What Happened to Hillary?

Hillary Clinton has never been that great a campaigner. She has gotten by because A) She is a woman B) She is the wife of Bill Clinton (an excellent campaigner).

In regards to her comments about being "dead broke", Hillary Clinton has always had a chip own her shoulder about not being as wealthy as others in her circle.

While she was First Lady of Arkansas she worked for the (in)famous Rose Law Firm. Hillary was known for complaining that the other firm partners had swimming pools while her and Bill did not.
Technically she's an obese blob whether in dress or, more than likely, a pants suit attempting to shield her broad fat ass and huge meaty thighs. Pound for pound one of the worst female pols of all time.
The Democrats will draft Elizabeth (I'm an Indian) Warren to run. Her 1/16th Indian blood will get 1/16th of the Indian vote. Watch for her to find some Jewish blood and a little dab of African blood in her ancestry. When she get's through finding little dabs of OTW blood in her ancestry she'll have to explain why she's so white complected, oh wait, I get it, the whiteness is just a throwback, kinda like a freak of nature.
The Democrats will draft Elizabeth (I'm an Indian) Warren to run. Her 1/16th Indian blood will get 1/16th of the Indian vote. Watch for her to find some Jewish blood and a little dab of African blood in her ancestry. When she get's through finding little dabs of OTW blood in her ancestry she'll have to explain why she's so white complected, oh wait, I get it, the whiteness is just a throwback, kinda like a freak of nature.

She's the PERFECT Democrat candidate: She's a power hunger pathological liar and a True Believer in Redistribution
People when they talk about the Republicans being divided because Tea Partyists and others want a "true conservative" don't notice that the Democrats have been hungry for a "true liberal" for awhile as well.

They are tired of "pragmatists" who can win elections but end up changing little when in office.

President Obama was their great hope, but his horrendously incompetent performance has left them with sour tastes in their mouths.
Technically she's an obese blob whether in dress or, more than likely, a pants suit attempting to shield her broad fat ass and huge meaty thighs. Pound for pound one of the worst female pols of all time.

The Democrats will draft Elizabeth (I'm an Indian) Warren to run. Her 1/16th Indian blood will get 1/16th of the Indian vote. Watch for her to find some Jewish blood and a little dab of African blood in her ancestry. When she get's through finding little dabs of OTW blood in her ancestry she'll have to explain why she's so white complected, oh wait, I get it, the whiteness is just a throwback, kinda like a freak of nature.

She will campaign as an albino African-American.
People when they talk about the Republicans being divided because Tea Partyists and others want a "true conservative" don't notice that the Democrats have been hungry for a "true liberal" for awhile as well.

They are tired of "pragmatists" who can win elections but end up changing little when in office.

President Obama was their great hope, but his horrendously incompetent performance has left them with sour tastes in their mouths.

But Obama's not incompetent. Don't you remember what situation the economy was in when bush left office? Actually the picture looked pretty bad for the whole world thanks to your clown act of bush/cheney. Same thing happened during the republican great depression before FDR fixed what your party screwed up. And then of course, 9-11 with no protection from our military. Then the Iraq fiasco and no WMD's. This is what will be in the history books. Leave running the country up to the democrats who are the adults in the room.
People when they talk about the Republicans being divided because Tea Partyists and others want a "true conservative" don't notice that the Democrats have been hungry for a "true liberal" for awhile as well.

They are tired of "pragmatists" who can win elections but end up changing little when in office.

President Obama was their great hope, but his horrendously incompetent performance has left them with sour tastes in their mouths.

But Obama's not incompetent. Don't you remember what situation the economy was in when bush left office? Actually the picture looked pretty bad for the whole world thanks to your clown act of bush/cheney. Same thing happened during the republican great depression before FDR fixed what your party screwed up. And then of course, 9-11 with no protection from our military. Then the Iraq fiasco and no WMD's. This is what will be in the history books. Leave running the country up to the democrats who are the adults in the room.
The adults in the room are running away from the Obamination in the White House. History will not be kind to the liar Barry.
Bill Clinton, due to his childhood but then his outstanding education was a strange mixture of populist and elitist. While he might have elitist leanings and love to rub elbows with the upper class, he never got fully away from being the smart, working class kid from southwest Arkansas.

Hillary on the other hand has been an elitist from the beginning. She brings that elitist disdain for the "commoners" who in her thinking holds down people like her.
Bill Clinton, due to his childhood but then his outstanding education was a strange mixture of populist and elitist. While he might have elitist leanings and love to rub elbows with the upper class, he never got fully away from being the smart, working class kid from southwest Arkansas.

Hillary on the other hand has been an elitist from the beginning. She brings that elitist disdain for the "commoners" who in her thinking holds down people like her.

Do you actually believe what you write?

Do you know Hillary Clinton personally?

Have you met her? Talked with her?
This thread is hilarious.

This thread is really fun to read!!!

Carry on, carry on. I am bookmarking this thread and will be reminding you guys when Hillary locks up the nomination and then again when she wins the GE with 57% of the NPV.


Remember how all these cons were shitting themselves when Romney got waxed? Just wait until Hillary wins in 2016.
People when they talk about the Republicans being divided because Tea Partyists and others want a "true conservative" don't notice that the Democrats have been hungry for a "true liberal" for awhile as well.

They are tired of "pragmatists" who can win elections but end up changing little when in office.

President Obama was their great hope, but his horrendously incompetent performance has left them with sour tastes in their mouths.

But Obama's not incompetent. Don't you remember what situation the economy was in when bush left office? Actually the picture looked pretty bad for the whole world thanks to your clown act of bush/cheney. Same thing happened during the republican great depression before FDR fixed what your party screwed up. And then of course, 9-11 with no protection from our military. Then the Iraq fiasco and no WMD's. This is what will be in the history books. Leave running the country up to the democrats who are the adults in the room.
The adults in the room are running away from the Obamination in the White House. History will not be kind to the liar Barry.

The adults in the room crashed the economy in 2008 and in 1929. Democrats made things better. History will look at the big picture, not the infighting. Barry the liar? Show one president that doesn't lie. All politicians should be forced to take periodic lie detector tests, but they'd have to vote it in, which they never would.
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