What Happens After Death?


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2008
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What do you think happens after you die? Personally, I really don't know. What do you think really happens?
Nothing. You know nothing , you cease to exist until Judgement Day when you will be brought back to be Judged. If you are not found to be evil then you shall live on a Paradise Earth with Jesus as King. No more sickness, disease or death.
Dust and clay returns to dust and clay. Spirit and soul return to stand before the creator.

Ecclesiastes - Chapter 12 Verse 7: Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
Your consciousness ceases to exist like a candle flame burning out and your body is either burned or decays after being buried (there are other alternatives like Disney on Ice). It's not a pleasant thought that death is so final and so complete but who said death has to be sugar coated to be made easier to swallow? It really sucks but our wants and hopes do not change reality.
Worm food.

Basically, yeah.

I'm thinking I'd like to be stuffed and posed on my front lawn behind the lawn mower. Wouldn't that freak out the neighbors??
Basically, yeah.

I'm thinking I'd like to be stuffed and posed on my front lawn behind the lawn mower. Wouldn't that freak out the neighbors??

The spousal unit wanted to be cremated, and shoved into the hilt of a broadsword of his design.
What do you think happens after you die? Personally, I really don't know. What do you think really happens?

The world goes on, a few people grieve and then they learn to live with my passing and go on.
Nothing. You know nothing , you cease to exist until Judgement Day when you will be brought back to be Judged. If you are not found to be evil then you shall live on a Paradise Earth with Jesus as King. No more sickness, disease or death.

Is this really what you believe?
In the amazing case of an 8 year old editec who drowned, what happened is I went to place that reminded me of a tacky slightly depressing bus station where a grandmother I bearly knew (and was secretly afraid of) who'd recently died came out of a doorway, to tell me that I wasn't supposed to be there and that I had to go back.

It was NOT remotely a pleasant experience, believe me.

Was I really dead?

Who the hell knows?
In the amazing case of an 8 year old editec who drowned, what happened is I went to place that reminded me of a tacky slightly depressing bus station where a grandmother I bearly knew (and was secretly afraid of) who'd recently died came out of a doorway, to tell me that I wasn't supposed to be there and that I had to go back.

It was NOT remotely a pleasant experience, believe me.

Was I really dead?

Who the hell knows?
so you prove you have a vivid and wild imagination? I already figured out as much by reading a few of your posts.

Was I really dead?

Who the hell knows?

I know. You were not dead if you define dead by the absence of life. Life signs measured by equipment are only as good as the equipment, so I am usually bored to tears by stories of having no brain waves or heart beat.

Look at what people say about HIV/AIDS. The latest tests say there is no measurable viral load per whatever the number is. What does that mean...that they have no virus? lol

You did not die. If you did I would not have had the experience of meeting you here and for that I would've been less of who am now.

thank you for having not died.

I guess it depends when after death. People assume that its all the same for all eternity. Im not so sure it is.

My guess is our life basically continues as it is now. We are are good and do whats right we continue to reap the rewards of that. If we sow evil and continue to do so we will continue to reap evil as we would in this life.

The only differences is that we will have no body for a while.

After that it's speculation. I know what the scriptures say but I know Im not wise enough to understand it all until God finds pleasure in revealing it to me. Which may anywhere from 5 mins from now till long after I do.
In the amazing case of an 8 year old editec who drowned, what happened is I went to place that reminded me of a tacky slightly depressing bus station where a grandmother I bearly knew (and was secretly afraid of) who'd recently died came out of a doorway, to tell me that I wasn't supposed to be there and that I had to go back.

It was NOT remotely a pleasant experience, believe me.

Was I really dead?

Who the hell knows?

These types of memories are very interesting to me. It gives me a glimmer of hope that something of us goes on after. No telling for sure but my mind is not closed on the subject. I answered what is the most likely answer with the information I now have.
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