake in the shop that makes them and not force Christian baker to make it for them.
In your version McDonalds doesn't serve gays but BK does? Sorry, doesn't work, for society that is.

Have I said that? Nope. No mention of gays. Liar.

Here is what I asked: "Does Burger King discriminate if they refuse Big Mac order?"

So you changed my words to fit your agenda. Fucking liberal liar.
There are many such scenarios - which is why discrimination is hateful and wrong. Period.
I say let them! If its YOUR business YOU should have the right to deny service to ANYONE for ANY reason.
Well, you can say that but the law doesn't.
And therein lies the problem.
For you maybe. I'm perfectly fine with it. We don't have time for the No ******* Gas Station any longer.
Does Burger King discriminate if they refuse Big Mac order?
No, little moron. BK doesn't make Big Macs now do they? They discriminate if they say no burger for you, Jew.

BK doesn't make Big Macs, therefore I should go to McD to get one and not force BK to make it for me.

Let me see if analogy works here...

Christian baker doesn't make gay cakes, so gays should go to get their cake in the shop that makes them and not force Christian baker to make it for them.
In your version McDonalds doesn't serve gays but BK does? Sorry, doesn't work, for society that is.

Have I said that? Nope. No mention of gays. Liar.

Here is what I asked: "Does Burger King discriminate if they refuse Big Mac order?"

So you changed my words to fit your agenda. Fucking liberal liar.
No, you suggested that if the first cake shop (McDonalds) doesn't make cakes (burgers) for gays that they go down the street to another cake shop (Burger King) and get a cake (burger and fries) there instead.
There are many such scenarios - which is why discrimination is hateful and wrong. Period.
I say let them! If its YOUR business YOU should have the right to deny service to ANYONE for ANY reason.
Well, you can say that but the law doesn't.
And therein lies the problem.
For you maybe. I'm perfectly fine with it. We don't have time for the No ******* Gas Station any longer.
I know. You enjoy forcing your beliefs on others...I say live and let live. As anyone knows businesses that deny service to many different kind of folks are gonna go out of business before long.
Christian baker doesn't make gay cakes

But they do make wedding cakes, and that is what gays want.

I have no idea what a "gay cake" is.

You know exactly what I mean. Maybe I should have said "gay wedding cake" or "wedding cake with gay theme" or similar.

If they just wanted a wedding cake, they would order a wedding cake. But they didn't wanted wedding cake, they wanted gay wedding cake.
The law gives one group of people a special privilege of discrimination. Yes.

Aren't laws like that unconstitutional?

Maybe we should take better look at progressive tax, affirmative action, minority business laws etc, since they fit the description.
There are many such scenarios - which is why discrimination is hateful and wrong. Period.

Under the Indiana law,

you could not use your atheism as a justification for discriminating against someone. The Indiana law only allows one to use one's religious beliefs as a justification for discrimination.

That happens to be part of what makes this law so unfair and unacceptable.

Further, in practice, it will only be religions recognized by the state that will be allowed to discriminate - which directly contradict the purpose of the First Amendment.

Well it might even be worse the other way, which is to say that if a person claims that any belief is a religious belief, who's to say it isn't?

I'd argue it should be "even worse" (from your perspective) than that. No one should need a state approved excuse to discriminate.

It's just a shallow excuse to expand the power of an authoritarian government. Look how hard they have to search to find discrimination. Businesses overwhelmingly want customers, not to make political statements. In my business, we have Democratic politicians as regular customers, we have planned parenthood, we do business with a bunch of christian churches, a synagogue, a mosque, a Unitarian church. Also habitat for humanity. I don't give a shit what they do when I'm at work. Wow, they found A baker who didn't want to bake a gay cake. And for that we get ubiquitous government regulation. That is their true objective, there is clearly no data supporting anyone would have trouble buying what they want without government control over businesses.

As I keep pointing out, the Montgomery Bus system opposed forcing it's best customers to the back and government even in the deep south in the 50s had to pass laws forcing discrimination because businesses didn't' want to turn away paying customers

Most people don't rob banks but that's hardly a sane reason for getting rid of laws against robbing banks.
There are many such scenarios - which is why discrimination is hateful and wrong. Period.
I say let them! If its YOUR business YOU should have the right to deny service to ANYONE for ANY reason.
Well, you can say that but the law doesn't.
And therein lies the problem.
For you maybe. I'm perfectly fine with it. We don't have time for the No ******* Gas Station any longer.
I know. You enjoy forcing your beliefs on others...I say live and let live. As anyone knows businesses that deny service to many different kind of folks are gonna go out of business before long.
No one ever said enforcing equality wasn't going to step on a few toes. The guy forced to let blacks stay there sold his motel later on. So be it.
There are many such scenarios - which is why discrimination is hateful and wrong. Period.
I say let them! If its YOUR business YOU should have the right to deny service to ANYONE for ANY reason.
Well, you can say that but the law doesn't.
And therein lies the problem.
For you maybe. I'm perfectly fine with it. We don't have time for the No ******* Gas Station any longer.
I know. You enjoy forcing your beliefs on others...I say live and let live. As anyone knows businesses that deny service to many different kind of folks are gonna go out of business before long.

All laws are force. That's why they call it law enforcement.
Christian baker doesn't make gay cakes

But they do make wedding cakes, and that is what gays want.

I have no idea what a "gay cake" is.

You know exactly what I mean. Maybe I should have said "gay wedding cake" or "wedding cake with gay theme" or similar.

If they just wanted a wedding cake, they would order a wedding cake. But they didn't wanted wedding cake, they wanted gay wedding cake.
No, what they wanted was a Wedding Cake for a Gay Wedding. It's the Gay part that caused all the trouble, and shouldn't have.
do liberals and fake Indians ever grow up and stop being victims all their lives...

for crying out loud all over some stupid cake. You gave me shit about it, I'd bake it and shove it in your face. If they're going to sue me anyway might as well...lol

damn that's sounds like fun fun fun. I'm off to bake a cake


I would have baked the cake. But I guarantee you it would be the last time they bought a cake from me. :muahaha:
Does Burger King discriminate if they refuse Big Mac order?
No, little moron. BK doesn't make Big Macs now do they? They discriminate if they say no burger for you, Jew.

BK doesn't make Big Macs, therefore I should go to McD to get one and not force BK to make it for me.

Let me see if analogy works here...

Christian baker doesn't make gay cakes, so gays should go to get their cake in the shop that makes them and not force Christian baker to make it for them.
In your version McDonalds doesn't serve gays but BK does? Sorry, doesn't work, for society that is.

Have I said that? Nope. No mention of gays. Liar.

Here is what I asked: "Does Burger King discriminate if they refuse Big Mac order?"

So you changed my words to fit your agenda. Fucking liberal liar.
No, you suggested that if the first cake shop (McDonalds) doesn't make cakes (burgers) for gays that they go down the street to another cake shop (Burger King) and get a cake (burger and fries) there instead.

I did not suggested anything, moron. I asked a question:"Does Burger King discriminate if they refuse Big Mac order?"

They wont make one for me, since it's not on their menu.

So, if baker doesn't have gay wedding cake on the many, should baker be forced to make it?
Should an atheist baker be allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a religious person, event or group?

Absolutely 'yes'.

He should have the freedom to do business with whomever he likes.

It is in Society's Best Interests - as a matter of keeping the Peace - to insist on non-discrimination in a handful of key areas, such as race.

However, homosexuality is not such a key area... it only impacts 3% (-ish) of the population and is neither terribly important nor a threat to the Peace.

...and there's no evidence I've seen that gays are being turned away in any significant number from jobs and services.
Well DUH! We got two of them in the White House, after all.
No, little moron. BK doesn't make Big Macs now do they? They discriminate if they say no burger for you, Jew.

BK doesn't make Big Macs, therefore I should go to McD to get one and not force BK to make it for me.

Let me see if analogy works here...

Christian baker doesn't make gay cakes, so gays should go to get their cake in the shop that makes them and not force Christian baker to make it for them.
In your version McDonalds doesn't serve gays but BK does? Sorry, doesn't work, for society that is.

Have I said that? Nope. No mention of gays. Liar.

Here is what I asked: "Does Burger King discriminate if they refuse Big Mac order?"

So you changed my words to fit your agenda. Fucking liberal liar.
No, you suggested that if the first cake shop (McDonalds) doesn't make cakes (burgers) for gays that they go down the street to another cake shop (Burger King) and get a cake (burger and fries) there instead.

I did not suggested anything, moron. I asked a question:"Does Burger King discriminate if they refuse Big Mac order?"

They wont make one for me, since it's not on their menu.

So, if baker doesn't have gay wedding cake on the many, should baker be forced to make it?
There is no such thing as a gay wedding cake. You are trying say is it discrimination if I can't get a nice T-bone steak at the cake shop, which is idiotic.
Of course you do. You feel you're entitled to force a baker to bake you a cake whether he wants to or not.
If I want a cake, and he has a cake shop, yep.
So you DO feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
Only an idiot would make the jump you just did.
Only a mindless bigot would believe there was any jump at all.

You feel you're entitled to force a baker to bake you a cake whether he wants to or not
You feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs.
No, little moron. BK doesn't make Big Macs now do they? They discriminate if they say no burger for you, Jew.

BK doesn't make Big Macs, therefore I should go to McD to get one and not force BK to make it for me.

Let me see if analogy works here...

Christian baker doesn't make gay cakes, so gays should go to get their cake in the shop that makes them and not force Christian baker to make it for them.
In your version McDonalds doesn't serve gays but BK does? Sorry, doesn't work, for society that is.

Have I said that? Nope. No mention of gays. Liar.

Here is what I asked: "Does Burger King discriminate if they refuse Big Mac order?"

So you changed my words to fit your agenda. Fucking liberal liar.
No, you suggested that if the first cake shop (McDonalds) doesn't make cakes (burgers) for gays that they go down the street to another cake shop (Burger King) and get a cake (burger and fries) there instead.

I did not suggested anything, moron. I asked a question:"Does Burger King discriminate if they refuse Big Mac order?"

They wont make one for me, since it's not on their menu.

So, if baker doesn't have gay wedding cake on the many, should baker be forced to make it?

It is a simple fact of life that there are two sets of rules. One for liberals, and one for everyone else. And the liberals believe that they should decide who lives under which set of rules.

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