What Happened to the USSR´s Prisoners when they were "Rescued" by Stalin in 1945?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Plenty of Stalins soldiers (spatially the colonial subjects) who were released by the Allies did not want to go back to the USSR, but they were made to go back all the same. I guess they knew what was waiting for them.

There is a movie, "Enemy At The Gates" in which there is a scene where Soviet sniper Koulikov (Ron Perlman) explains how he lost all of his teeth. He says he was sent by Stalin to Germany for some reason and that when he returned, they tortured him and beat him and knocked out his teeth because "everybody who had contact with the Germans were suspected as spies", I'm paraphrasing here. It didn't matter that Koulikov went to Germany on Stalin's orders. Simple contact with Germans was enough to make a person a suspected spy. The same held true with POWs returning from German captivity. They had been "corrupted by contact".

If you were a Soviet prisoner of the Germans you likely died of starvation. If you were lucky enough to survive and be repatriated back to the Soviet Union, you were either executed or sent to the Gulag, as Stalin's paranoia would not allow them to be free men.
Plenty of Stalins soldiers (spatially the colonial subjects) who were released by the Allies did not want to go back to the USSR, but they were made to go back all the same. I guess they knew what was waiting for them.

There is a movie, "Enemy At The Gates" in which there is a scene where Soviet sniper Koulikov (Ron Perlman) explains how he lost all of his teeth. He says he was sent by Stalin to Germany for some reason and that when he returned, they tortured him and beat him and knocked out his teeth because "everybody who had contact with the Germans were suspected as spies", I'm paraphrasing here. It didn't matter that Koulikov went to Germany on Stalin's orders. Simple contact with Germans was enough to make a person a suspected spy. The same held true with POWs returning from German captivity. They had been "corrupted by contact".

The same thing that happened to the Soviet POW's who were repatriated after the Winter War. They were sent to die in Siberia.
The same thing that happened to the Soviet POW's who were repatriated after the Winter War. They were sent to die in Siberia.
yes , and the Finns told them this , and kept the doors open, some escaped but the majority didn´t ...
If you were a Soviet prisoner of the Germans you likely died of starvation.
not really, Belarusians - Ukrainians- Balts - Georgians, etc. allowed to go home , except the commissars of cos . My grandmother´s brother was not of them.
The same thing that happened to the Soviet POW's who were repatriated after the Winter War. They were sent to die in Siberia.
1) many koba´s GULAG camps (uranium mines ) were worst than Nazi death camps
2) 1945 was time when the BITCH WAR STARTED = pure hell for the political prisoners

Plenty of Stalins soldiers (spatially the colonial subjects) who were released by the Allies did not want to go back to the USSR, but they were made to go back all the same. I guess they knew what was waiting for them.

There is a movie, "Enemy At The Gates" in which there is a scene where Soviet sniper Koulikov (Ron Perlman) explains how he lost all of his teeth. He says he was sent by Stalin to Germany for some reason and that when he returned, they tortured him and beat him and knocked out his teeth because "everybody who had contact with the Germans were suspected as spies", I'm paraphrasing here. It didn't matter that Koulikov went to Germany on Stalin's orders. Simple contact with Germans was enough to make a person a suspected spy. The same held true with POWs returning from German captivity. They had been "corrupted by contact".

Most of them shot out of hand, others were sent to Siberia. Very few of them ever saw their family again. Look at how long it took for the former Soviet Union to return their German P.O.W.'s.
Titty Winkle deflecting desperately as his Nazi brothers take a terrible beating . Most useless counter offensive in modern history , Titty ? Was it 70 000 dead in the Bakhmut Meat Grinder ?
Most of them shot out of hand, others were sent to Siberia. Very few of them ever saw their family again. Look at how long it took for the former Soviet Union to return their German P.O.W.'s.
USSR's prisoners "rescued" by Stalin. How did that oxymoron happen? FDR was a dying man but his handlers knew Stalin was a thug and his rabble were blood thirsty looters and pillagers and yet Ike's army was held back from liberating Berlin while Stalin's hoard looted and raped their way through the city. WTF happened?
The same thing that happened to the Soviet POW's who were repatriated after the Winter War. They were sent to die in Siberia.
:thankusmile: yeah and if litwin would stop living in the past putting putin in the same breath as stalin she would actually have some credibility around here and be taken seriously on her post over stalins crimes but because of her ignorance lumping putin in there as this generations stalin ignoring the fact It is nato that is corrupt trying to take out Russia because they are off the dollar and ignoring thst is why the media villifys him as this generations hitler,because she toots the horn of those lies of the msm media,everybody here laughs at her all the time because of that,she mixes facts with half truths so she has no credibility.
nato that is corrupt trying to take out Russia


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