What does the GOP Stand For, and do you feel they put our citizens first?

Do you believe the Republican Party puts their party before you and your family?

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Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
Yesterday the Governor of Wisconsin's E.O. to postpone the State's Primary Election was overruled by a petition submitted by the State Legislature's majority, the Republican Party to block the E.O. in the State Supreme Court. This court, packed by conservatives by Walker, voted to allow the primary to go forward, putting the voters of Wisconsin at Risk.

The Governor Appealed this callous decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to the US Supreme Court, and they too - with a 5-4 vote - voted to put Wisconsin voters at risk.

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The GOP knows when a majority of voters go to the polls, that they generally lose every time. The cannot win by hate and fear; lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and unfounded character assassinations; wedge issue and demagouery.

Yesterday these scumbags in the Wisconsin Legislature, the State Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court put Wisconsin voters at risk, their children, parents and grandparents to by putting politics and their political future before the people.
the Republican Party to block the E.O. in the State Supreme Court.

On what legal grounds?

This court, packed by conservatives by Walker, voted to allow the primary to go forward putting the voters of Wisconsin at Risk.

The Governor Appealed this callous decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to the US Supreme Court, and they too - with a 5-4 vote - voted to put Wisconsin voters at risk.,

Same question. What legal grounds was their ruling based on?
Yesterday the Governor of Wisconsin's E.O. to postpone the State's Primary Election was overruled by a petition submitted by the State Legislature's majority, the Republican Party to block the E.O. in the State Supreme Court. This court, packed by conservatives by Walker, voted to allow the primary to go forward, putting the voters of Wisconsin at Risk.

The Governor Appealed this callous decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to the US Supreme Court, and they too - with a 5-4 vote - voted to put Wisconsin voters at risk.

Emotions such as panic and fear are running very high right now. That's understandable. We're all stressed out beyond the common everyday problems in our lives. But, to answer your question, from a personal perspective, the GOP—much like the democratic party—is a political organization. On their faces, such organizations do not "feel" anything for any one individual. They are collective entities dedicated to the election or re-election of respective party candidates. Being as you are one of the more intelligent democrat posters on this site—one of the few I've yet to block/ignore—I am fairly certain you already understand this and your OP is more an emotional response than an academic one.

It is perhaps the toughest of calls made in US history: let freedom ring or suspend liberty and freedom for the cause. Look, yesterday I ran out for odds and ends at the grocery store and to hike in a local park. The day was beautiful; sunny, clear, warm . . . a perfect spring day. I live right by I-95. Rush hour was identical to rush hour on an normal day. People were out in droves in shorts and t-shirts and without PPE of any kind. I quickly became furious, enraged because there I was in my anorak, tactical gloves, scarf and N95. People were looking at me in the grocery store like I was some kind of space man or Martian. They were going about their day as if the "apocalypse" had already ended and life had returned to normal.

Bottom line? Every last American needs to pull together, pool their resources, cease with the partisan bullshit (of which we're all guilty) and survive and beat this thing. Stay safe out there.
Yesterday the Governor of Wisconsin's E.O. to postpone the State's Primary Election was overruled by a petition submitted by the State Legislature's majority, the Republican Party to block the E.O. in the State Supreme Court. This court, packed by conservatives by Walker, voted to allow the primary to go forward, putting the voters of Wisconsin at Risk.

The Governor Appealed this callous decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to the US Supreme Court, and they too - with a 5-4 vote - voted to put Wisconsin voters at risk.
The Party that puts their interests ahead of American citizens is the Democratic Party. They have proven that consistently over the last few years.
the Republican Party to block the E.O. in the State Supreme Court.

On what legal grounds?

This court, packed by conservatives by Walker, voted to allow the primary to go forward putting the voters of Wisconsin at Risk.

The Governor Appealed this callous decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to the US Supreme Court, and they too - with a 5-4 vote - voted to put Wisconsin voters at risk.,

Same question. What legal grounds was their ruling based on?

Don't know, I'll look it up.

Quick look found this: Wisconsin election back on for Tuesday after state Supreme Court overrules governor’s order to postpone it

In the span of four hours Monday, the whiplash saga of Wisconsin’s election swung from one extreme to the other, with a Democratic governor postponing Tuesday’s voting only to have the state’s conservative Supreme Court majority overrule him.
To add to the drama, the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruled 5-4 Monday evening to overturn a lower court decision made last week to give Wisconsin voters more time to receive and send mail-in absentee ballots in the chaotic election. Under the ruling, ballots must be postmarked by Tuesday or dropped off in person by 8 p.m., despite the fact that election officials across the state were still mailing out thousands of the unprecedented 1.2 million ballots requested

[This doesn't answer your specific question which is important, since I'm sure trump&co. don't want to allow absentee ballots or mail in votes, and will do anything, ANYTHING!!!, to avoid trump's loss in November.]

The result of it all: Thousands of voters will venture out to a dramatically reduced number of election sites Tuesday amid a statewide poll worker shortage and a coronavirus pandemic that had health officials warning that casting ballots in person could lead to more illness and death across Wisconsin. Plus, voters who requested the mail-in ballots but haven’t received them will face a stark choice: Go to the polls amid a statewide stay-at-home-order or don’t vote at all.
The court rulings, both falling along partisan lines, laid bare Wisconsin’s often toxic political divide, with Democrats arguing Republicans were willfully putting people’s lives at risk and the GOP contending the governor had made an unconstitutional overreach and cast aside the rights of voters.
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Yesterday the Governor of Wisconsin's E.O. to postpone the State's Primary Election was overruled by a petition submitted by the State Legislature's majority, the Republican Party to block the E.O. in the State Supreme Court. This court, packed by conservatives by Walker, voted to allow the primary to go forward, putting the voters of Wisconsin at Risk.

The Governor Appealed this callous decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to the US Supreme Court, and they too - with a 5-4 vote - voted to put Wisconsin voters at risk.

You party killed almost 700,000 black babies last year, thousands of blacks were shot, killed stabbed in towns run by democrats, why are you questioning republicans?
Don't know, I'll look it up.

Don't you think you should have done that already before you decided to indict them?

I would make an educated guess that the governor doesn't have the unilateral authority to simply change an election date via EO, which is why two courts ruled against him
Yesterday the Governor of Wisconsin's E.O. to postpone the State's Primary Election was overruled by a petition submitted by the State Legislature's majority, the Republican Party to block the E.O. in the State Supreme Court. This court, packed by conservatives by Walker, voted to allow the primary to go forward, putting the voters of Wisconsin at Risk.

The Governor Appealed this callous decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to the US Supreme Court, and they too - with a 5-4 vote - voted to put Wisconsin voters at risk.

And then Bernie waits until the day AFTER the primary to drop out.

What a twat.
Yesterday the Governor of Wisconsin's E.O. to postpone the State's Primary Election was overruled by a petition submitted by the State Legislature's majority, the Republican Party to block the E.O. in the State Supreme Court. This court, packed by conservatives by Walker, voted to allow the primary to go forward, putting the voters of Wisconsin at Risk.

The Governor Appealed this callous decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to the US Supreme Court, and they too - with a 5-4 vote - voted to put Wisconsin voters at risk.

Emotions such as panic and fear are running very high right now. That's understandable. We're all stressed out beyond the common everyday problems in our lives. But, to answer your question, from a personal perspective, the GOP—much like the democratic party—is a political organization. On their faces, such organizations do not "feel" anything for any one individual. They are collective entities dedicated to the election or re-election of respective party candidates. Being as you are one of the more intelligent democrat posters on this site—one of the few I've yet to block/ignore—I am fairly certain you already understand this and your OP is more an emotional response than an academic one.

It is perhaps the toughest of calls made in US history: let freedom ring or suspend liberty and freedom for the cause. Look, yesterday I ran out for odds and ends at the grocery store and to hike in a local park. The day was beautiful; sunny, clear, warm . . . a perfect spring day. I live right by I-95. Rush hour was identical to rush hour on an normal day. People were out in droves in shorts and t-shirts and without PPE of any kind. I quickly became furious, enraged because there I was in my anorak, tactical gloves, scarf and N95. People were looking at me in the grocery store like I was some kind of space man or Martian. They were going about their day as if the "apocalypse" had already ended and life had returned to normal.

Bottom line? Every last American needs to pull together, pool their resources, cease with the partisan bullshit (of which we're all guilty) and survive and beat this thing. Stay safe out there.

Your common sense argument makes no bones with me, but I do take displeasure in this comment:

"I am fairly certain you already understand this and your OP is more an emotional response than an academic one". As you stated, emotions are running high as 24-7 the news on radio and TV is giving statistics of the dead and ill, and the warnings about that curve. Two points:
1. This morning my wife and I went to the grocery store which opened early for us older folks. We both wore gloves and masks made by my wife, and we used disinfectant wipes on all of the products we purchased. Also, our two sons are essential workers, the youngest a manager at Safeway, the oldest a driver for UPS, the latter is now staying in our home with a cough but no fever; he has has the cough for four days now and has a video appointment with his doctor in about 1/2 from how. So, yes it is both personal for us and we have empathy for all those cheese heads who waited in lines to vote yesterday (BTW, my wife was a cheese head and move to CA after graduating from UW Madison)​
2. Here in CA (we live in the East Bay) everyone is following the governors stay at home mandate, and our freeways are no longer in gridlock, even at 6pm on work days traffic on 680 N & S between San Jose and Martinez moves along at the speed limit (and faster).​
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Don't know, I'll look it up.

Don't you think you should have done that already before you decided to indict them?

I would make an educated guess that the governor doesn't have the unilateral authority to simply change an election date via EO, which is why two courts ruled against him

The issue is the E. O. It seemed to me to be a given that the executive has a duty to protect his or her constituency, and given trump propensity to legislate by fiat, I assumed (and yes I know what assumed means) that no one, political party or otherwise, would object to what should not be a political decision. Mea culpa, I guess I forgot how amoral some callous people can be.
I'd like the two who voted "yes" that the Republican Party puts them and their family before the party to explain what bills have been passed by the Republican Party in their state or in The Congress.
Yesterday the Governor of Wisconsin's E.O. to postpone the State's Primary Election was overruled by a petition submitted by the State Legislature's majority, the Republican Party to block the E.O. in the State Supreme Court. This court, packed by conservatives by Walker, voted to allow the primary to go forward, putting the voters of Wisconsin at Risk.

The Governor Appealed this callous decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to the US Supreme Court, and they too - with a 5-4 vote - voted to put Wisconsin voters at risk.
What does the GOP Stand For, and do you feel they put our citizens first?

Dems, GOPers, it’s so cute when the easily fooled think there is a significant difference in their goals or methods.

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